# Download and unarchive latest Android NDK from developer.android.com/tools/sdk/ndk/index.html # Make custom standalone toolchain as described here (android_ndk/docs/STANDALONE-TOOLCHAIN.html) # Please export custom standalone toolchain path # export ANDROID_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN=/tmp/android-14-toolchain
# Add to your build_config.rb # MRuby::CrossBuild.new(‘androideabi’) do |conf| # toolchain :androideabi # end
MRuby::Toolchain.new(:androideabi) do |conf|
toolchain :gcc DEFAULT_ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN = 'gcc' DEFAULT_ANDROID_TARGET_ARCH = 'arm' DEFAULT_ANDROID_TARGET_ARCH_ABI = 'armeabi' DEFAULT_ANDROID_TARGET_PLATFORM = 'android-14' DEFAULT_GCC_VERSION = '4.6' DEFAULT_CLANG_VERSION = '3.1' GCC_COMMON_CFLAGS = %W(-ffunction-sections -funwind-tables -fstack-protector) GCC_COMMON_LDFLAGS = %W() # 'ANDROID_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN' or 'ANDROID_NDK_HOME' must be set. ANDROID_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN = ENV['ANDROID_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN'] ANDROID_NDK_HOME = ENV['ANDROID_NDK_HOME'] ANDROID_TARGET_ARCH = ENV['ANDROID_TARGET_ARCH'] || DEFAULT_ANDROID_TARGET_ARCH ANDROID_TARGET_ARCH_ABI = ENV['ANDROID_TARGET_ARCH_ABI'] || DEFAULT_ANDROID_TARGET_ARCH_ABI ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN = ENV['ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN'] || DEFAULT_ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN GCC_VERSION = ENV['GCC_VERSION'] || DEFAULT_GCC_VERSION CLANG_VERSION = ENV['CLANG_VERSION'] || DEFAULT_CLANG_VERSION case ANDROID_TARGET_ARCH.downcase when 'arch-arm', 'arm' then toolchain_prefix = 'arm-linux-androideabi-' when 'arch-x86', 'x86' then toolchain_prefix = 'i686-linux-android-' when 'arch-mips', 'mips' then toolchain_prefix = 'mipsel-linux-android-' else # Any other architectures are not supported by Android NDK. # Notify error. end if ANDROID_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN == nil then case RUBY_PLATFORM when /cygwin|mswin|mingw|bccwin|wince|emx/i HOST_PLATFORM = 'windows' when /x86_64-darwin/i HOST_PLATFORM = 'darwin-x86_64' when /darwin/i HOST_PLATFORM = 'darwin-x86' when /x86_64-linux/i HOST_PLATFORM = 'linux-x86_64' when /linux/i HOST_PLATFORM = 'linux-x86' else # Unknown host platform end ANDROID_TARGET_PLATFORM = ENV['ANDROID_TARGET_PLATFORM'] || DEFAULT_ANDROID_TARGET_PLATFORM path_to_toolchain = ANDROID_NDK_HOME + '/toolchains/' path_to_sysroot = ANDROID_NDK_HOME + '/platforms/' + ANDROID_TARGET_PLATFORM if ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN.downcase == 'gcc' then case ANDROID_TARGET_ARCH.downcase when 'arch-arm', 'arm' then path_to_toolchain += 'arm-linux-androideabi-' path_to_sysroot += '/arch-arm' when 'arch-x86', 'x86' then path_to_toolchain += 'x86-' path_to_sysroot += '/arch-x86' when 'arch-mips', 'mips' then path_to_toolchain += 'mipsel-linux-android-' path_to_sysroot += '/arch-mips' else # Any other architecture are not supported by Android NDK. end path_to_toolchain += GCC_VERSION + '/prebuilt/' + HOST_PLATFORM else path_to_toolchain += 'llvm-' + CLANG_VERSION + '/prebuilt/' + HOST_PLATFORM end else path_to_toolchain = ANDROID_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN path_to_sysroot = ANDROID_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN + '/sysroot' end SYSROOT = path_to_sysroot case ANDROID_TARGET_ARCH.downcase when 'arch-arm', 'arm' then if ANDROID_TARGET_ARCH_ABI.downcase == 'armeabi-v7a' then ARCH_CFLAGS = %W(-march=armv7-a -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=vfpv3-d16) ARCH_LDFLAGS = %W(-march=armv7-a -Wl,--fix-cortex-a8) else ARCH_CFLAGS = %W(-march=armv5te -mtune=xscale -msoft-float) ARCH_LDFLAGS = %W() end when 'arch-x86', 'x86' then ARCH_CFLAGS = %W() ARCH_LDFLAGS = %W() when 'arch-mips', 'mips' then ARCH_CFLAGS = %W(-fpic -fno-strict-aliasing -finline-functions -fmessage-length=0 -fno-inline-functions-called-once -fgcse-after-reload -frerun-cse-after-loop -frename-registers) ARCH_LDFLAGS = %W() else # Notify error end case ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN.downcase when 'gcc' then ANDROID_CC = path_to_toolchain + '/bin/' + toolchain_prefix + 'gcc' ANDROID_LD = path_to_toolchain + '/bin/' + toolchain_prefix + 'gcc' ANDROID_AR = path_to_toolchain + '/bin/' + toolchain_prefix + 'ar' ANDROID_CFLAGS = GCC_COMMON_CFLAGS + %W(-D__android__ -mandroid --sysroot="#{SYSROOT}") + ARCH_CFLAGS ANDROID_LDFLAGS = GCC_COMMON_LDFLAGS + %W(-D__android__ -mandroid --sysroot="#{SYSROOT}") + ARCH_LDFLAGS when 'clang' then # clang is not supported yet. when 'clang31', 'clang3.1' then # clang is not supported yet. else # Any other toolchains are not supported by Android NDK. # Notify error. end [conf.cc, conf.cxx, conf.objc, conf.asm].each do |cc| cc.command = ENV['CC'] || ANDROID_CC cc.flags = [ENV['CFLAGS'] || ANDROID_CFLAGS] end conf.linker.command = ENV['LD'] || ANDROID_LD conf.linker.flags = [ENV['LDFLAGS'] || ANDROID_LDFLAGS] conf.archiver.command = ENV['AR'] || ANDROID_AR
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