# File tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/plotchart.rb, line 199 def background(part, color_or_image, dir) tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'background', part, color_or_image, dir) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/plotchart.rb, line 230 def balloon(*args) # args => (x, y, text, dir) or ([x, y], text, dir) if args[0].kind_of?(Array) # args => ([x, y], text, dir) x, y = args.shift else # args => (x, y, text, dir) x = args.shift y = args.shift end text, dir = args tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'balloon', x, y, _get_eval_enc_str(text), dir) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/plotchart.rb, line 247 def balloonconfig(key, value=None) if key.kind_of?(Hash) tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'balloonconfig', *hash_kv(key, true)) else tk_call(@chart, 'balloonconfig', "-#{key}", value) end end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/plotchart.rb, line 296 def coords_3D_to_pixel(x, y, z) list(tk_call_without_enc('::Plotchart::coords3DToPixel', @path, x, y, z)) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/plotchart.rb, line 292 def coords_to_pixel(x, y) list(tk_call_without_enc('::Plotchart::coordsToPixel', @path, x, y)) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/plotchart.rb, line 318 def determine_scale(xmax, ymax) tk_call_without_enc('::Plotchart::determineScale', @path, xmax, ymax) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/plotchart.rb, line 224 def legend(series, text) tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'legend', _get_eval_enc_str(series), _get_eval_enc_str(text)) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/plotchart.rb, line 215 def legendconfig(key, value=None) if key.kind_of?(Hash) tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'legendconfig', *hash_kv(key, true)) else tk_call(@chart, 'legendconfig', "-#{key}", value) end self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/plotchart.rb, line 314 def pixel_to_coords(x, y) list(tk_call_without_enc('::Plotchart::pixelToCoords', @path, x, y)) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/plotchart.rb, line 255 def plaintext(*args) # args => (x, y, text, dir) or ([x, y], text, dir) if args[0].kind_of?(Array) # args => ([x, y], text, dir) x, y = args.shift else # args => (x, y, text, dir) x = args.shift y = args.shift end text, dir = args tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'plaintext', x, y, _get_eval_enc_str(text), dir) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/plotchart.rb, line 300 def plotpack(dir, *plots) tk_call_without_enc('::Plotchart::plotpack', @path, dir, *plots) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/plotchart.rb, line 305 def polar_coordinates(radmax) tk_call_without_enc('::Plotchart::polarCoordinates', @path, radmax) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/plotchart.rb, line 310 def polar_to_pixel(rad, phi) list(tk_call_without_enc('::Plotchart::polarToPixel', @path, rad, phi)) end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/plotchart.rb, line 166 def save_plot(filename) tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'saveplot', filename) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/plotchart.rb, line 323 def set_zoom_pan() tk_call_without_enc('::Plotchart::setZoomPan', @path) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/plotchart.rb, line 161 def title(str) tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'title', _get_eval_enc_str(str)) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/plotchart.rb, line 274 def view_port(*args) # args := pxmin, pymin, pxmax, pymax tk_call_without_enc('::Plotchart::viewPort', @path, *(args.flatten)) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/plotchart.rb, line 285 def world_3D_coordinates(*args) # args := xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax tk_call_without_enc('::Plotchart::world3DCoordinates', @path, *(args.flatten)) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/plotchart.rb, line 279 def world_coordinates(*args) # args := xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax tk_call_without_enc('::Plotchart::worldCoordinates', @path, *(args.flatten)) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/plotchart.rb, line 181 def xconfig(key, value=None) if key.kind_of?(Hash) tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'xconfig', *hash_kv(key, true)) else tk_call(@chart, 'xconfig', "-#{key}",value) end self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/plotchart.rb, line 171 def xtext(str) tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'xtext', _get_eval_enc_str(str)) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/plotchart.rb, line 205 def xticklines(color=None) tk_call(@chart, 'xticklines', color) self end
# File tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/plotchart.rb, line 190 def yconfig(key, value=None) if key.kind_of?(Hash) tk_call_without_enc(@chart, 'yconfig', *hash_kv(key, true)) else tk_call(@chart, 'yconfig', "-#{key}", value) end self end
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