# File bundler/source/git.rb, line 34 def self.from_lock(options) new(options.merge("uri" => options.delete("remote"))) end
# File bundler/source/git.rb, line 12 def initialize(options) @options = options @glob = options["glob"] || DEFAULT_GLOB @allow_cached = false @allow_remote = false # Stringify options that could be set as symbols %w[ref branch tag revision].each {|k| options[k] = options[k].to_s if options[k] } @uri = options["uri"] || "" @safe_uri = URICredentialsFilter.credential_filtered_uri(@uri) @branch = options["branch"] @ref = options["ref"] || options["branch"] || options["tag"] @submodules = options["submodules"] @name = options["name"] @version = options["version"].to_s.strip.gsub("-", ".pre.") @copied = false @local = false end
# File bundler/source/git.rb, line 231 def allow_git_ops? @allow_remote || @allow_cached end
# File bundler/source/git.rb, line 223 def app_cache_dirname "#{base_name}-#{shortref_for_path(cached_revision || revision)}" end
# File bundler/source/git.rb, line 191 def cache(spec, custom_path = nil) app_cache_path = app_cache_path(custom_path) return unless Bundler.feature_flag.cache_all? return if path == app_cache_path cached! FileUtils.rm_rf(app_cache_path) git_proxy.checkout if requires_checkout? git_proxy.copy_to(app_cache_path, @submodules) serialize_gemspecs_in(app_cache_path) end
This is the path which is going to contain a cache of the git repository. When using the same git repository across different projects, this cache will be shared. When using local git repos, this is set to the local repo.
# File bundler/source/git.rb, line 213 def cache_path @cache_path ||= begin if Bundler.requires_sudo? || Bundler.feature_flag.global_gem_cache? Bundler.user_cache else Bundler.bundle_path.join("cache", "bundler") end.join("git", git_scope) end end
# File bundler/source/git.rb, line 53 def eql?(other) other.is_a?(Git) && uri == other.uri && ref == other.ref && branch == other.branch && name == && version == other.version && glob == other.glob && submodules == other.submodules end
# File bundler/source/git.rb, line 109 def extension_dir_name "#{base_name}-#{shortref_for_path(revision)}" end
# File bundler/source/git.rb, line 49 def hash [self.class, uri, ref, branch, name, version, glob, submodules].hash end
# File bundler/source/git.rb, line 173 def install(spec, options = {}) force = options[:force] print_using_message "Using #{version_message(spec)} from #{self}" if (requires_checkout? && !@copied) || force Bundler.ui.debug " * Checking out revision: #{ref}" git_proxy.copy_to(install_path, submodules) serialize_gemspecs_in(install_path) @copied = true end generate_bin_options = { :disable_extensions => !Bundler.rubygems.spec_missing_extensions?(spec), :build_args => options[:build_args] } generate_bin(spec, generate_bin_options) requires_checkout? ? spec.post_install_message : nil end
This is the path which is going to contain a specific checkout of the git repository. When using local git repos, this is set to the local repo.
# File bundler/source/git.rb, line 93 def install_path @install_path ||= begin git_scope = "#{base_name}-#{shortref_for_path(revision)}" path = Bundler.install_path.join(git_scope) if !path.exist? && Bundler.requires_sudo? Bundler.user_bundle_path.join(Bundler.ruby_scope).join(git_scope) else path end end end
# File bundler/source/git.rb, line 202 def load_spec_files super rescue PathError => e Bundler.ui.trace e raise GitError, "#{self} is not yet checked out. Run `bundle install` first." end
# File bundler/source/git.rb, line 120 def local_override!(path) return false if local? original_path = path path = path = path.expand_path(Bundler.root) unless path.relative? unless options["branch"] || Bundler.settings[:disable_local_branch_check] raise GitError, "Cannot use local override for #{name} at #{path} because " ":branch is not specified in Gemfile. Specify a branch or run " "`bundle config unset local.#{override_for(original_path)}` to remove the local override" end unless path.exist? raise GitError, "Cannot use local override for #{name} because #{path} " "does not exist. Run `bundle config unset local.#{override_for(original_path)}` to remove the local override" end set_local!(path) # Create a new git proxy without the cached revision # so the Gemfile.lock always picks up the new revision. @git_proxy =, uri, ref) if git_proxy.branch != options["branch"] && !Bundler.settings[:disable_local_branch_check] raise GitError, "Local override for #{name} at #{path} is using branch " "#{git_proxy.branch} but Gemfile specifies #{options["branch"]}" end changed = cached_revision && cached_revision != git_proxy.revision if !Bundler.settings[:disable_local_revision_check] && changed && !@unlocked && !git_proxy.contains?(cached_revision) raise GitError, "The Gemfile lock is pointing to revision #{shortref_for_display(cached_revision)} " "but the current branch in your local override for #{name} does not contain such commit. " "Please make sure your branch is up to date." end changed end
# File bundler/source/git.rb, line 86 def name File.basename(@uri, ".git") end
# File bundler/source/git.rb, line 227 def revision git_proxy.revision end
# File bundler/source/git.rb, line 160 def specs(*) set_local!(app_cache_path) if has_app_cache? && !local? if requires_checkout? && !@copied fetch git_proxy.copy_to(install_path, submodules) serialize_gemspecs_in(install_path) @copied = true end local_specs end
# File bundler/source/git.rb, line 38 def to_lock out ="GIT\n") out << " remote: #{@uri}\n" out << " revision: #{revision}\n" %w[ref branch tag submodules].each do |opt| out << " #{opt}: #{options[opt]}\n" if options[opt] end out << " glob: #{@glob}\n" unless @glob == DEFAULT_GLOB out << " specs:\n" end
# File bundler/source/git.rb, line 62 def to_s begin at = if local? path elsif user_ref = options["ref"] if ref =~ /\A[a-z0-9]{4,}\z/i shortref_for_display(user_ref) else user_ref end elsif ref ref else git_proxy.branch end rev = " (at #{at}@#{shortref_for_display(revision)})" rescue GitError "" end "#{@safe_uri}#{rev}" end