# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 329 def __destroy_hook__ Tk::BLT::Treeview::Node::TreeNodeID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ Tk::BLT::Treeview::Node::TreeNodeID_TBL.delete(@path) } Tk::BLT::Treeview::Tag::TreeTagID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ Tk::BLT::Treeview::Tag::TreeTagID_TBL.delete(@path) } end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 316 def __item_validation_class_list(id) case id when 'entry' super(id) << OpenCloseCommand else super(id) end end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 308 def __validation_class_list super() << OpenCloseCommand end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 563 def _find_exec_flag_value(val) if val.kind_of?(Array) cmd, *args = val #FindExecFlagValue.new(cmd, args.join(' ')) FindExecFlagValue.new(cmd, *args) elsif TkComm._callback_entry?(val) FindExecFlagValue.new(val) else val end end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 362 def bbox(*tags) list(tk_send('bbox', *(tags.collect{|tag| tagid(tag)}))) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 427 def close(*tags) tk_send('close', *(tags.collect{|tag| tagid(tag)})) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 431 def close_recurse(*tags) tk_send('close', '-recurse', *(tags.collect{|tag| tagid(tag)})) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 436 def column_activate(column=None) if column == None tk_send('column', 'activate') else tk_send('column', 'activate', column) self end end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 445 def column_delete(*fields) tk_send('column', 'delete', *fields) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 449 def column_insert(pos, field, *opts) tk_send('column', 'insert', pos, field, *opts) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 453 def column_invoke(field) tk_send('column', 'invoke', field) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 457 def column_move(name, dest) tk_send('column', 'move', name, dest) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 461 def column_names() simplelist(tk_send('column', 'names')) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 464 def column_nearest(x, y=None) tk_send('column', 'nearest', x, y) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 468 def curselection simplelist(tk_send('curselection')).collect{|id| tagid2obj(id)} end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 472 def delete(*tags) tk_send('delete', *(tags.collect{|tag| tagid(tag)})) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 477 def entry_activate(tag) tk_send('entry', 'activate', tagid(tag)) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 488 def entry_before?(tag1, tag2) bool(tk_send('entry', 'isbefore', tagid(tag1), tagid(tag2))) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 481 def entry_children(tag, first=None, last=None) simplelist(tk_send('entry', 'children', tagid(tag), first, last)).collect{|id| tagid2obj(id)} end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 485 def entry_delete(tag, first=None, last=None) tk_send('entry', 'delete', tagid(tag), first, last) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 494 def entry_open?(tag) bool(tk_send('entry', 'isopen', tagid(tag))) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 498 def entry_size(tag) number(tk_send('entry', 'size', tagid(tag))) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 501 def entry_size_recurse(tag) number(tk_send('entry', 'size', '-recurse', tagid(tag))) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 577 def find(first, last, keys={}) keys = _search_flags(keys) keys['exec'] = _find_exec_flag_value(keys['exec']) if keys.key?('exec') args = hash_kv(keys) << '--' << tagid(first) << tagid(last) simplelist(tk_send('find', *args)).collect{|id| tagid2obj(id)} end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 588 def get(*tags) simplelist(tk_send('get', *(tags.collect{|tag| tagid(tag)}))) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 591 def get_full(*tags) simplelist(tk_send('get', '-full', *(tags.collect{|tag| tagid(tag)}))) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 595 def hide(*tags) if tags[-1].kind_of?(Hash) keys = tags.pop else keys = {} end keys = _search_flags(keys) args = hash_kv(keys) << '--' args.concat(tags.collect{|t| tagid(t)}) tk_send('hide', *args) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 608 def index(str) tagid2obj(tk_send('index', str)) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 611 def index_at(tag, str) tagid2obj(tk_send('index', '-at', tagid(tag), str)) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 614 def index_at_path(tag, str) tagid2obj(tk_send('index', '-at', tagid(tag), '-path', str)) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 618 def insert(pos, parent=nil, keys={}) Tk::BLT::Treeview::Node.new(pos, parent, keys) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 621 def insert_at(tag, pos, parent=nil, keys={}) if parent.kind_of?(Hash) keys = parent parent = nil end keys = _symbolkey2str(keys) keys['at'] = tagid(tag) Tk::BLT::Treeview::Node.new(pos, parent, keys) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 637 def move_after(tag, dest) tk_send('move', tagid(tag), 'after', tagid(dest)) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 633 def move_before(tag, dest) tk_send('move', tagid(tag), 'before', tagid(dest)) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 641 def move_into(tag, dest) tk_send('move', tagid(tag), 'into', tagid(dest)) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 646 def nearest(x, y, var=None) tagid2obj(tk_send('nearest', x, y, var)) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 650 def open(*tags) tk_send('open', *(tags.collect{|tag| tagid(tag)})) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 654 def open_recurse(*tags) tk_send('open', '-recurse', *(tags.collect{|tag| tagid(tag)})) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 659 def range(first, last) simplelist(tk_send('range', tagid(first), tagid(last))).collect{|id| tagid2obj(id) } end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 664 def range_open(first, last) simplelist(tk_send('range', '-open', tagid(first), tagid(last))).collect{|id| tagid2obj(id) } end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 675 def