# File tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, line 135 def activate(y) tk_send_without_enc('activate', y) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, line 93 def bbox(index) list(tk_send_without_enc('bbox', index)) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, line 55 def clear tk_call(@path, 'clear') self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, line 139 def curselection list(tk_send_without_enc('curselection')) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, line 96 def delete(first, last=None) tk_send_without_enc('delete', first, last) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, line 100 def get(*index) _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('get', *index)) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, line 60 def get_curselection tk_call(@path, 'getcurselection') end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, line 173 def index(idx) tk_send_without_enc('index', idx).to_i end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, line 103 def insert(index, *args) tk_send('insert', index, *args) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, line 64 def justify(dir) tk_call(@path, 'justify', dir) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, line 45 def method_missing(id, *args) if @listbox.respond_to?(id) @listbox.__send__(id, *args) else super(id, *args) end end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, line 151 def nearest(y) tk_send_without_enc('nearest', y).to_i end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, line 111 def scan_dragto(x, y) tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'dragto', x, y) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, line 107 def scan_mark(x, y) tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'mark', x, y) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, line 115 def see(index) tk_send_without_enc('see', index) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, line 69 def selected_item_count number(tk_call(@path, 'selecteditemcount')) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, line 157 def selection_anchor(index) tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'anchor', index) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, line 161 def selection_clear(first, last=None) tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'clear', first, last) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, line 165 def selection_includes(index) bool(tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'includes', index)) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, line 168 def selection_set(first, last=None) tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'set', first, last) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, line 154 def size tk_send_without_enc('size').to_i end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, line 73 def sort(*params, &b) # see 'lsort' man page about params if b tk_call(@path, 'sort', '-command', proc(&b), *params) else tk_call(@path, 'sort', *params) end self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, line 82 def sort_ascending tk_call(@path, 'sort', 'ascending') self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, line 86 def sort_descending tk_call(@path, 'sort', 'descending') self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, line 179 def xview(*index) if index.size == 0 list(tk_send_without_enc('xview')) else tk_send_without_enc('xview', *index) self end end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, line 187 def xview_moveto(*index) xview('moveto', *index) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, line 190 def xview_scroll(*index) xview('scroll', *index) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, line 194 def yview(*index) if index.size == 0 list(tk_send_without_enc('yview')) else tk_send_without_enc('yview', *index) self end end
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