An error caused by conflicts in version
Initializes a new error with the given version conflicts. @param [{String => Resolution::Conflict}] conflicts see {#conflicts} @param [SpecificationProvider] #specification_provider see {#specification_provider}
# File bundler/vendor/molinillo/lib/molinillo/errors.rb, line 65 def initialize(conflicts, specification_provider) pairs = [] conflicts.values.flat_map(&:requirements).each do |conflicting| conflicting.each do |source, conflict_requirements| conflict_requirements.each do |c| pairs << [c, source] end end end super "Unable to satisfy the following requirements:\n\n" "#{ { |r, d| "- `#{r}` required by `#{d}`" }.join("\n")}" @conflicts = conflicts @specification_provider = specification_provider end
@return [String] An error message that includes requirement trees,
which is much more detailed & customizable than the default message
@param [Hash] opts the options to create a message with. @option opts [String] :solver_name The user-facing name of the solver @option opts [String] :possibility_type The generic name of a possibility @option opts [Proc] :reduce_trees A proc that reduced the list of requirement trees @option opts [Proc] :printable_requirement A proc that pretty-prints requirements @option opts [Proc] :additional_message_for_conflict A proc that appends additional
messages for each conflict
@option opts [Proc] :version_for_spec A proc that returns the version number for a
# File bundler/vendor/molinillo/lib/molinillo/errors.rb, line 96 def message_with_trees(opts = {}) solver_name = opts.delete(:solver_name) {'::').first } possibility_type = opts.delete(:possibility_type) { 'possibility named' } reduce_trees = opts.delete(:reduce_trees) { proc { |trees| trees.uniq.sort_by(&:to_s) } } printable_requirement = opts.delete(:printable_requirement) { proc { |req| req.to_s } } additional_message_for_conflict = opts.delete(:additional_message_for_conflict) { proc {} } version_for_spec = opts.delete(:version_for_spec) { proc(&:to_s) } incompatible_version_message_for_conflict = opts.delete(:incompatible_version_message_for_conflict) do proc do |name, _conflict| %Q(#{solver_name} could not find compatible versions for #{possibility_type} "#{name}":) end end conflicts.sort.reduce(''.dup) do |o, (name, conflict)| o << "\n" <<, conflict) << "\n" if conflict.locked_requirement o << %Q( In snapshot (#{name_for_locking_dependency_source}):\n) o << %Q( #{}\n) o << %Q(\n) end o << %Q( In #{name_for_explicit_dependency_source}:\n) trees = o << do |tree| t = ''.dup depth = 2 tree.each do |req| t << ' ' * depth << unless tree.last == req if spec = conflict.activated_by_name[name_for(req)] t << %Q( was resolved to #{}, which) end t << %Q( depends on) end t << %Q(\n) depth += 1 end t end.join("\n"), name, conflict) o end.strip end