def create_self(keys)
if keys and keys != None tk_call_without_enc('panedwindow', @path, *hash_kv(keys, true)) else tk_call_without_enc('panedwindow', @path) end
end private :create_self
# File tk/lib/tk/panedwindow.rb, line 20 def add(*args) keys = args.pop fail ArgumentError, "no window in arguments" unless keys if keys && keys.kind_of?(Hash) fail ArgumentError, "no window in arguments" if args == [] # args = args.collect{|w| (w.kind_of?(TkObject))? w.epath: w } args = args.collect{|w| _epath(w) } #args.push(hash_kv(keys)) args.concat(hash_kv(keys)) else args.push(keys) if keys # args = args.collect{|w| (w.kind_of?(TkObject))? w.epath: w } args = args.collect{|w| _epath(w) } end tk_send_without_enc('add', *args) self end
# File tk/lib/tk/panedwindow.rb, line 227 def current_paneconfiginfo(win, key=nil) if TkComm::GET_CONFIGINFO_AS_ARRAY if key conf = paneconfiginfo(win, key) {conf[0] => conf[4]} else ret = {} paneconfiginfo(win).each{|conf| ret[conf[0]] = conf[4] if conf.size > 2 } ret end else # ! TkComm::GET_CONFIGINFO_AS_ARRAY ret = {} paneconfiginfo(win, key).each{|k, conf| ret[k] = conf[-1] if conf.kind_of?(Array) } ret end end
# File tk/lib/tk/panedwindow.rb, line 38 def forget(win, *wins) wins.unshift(win) # tk_send_without_enc('forget', *((w.kind_of?(TkObject))? w.epath: w)) tk_send_without_enc('forget', *(wins.collect{|w| _epath(w)})) self end
# File tk/lib/tk/panedwindow.rb, line 48 def identify(x, y) list(tk_send_without_enc('identify', x, y)) end
# File tk/lib/tk/panedwindow.rb, line 85 def panecget(win, key) unless TkItemConfigMethod.__IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__ panecget_strict(win, key) else begin panecget_strict(win, key) rescue => e begin if current_paneconfiginfo(win).has_key?(option.to_s) # not tag error & option is known -> error on known option fail e else # not tag error & option is unknown nil end rescue fail e # tag error end end end end
# File tk/lib/tk/panedwindow.rb, line 80 def panecget_strict(win, key) # win = win.epath if win.kind_of?(TkObject) win = _epath(win) tk_tcl2ruby(tk_send_without_enc('panecget', win, "-#{key}")) end
# File tk/lib/tk/panedwindow.rb, line 127 def paneconfiginfo(win, key=nil) if TkComm::GET_CONFIGINFO_AS_ARRAY # win = win.epath if win.kind_of?(TkObject) win = _epath(win) if key #conf = tk_split_list(tk_send_without_enc('paneconfigure', # win, "-#{key}")) conf = tk_split_list(tk_send_without_enc('paneconfigure', win, "-#{key}"), false, true) conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1] if conf[0] == 'hide' conf[3] = bool(conf[3]) unless conf[3].empty? conf[4] = bool(conf[4]) unless conf[4].empty? end conf else #tk_split_simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('paneconfigure', # win)).collect{|conflist| # conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist) tk_split_simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('paneconfigure', win), false, false).collect{|conflist| conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist, false, true) conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1] if conf[3] if conf[0] == 'hide' conf[3] = bool(conf[3]) unless conf[3].empty? elsif conf[3].index('{') conf[3] = tk_split_list(conf[3]) else conf[3] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[3]) end end if conf[4] if conf[0] == 'hide' conf[4] = bool(conf[4]) unless conf[4].empty? elsif conf[4].index('{') conf[4] = tk_split_list(conf[4]) else conf[4] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[4]) end end conf[1] = conf[1][1..-1] if conf.size == 2 # alias info conf } end else # ! TkComm::GET_CONFIGINFO_AS_ARRAY # win = win.epath if win.kind_of?(TkObject) win = _epath(win) if key #conf = tk_split_list(tk_send_without_enc('paneconfigure', # win, "-#{key}")) conf = tk_split_list(tk_send_without_enc('paneconfigure', win, "-#{key}"), false, true) key = conf.shift[1..-1] if key == 'hide' conf[2] = bool(conf[2]) unless conf[2].empty? conf[3] = bool(conf[3]) unless conf[3].empty? end { key => conf } else ret = {} #tk_split_simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('paneconfigure', # win)).each{|conflist| # conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist) tk_split_simplelist(tk_send_without_enc('paneconfigure', win), false, false).each{|conflist| conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist, false, true) key = conf.shift[1..-1] if key if key == 'hide' conf[2] = bool(conf[2]) unless conf[2].empty? elsif conf[2].index('{') conf[2] = tk_split_list(conf[2]) else conf[2] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[2]) end end if conf[3] if key == 'hide' conf[3] = bool(conf[3]) unless conf[3].empty? elsif conf[3].index('{') conf[3] = tk_split_list(conf[3]) else conf[3] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[3]) end end if conf.size == 1 ret[key] = conf[0][1..-1] # alias info else ret[key] = conf end } ret end end end
# File tk/lib/tk/panedwindow.rb, line 107 def paneconfigure(win, key, value=nil) # win = win.epath if win.kind_of?(TkObject) win = _epath(win) if key.kind_of? Hash params = [] key.each{|k, v| params.push("-#{k}") # params.push((v.kind_of?(TkObject))? v.epath: v) params.push(_epath(v)) } tk_send_without_enc('paneconfigure', win, *params) else # value = value.epath if value.kind_of?(TkObject) value = _epath(value) tk_send_without_enc('paneconfigure', win, "-#{key}", value) end self end
# File tk/lib/tk/panedwindow.rb, line 250 def panes list(tk_send_without_enc('panes')) end
# File tk/lib/tk/panedwindow.rb, line 52 def proxy_coord list(tk_send_without_enc('proxy', 'coord')) end
# File tk/lib/tk/panedwindow.rb, line 55 def proxy_forget tk_send_without_enc('proxy', 'forget') self end
# File tk/lib/tk/panedwindow.rb, line 59 def proxy_place(x, y) tk_send_without_enc('proxy', 'place', x, y) self end
# File tk/lib/tk/panedwindow.rb, line 64 def sash_coord(index) list(tk_send('sash', 'coord', index)) end
# File tk/lib/tk/panedwindow.rb, line 67 def sash_dragto(index, x, y) tk_send('sash', 'dragto', index, x, y) self end
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