click to toggle source
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 494 def mainloop(*args) fail RuntimeError, 'not support "mainloop" on the remote interpreter' end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 500 def do_one_event(flag = nil) fail RuntimeError, 'not support "do_one_event" on the remote interpreter' end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 512 def get_eventloop_tick fail RuntimeError, 'not support "get_eventloop_tick" on the remote interpreter' end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 524 def get_eventloop_weight fail RuntimeError, 'not support "get_eventloop_weight" on the remote interpreter' end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 518 def get_no_event_wait fail RuntimeError, 'not support "get_no_event_wait" on the remote interpreter' end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 494 def mainloop(*args) fail RuntimeError, 'not support "mainloop" on the remote interpreter' end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 503 def mainloop_abort_on_exception fail RuntimeError, 'not support "mainloop_abort_on_exception" on the remote interpreter' end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 506 def mainloop_abort_on_exception=(mode) fail RuntimeError, 'not support "mainloop_abort_on_exception=" on the remote interpreter' end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 497 def mainloop_watchdog(*args) fail RuntimeError, 'not support "mainloop_watchdog" on the remote interpreter' end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 142 def self.manipulable? true end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 66 def initialize(remote_ip, displayof=nil, timeout=5) @interp = MultiTkIp.__getip if fail SecurityError, "safe-IP cannot create RemoteTkIp" end @interp.allow_ruby_exit = false @appname = @interp._invoke('tk', 'appname') @remote = remote_ip.to_s.dup.freeze if displayof.kind_of?(TkWindow) @displayof = displayof.path.dup.freeze else @displayof = nil end if self.deleted? fail RuntimeError, "no Tk application named \"#{@remote}\"" end @tk_windows = {} @tk_table_list = [] @slave_ip_tbl = {} @slave_ip_top = {} @force_default_encoding ||= TkUtil.untrust([false]) @encoding ||= TkUtil.untrust([nil]) def @encoding.to_s; self.join(nil); end TkUtil.untrust(@tk_windows) unless @tk_windows.tainted? TkUtil.untrust(@tk_table_list) unless @tk_table_list.tainted? TkUtil.untrust(@slave_ip_tbl) unless @slave_ip_tbl.tainted? TkUtil.untrust(@slave_ip_top) unless @slave_ip_top.tainted? @system = @threadgroup = @safe_level = [$SAFE] @wait_on_mainloop = [true, 0] @cmd_queue = @cmd_receiver, @receiver_watchdog = _create_receiver_and_watchdog() @threadgroup.add @cmd_receiver @threadgroup.add @receiver_watchdog @threadgroup.enclose @@DEFAULT_MASTER.assign_receiver_and_watchdog(self) @@IP_TABLE[@threadgroup] = self @@TK_TABLE_LIST.size.times{ (tbl = {}).tainted? || TkUtil.untrust(tbl) @tk_table_list << tbl } @ret_val = if timeout > 0 && ! _available_check(timeout) fail RuntimeError, "cannot create connection" end @ip_id = _create_connection class << self undef :instance_eval end self.freeze # defend against modification end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 58 def new(*args, &b) ip = __new(*args) ip.eval_proc(&b) if b ip end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 509 def set_eventloop_tick(*args) fail RuntimeError, 'not support "set_eventloop_tick" on the remote interpreter' end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 338 def __eval(str) _appsend(false, false, str) end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 355 def __invoke(*args) _appsend(false, false, *args) end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 449 def _conv_listelement(str) raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable? @interp._conv_listelement(str) end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 454 def _create_console fail RuntimeError, 'not support "_create_console" on the remote interpreter' end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 341 def _eval(str) _appsend(nil, false, str) end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 347 def _eval_with_enc(str) _appsend(true, false, str) end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 344 def _eval_without_enc(str) _appsend(false, false, str) end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 373 def _fromUTF8(str, encoding=nil) raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable? @interp._fromUTF8(str, encoding) end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 418 def _get_global_var(var_name) _appsend(false, 'set', TkComm::_get_eval_string(var_name)) end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 421 def _get_global_var2(var_name, index_name) _appsend(false, 'set', "#{TkComm::_get_eval_string(var_name)}(#{TkComm::_get_eval_string(index_name)})") end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 391 def _get_variable(var_name, flag) # ignore flag _appsend(false, 'set', TkComm::_get_eval_string(var_name)) end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 395 def _get_variable2(var_name, index_name, flag) # ignore flag _appsend(false, 'set', "#{TkComm::_get_eval_string(var_name)}(#{TkComm::_get_eval_string(index_name)})") end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 351 def _invoke(*args) _appsend(nil, false, *args) end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 364 def _invoke_with_enc(*args) _appsend(true, false, *args) end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 361 def _invoke_without_enc(*args) _appsend(false, false, *args) end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 444 def _merge_tklist(*args) raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable? @interp._merge_tklist(*args) end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 386 def _return_value raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable? @interp._return_value end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 425 def _set_global_var(var_name, value) _appsend(false, 'set', TkComm::_get_eval_string(var_name), TkComm::_get_eval_string(value)) end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 428 def _set_global_var2(var_name, index_name, value) _appsend(false, 'set', "#{TkComm::_get_eval_string(var_name)}(#{TkComm::_get_eval_string(index_name)})", TkComm::_get_eval_string(value)) end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 