scan_dragto(x, y) tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'dragto', x, y) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 671 def scan_mark(x, y) tk_send_without_enc('scan', 'mark', x, y) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 366 def screen_bbox(*tags) list(tk_send('bbox', '-screen', *(tags.collect{|tag| tagid(tag)}))) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 680 def see(tag) tk_send_without_enc('see', tagid(tag)) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 684 def see_anchor(anchor, tag) tk_send_without_enc('see', '-anchor', anchor, tagid(tag)) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 689 def selection_anchor(tag) tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'anchor', tagid(tag)) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 693 def selection_cancel() tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'cancel') self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 697 def selection_clear(first, last=None) tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'clear', tagid(first), tagid(last)) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 701 def selection_clear_all() tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'clearall') self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 709 def selection_include?(tag) bool(tk_send('selection', 'include', tagid(tag))) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 705 def selection_mark(tag) tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'mark', tagid(tag)) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 712 def selection_present?() bool(tk_send('selection', 'present')) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 715 def selection_set(first, last=None) tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'set', tagid(first), tagid(last)) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 719 def selection_toggle(first, last=None) tk_send_without_enc('selection', 'toggle', tagid(first), tagid(last)) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 724 def show(*tags) if tags[-1].kind_of?(Hash) keys = tags.pop else keys = {} end keys = _search_flags(keys) args = hash_kv(keys) << '--' args.concat(tags.collect{|t| tagid(t)}) tk_send('show', *args) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 737 def sort_auto(mode) tk_send('sort', 'auto', mode) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 741 def sort_auto=(mode) tk_send('sort', 'auto', mode) mode end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 745 def sort_auto? bool(tk_send('sort', 'auto')) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 748 def sort_once(*tags) tk_send('sort', 'once', *(tags.collect{|tag| tagid(tag)})) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 752 def sort_once_recurse(*tags) tk_send('sort', 'once', '-recurse', *(tags.collect{|tag| tagid(tag)})) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 757 def tag_add(tag, *ids) tk_send('tag', 'add', tagid(tag), *ids) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 370 def tag_bind(tag, seq, *args) if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given? cmd = args.shift else cmd = Proc.new end _bind([@path, 'bind', tagid(tag)], seq, cmd, *args) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 379 def tag_bind_append(tag, seq, *args) if TkComm._callback_entry?(args[0]) || !block_given? cmd = args.shift else cmd = Proc.new end _bind_append([@path, 'bind', tagid(tag)], seq, cmd, *args) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 388 def tag_bind_remove(tag, seq) _bind_remove([@path, 'bind', tagid(tag)], seq) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 392 def tag_bindinfo(tag, seq=nil) _bindinfo([@path, 'bind', tagid(tag)], seq) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 761 def tag_delete(tag, *ids) tk_send('tag', 'delete', tagid(tag), *ids) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 584 def tag_focus(tag) tk_send('focus', tagid(tag)) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 765 def tag_forget(tag) tk_send('tag', 'forget', tagid(tag)) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 769 def tag_names(id=nil) id = (id)? tagid(id): None simplelist(tk_send('tag', 'nodes', id)).collect{|tag| Tk::BLT::Treeview::Tag.id2obj(self, tag) } end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 776 def tag_nodes(tag) simplelist(tk_send('tag', 'nodes', tagid(tag))).collect{|id| Tk::BLT::Treeview::Node.id2obj(self, id) } end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 348 def tagid2obj(tagid) if tagid.kind_of?(Integer) Tk::BLT::Treeview::Node.id2obj(self, tagid.to_s) elsif tagid.kind_of?(String) if tagid =~ /^\d+$/ Tk::BLT::Treeview::Node.id2obj(self, tagid) else Tk::BLT::Treeview::Tag.id2obj(self, tagid) end else tagid end end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 782 def text_apply tk_send('text', 'apply') self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 786 def text_cancel tk_send('text', 'cancel') self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 791 def text_delete(first, last) tk_send('text', 'delete', first, last) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 795 def text_get(x, y) tk_send('text', 'get', x, y) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 798 def text_get_root(x, y) tk_send('text', 'get', '-root', x, y) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 801 def text_icursor(idx) tk_send('text', 'icursor', idx) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 805 def text_index(idx) num_or_str(tk_send('text', 'index', idx)) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 808 def text_insert(idx, str) tk_send('text', 'insert', idx, str) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 813 def text_selection_adjust(idx) tk_send('text', 'selection', 'adjust', idx) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 817 def text_selection_clear tk_send('text', 'selection', 'clear') self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 821 def text_selection_from(idx) tk_send('text', 'selection', 'from', idx) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 825 def text_selection_present num_or_str(tk_send('text', 'selection', 'present')) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, line 828 def text_selection_range(start, last) tk_send('text', 'selection', 'range', start, last) self end
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