alias button num alias delta wheel_delta alias root rootwin_id alias rootx x_root alias root_x x_root alias rooty y_root alias root_y y_root alias sendevent send_event
the subst-key string will be converted to a bytecode (128+idx).
# File tk/lib/tk/event.rb, line 122 def self.group_flag(id) TYPE_GROUP_TBL[id] || 0 end
# File tk/lib/tk/event.rb, line 253 def generate(win, modkeys={}) klass = self.class if modkeys.has_key?(:type) || modkeys.has_key?('type') modkeys = TkComm._symbolkey2str(modkeys) type_id = modkeys.delete('type') else type_id = self.type end type_name = klass.type_name(type_id) unless type_name fail RuntimeError, "type_id #{type_id} is invalid" end group_flag = klass.group_flag(type_id) opts = valid_for_generate(group_flag) modkeys.each{|key, val| if val opts[key.to_s] = val else opts.delete(key.to_s) end } if group_flag != Grp::KEY Tk.event_generate(win, type_name, opts) else # If type is KEY event, focus should be set to target widget. # If not set, original widget will get the same event. # That will make infinite loop. w = Tk.tk_call_without_enc('focus') begin Tk.tk_call_without_enc('focus', win) Tk.event_generate(win, type_name, opts) ensure Tk.tk_call_without_enc('focus', w) end end end
# File tk/lib/tk/event.rb, line 218 def valid_fields(group_flag=nil) group_flag = self.class.group_flag(self.type) unless group_flag fields = {} FIELD_FLAG.each{|key, flag| next if (flag & group_flag) == 0 begin val = self.__send__(key) rescue next end # next if !val || val == '??' next if !val || (val == '??' && (flag & Grp::STRING_DATA)) fields[key] = val } fields end
# File tk/lib/tk/event.rb, line 237 def valid_for_generate(group_flag=nil) fields = valid_fields(group_flag) FIELD_OPERATION.each{|key, cmd| next unless fields.has_key?(key) val = FIELD_OPERATION[key].call(fields[key]) if val fields[key] = val else fields.delete(key) end } fields end
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