400 def _set_variable(var_name, value, flag) # ignore flag _appsend(false, 'set', TkComm::_get_eval_string(var_name), TkComm::_get_eval_string(value)) end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 404 def _set_variable2(var_name, index_name, value, flag) # ignore flag _appsend(false, 'set', "#{TkComm::_get_eval_string(var_name)}(#{TkComm::_get_eval_string(index_name)})", TkComm::_get_eval_string(value)) end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 439 def _split_tklist(str) raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable? @interp._split_tklist(str) end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 382 def _thread_tkwait(mode, target) _appsend(false, 'thread_tkwait', mode, target) end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 378 def _thread_vwait(var_name) _appsend(false, 'thread_vwait', varname) end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 368 def _toUTF8(str, encoding=nil) raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable? @interp._toUTF8(str, encoding) end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 432 def _unset_global_var(var_name) _appsend(false, 'unset', TkComm::_get_eval_string(var_name)) end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 435 def _unset_global_var2(var_name, index_name) _appsend(false, 'unset', "#{var_name}(#{index_name})") end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 409 def _unset_variable(var_name, flag) # ignore flag _appsend(false, 'unset', TkComm::_get_eval_string(var_name)) end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 413 def _unset_variable2(var_name, index_name, flag) # ignore flag _appsend(false, 'unset', "#{var_name}(#{index_name})") end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 290 def allow_ruby_exit= (mode) fail RuntimeError, 'cannot change mode of the remote interpreter' end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 286 def allow_ruby_exit? false end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 237 def appsend(async, *args) raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable? if async != true && async != false && async != nil args.unshift(async) async = false end if @displayof Tk.appsend_displayof(@remote, @displayof, async, *args) else Tk.appsend(@remote, async, *args) end end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 265 def create_slave(name, safe=false) if safe safe_opt = '' else safe_opt = '-safe' end _appsend(false, false, "interp create #{safe_opt} -- #{name}") end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 294 def delete _appsend(false, true, 'exit') end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 298 def deleted? raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable? if @displayof lst = @interp._invoke_without_enc('winfo', 'interps', '-displayof', @displayof) else lst = @interp._invoke_without_enc('winfo', 'interps') end # unless @interp._split_tklist(lst).index(@remote) unless @interp._split_tklist(lst).index(_toUTF8(@remote)) true else false end end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 464 def do_one_event(flag = nil) fail RuntimeError, 'not support "do_one_event" on the remote interpreter' end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 476 def get_eventloop_tick fail RuntimeError, 'not support "get_eventloop_tick" on the remote interpreter' end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 488 def get_eventloop_weight fail RuntimeError, 'not support "get_eventloop_weight" on the remote interpreter' end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 482 def get_no_event_wait fail RuntimeError, 'not support "get_no_event_wait" on the remote interpreter' end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 315 def has_mainwindow? raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable? begin inf = @interp._invoke_without_enc('info', 'command', '.') rescue Exception return nil end if !inf.kind_of?(String) || inf != '.' false else true end end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 330 def invalid_namespace? false end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 231 def is_rubytk? return false if _appsend(false, false, 'info', 'command', 'ruby') == "" [ _appsend(false, false, 'ruby', 'RUBY_VERSION'), _appsend(false, false, 'set', 'tk_patchLevel') ] end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 458 def mainloop fail RuntimeError, 'not support "mainloop" on the remote interpreter' end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 467 def mainloop_abort_on_exception fail RuntimeError, 'not support "mainloop_abort_on_exception" on the remote interpreter' end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 470 def mainloop_abort_on_exception=(mode) fail RuntimeError, 'not support "mainloop_abort_on_exception=" on the remote interpreter' end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 461 def mainloop_watchdog fail RuntimeError, 'not support "mainloop_watchdog" on the remote interpreter' end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 274 def make_safe fail RuntimeError, 'cannot change safe mode of the remote interpreter' end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 138 def manipulable? return true if ( == ThreadGroup::Default) MultiTkIp.__getip == @interp && ! end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 251 def rb_appsend(async, *args) raise SecurityError, "no permission to manipulate" unless self.manipulable? if async != true && async != false && async != nil args.unshift(async) async = false end if @displayof Tk.rb_appsend_displayof(@remote, @displayof, async, *args) else Tk.rb_appsend(@remote, async, *args) end end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 224 def ready?(timeout=5) if timeout < 0 fail ArgumentError, "timeout must be positive number" end _available_check(timeout) end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 334 def restart fail RuntimeError, 'cannot restart the remote interpreter' end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 278 def safe? _appsend(false, false, 'interp issafe') end
# File tk/lib/remote-tk.rb, line 473 def set_eventloop_tick(*args) fail RuntimeError, 'not support "set_eventloop_tick" on the remote interpreter' end
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