# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 16 def Wm.aspect(win, *args) if args.length == 0 list(tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'aspect', win.epath)) else args = args[0] if args.length == 1 && args[0].kind_of?(Array) tk_call('wm', 'aspect', win.epath, *args) win end end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 31 def Wm.attributes(win, slot=nil,value=TkComm::None) if slot == nil lst = tk_split_list(tk_call('wm', 'attributes', win.epath)) info = {} while key = lst.shift info[key[1..-1]] = lst.shift end info elsif slot.kind_of? Hash tk_call('wm', 'attributes', win.epath, *hash_kv(slot)) win elsif value == TkComm::None tk_call('wm', 'attributes', win.epath, "-#{slot}") else tk_call('wm', 'attributes', win.epath, "-#{slot}", value) win end end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 55 def Wm.client(win, name=TkComm::None) if name == TkComm::None tk_call('wm', 'client', win.epath) else name = '' if name == nil tk_call('wm', 'client', win.epath, name) win end end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 70 def Wm.colormapwindows(win, *args) if args.size == 0 list(tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'colormapwindows', win.epath)) else args = args[0] if args.length == 1 && args[0].kind_of?(Array) tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'colormapwindows', win.epath, *args) win end end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 85 def Wm.command(win, value=nil) if value tk_call('wm', 'command', win.epath, value) win else #procedure(tk_call('wm', 'command', win.epath)) tk_call('wm', 'command', win.epath) end end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 99 def Wm.deiconify(win, ex = true) if ex tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'deiconify', win.epath) else Wm.iconify(win) end win end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 112 def Wm.focusmodel(win, mode = nil) if mode tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'focusmodel', win.epath, mode) win else tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'focusmodel', win.epath) end end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 126 def Wm.forget(win) # Tcl/Tk 8.5+ # work with dockable frames tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'forget', win.epath) win end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 136 def Wm.frame(win) tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'frame', win.epath) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 144 def Wm.geometry(win, geom=nil) if geom tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'geometry', win.epath, geom) win else tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'geometry', win.epath) end end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 158 def Wm.grid(win, *args) if args.size == 0 list(tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'grid', win.epath)) else args = args[0] if args.length == 1 && args[0].kind_of?(Array) tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'grid', win.epath, *args) win end end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 172 def Wm.group(win, leader = nil) if leader tk_call('wm', 'group', win.epath, leader) win else window(tk_call('wm', 'group', win.epath)) end end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 186 def Wm.iconbitmap(win, bmp=nil) if bmp tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'iconbitmap', win.epath, bmp) win else image_obj(tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'iconbitmap', win.epath)) end end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 229 def Wm.iconify(win, ex = true) if ex tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'iconify', win.epath) else Wm.deiconify(win) end win end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 242 def Wm.iconmask(win, bmp=nil) if bmp tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'iconmask', win.epath, bmp) win else image_obj(tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'iconmask', win.epath)) end end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 256 def Wm.iconname(win, name=nil) if name tk_call('wm', 'iconname', win.epath, name) win else tk_call('wm', 'iconname', win.epath) end end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 200 def Wm.iconphoto(win, *imgs) if imgs.empty? win.instance_eval{ @wm_iconphoto = nil unless defined? @wm_iconphoto return @wm_iconphoto } end imgs = imgs[0] if imgs.length == 1 && imgs[0].kind_of?(Array) tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'iconphoto', win.epath, *imgs) win.instance_eval{ @wm_iconphoto = imgs } win end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 219 def Wm.iconphoto_default(win, *imgs) imgs = imgs[0] if imgs.length == 1 && imgs[0].kind_of?(Array) tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'iconphoto', win.epath, '-default', *imgs) win end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 270 def Wm.iconposition(win, *args) if args.size == 0 list(tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'iconposition', win.epath)) else args = args[0] if args.length == 1 && args[0].kind_of?(Array) tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'iconposition', win.epath, *args) win end end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 285 def Wm.iconwindow(win, iconwin = nil) if iconwin tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'iconwindow', win.epath, iconwin) win else w = tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'iconwindow', win.epath) (w == '')? nil: window(w) end end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 300 def Wm.manage(win) # Tcl/Tk 8.5+ feature tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'manage', win.epath) win end
def ::manage(win, use_id = nil)
# Tcl/Tk 8.5+ feature # -------------------------------------------------------------- # In the future release, I want to support to embed the 'win' # into the container which has window-id 'use-id'. # It may give users flexibility on controlling their GUI. # However, it may be difficult for current Tcl/Tk (Tcl/Tk8.5.1), # because it seems to require to modify Tcl/Tk's source code. # -------------------------------------------------------------- if use_id tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'manage', win.epath, '-use', use_id) else tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'manage', win.epath) end win
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 327 def Wm.maxsize(win, *args) if args.size == 0 list(tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'maxsize', win.epath)) else args = args[0] if args.length == 1 && args[0].kind_of?(Array) tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'maxsize', win.epath, *args) win end end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 342 def Wm.minsize(win, *args) if args.size == 0 list(tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'minsize', win.epath)) else args = args[0] if args.length == 1 && args[0].kind_of?(Array) tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'minsize', win.path, *args) win end end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 357 def Wm.overrideredirect(win, mode=TkComm::None) if mode == TkComm::None bool(tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'overrideredirect', win.epath)) else tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'overrideredirect', win.epath, mode) win end end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 371 def Wm.positionfrom(win, who=TkComm::None) if who == TkComm::None r = tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'positionfrom', win.epath) (r == "")? nil: r else tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'positionfrom', win.epath, who) win end end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 386 def Wm.protocol(win, name=nil, cmd=nil, &b) if cmd tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'protocol', win.epath, name, cmd) win elsif b tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'protocol', win.epath, name, proc(&b)) win elsif name result = tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'protocol', win.epath, name) (result == "")? nil : tk_tcl2ruby(result) else tk_split_simplelist(tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'protocol', win.epath)) end end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 405 def Wm.protocols(win, kv=nil) unless kv ret = {} Wm.protocol(win).each{|name| ret[name] = Wm.protocol(win, name) } return ret end unless kv.kind_of?(Hash) fail ArgumentError, 'expect a hash of protocol=>command' end kv.each{|k, v| Wm.protocol(win, k, v)} win end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 426 def Wm.resizable(win, *args) if args.length == 0 list(tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'resizable', win.epath)).map!{|e| bool(e)} else args = args[0] if args.length == 1 && args[0].kind_of?(Array) tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'resizable', win.epath, *args) win end end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 441 def Wm.sizefrom(win, who=TkComm::None) if who == TkComm::None r = tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'sizefrom', win.epath) (r == "")? nil: r else tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'sizefrom', win.epath, who) win end end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 456 def Wm.stackorder(win) list(tk_call('wm', 'stackorder', win.epath)) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 467 def Wm.stackorder_is_above(win, target) Wm.stackorder_isabove(win, target) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 480 def Wm.stackorder_is_below(win, target) Wm.stackorder_isbelow(win, target) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 464 def Wm.stackorder_isabove(win, target) bool(tk_call('wm', 'stackorder', win.epath, 'isabove', target)) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 477 def Wm.stackorder_isbelow(win, target) bool(tk_call('wm', 'stackorder', win.epath, 'isbelow', target)) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 490 def Wm.state(win, st=nil) if st tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'state', win.epath, st) win else tk_call_without_enc('wm', 'state', win.epath) end end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 504 def Wm.title(win, str=nil) if str tk_call('wm', 'title', win.epath, str) win else tk_call('wm', 'title', win.epath) end end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 25 def aspect(*args) Wm.aspect(self, *args) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 49 def attributes(slot=nil,value=TkComm::None) Wm.attributes(self, slot, value) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 64 def client(name=TkComm::None) Wm.client(self, name) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 79 def colormapwindows(*args) Wm.colormapwindows(self, *args) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 107 def deiconify(ex = true) Wm.deiconify(self, ex) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 120 def focusmodel(mode = nil) Wm.focusmodel(self, mode) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 139 def frame Wm.frame(self) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 152 def geometry(geom=nil) Wm.geometry(self, geom) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 180 def group(leader = nil) Wm.group(self, leader) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 194 def iconbitmap(bmp=nil) Wm.iconbitmap(self, bmp) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 237 def iconify(ex = true) Wm.iconify(self, ex) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 250 def iconmask(bmp=nil) Wm.iconmask(self, bmp) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 264 def iconname(name=nil) Wm.iconname(self, name) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 213 def iconphoto(*imgs) Wm.iconphoto(self, *imgs) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 224 def iconphoto_default(*imgs) Wm.iconphoto_default(self, *imgs) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 279 def iconposition(*args) Wm.iconposition(self, *args) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 294 def iconwindow(iconwin = nil) Wm.iconwindow(self, iconwin) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 336 def maxsize(*args) Wm.maxsize(self, *args) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 351 def minsize(*args) Wm.minsize(self, *args) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 365 def overrideredirect(mode=TkComm::None) Wm.overrideredirect(self, mode) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 380 def positionfrom(who=TkComm::None) Wm.positionfrom(self, who) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 400 def protocol(name=nil, cmd=nil, &b) Wm.protocol(self, name, cmd, &b) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 420 def protocols(kv=nil) Wm.protocols(self, kv) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 435 def resizable(*args) Wm.resizable(self, *args) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 450 def sizefrom(who=TkComm::None) Wm.sizefrom(self, who) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 459 def stackorder Wm.stackorder(self) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 470 def stackorder_isabove(target) Wm.stackorder_isabove(self, target) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 483 def stackorder_isbelow(target) Wm.stackorder_isbelow(self, target) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 498 def state(st=nil) Wm.state(self, st) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 512 def title(str=nil) Wm.title(self, str) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 526 def transient(master=nil) Wm.transient(self, master) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 540 def withdraw(ex = true) Wm.withdraw(self, ex) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 94 def wm_command(value=nil) Wm.command(self, value) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 132 def wm_forget Wm.forget(self) end
# File tk/lib/tk/wm.rb, line 167 def wm_grid(*args) Wm.grid(self, *args) end
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