# File doc/language/mrbdoc/lib/mrbdoc_analyze.rb, line 5 def analyze_code dir, &block @mrb_files = {} @dir = File.expand_path(dir) block.call "MRBDOC\tanalyze #{@dir}" analyze(dir) do |progress| block.call progress end end
# File doc/language/mrbdoc/lib/mrbdoc_analyze.rb, line 16 def each_file(&block); @mrb_files.each {|k,v| block.call k,v}; end
# File doc/language/mrbdoc/lib/mrbdoc_analyze.rb, line 26 def find_c_file(rb_obj_name, c_func_name) last_file_name_match = '' each_file do |file_name, file| c_func = file.c_funcs(c_func_name) if c_func and file.rb_class(rb_obj_name) or file.rb_module(rb_obj_name) return file_name elsif c_func last_file_name_match = file_name end end last_file_name_match end
# File doc/language/mrbdoc/lib/mrbdoc_analyze.rb, line 39 def find_c_file_by_class(name) each_file do |file_name, file| rb_class = file.rb_class(name) return file_name unless rb_class.nil? end 'nil' end
# File doc/language/mrbdoc/lib/mrbdoc_analyze.rb, line 47 def find_c_file_by_module(name) each_file do |file_name, file| rb_module = file.rb_module(name) return file_name unless rb_module.nil? end 'nil' end
# File doc/language/mrbdoc/lib/mrbdoc_analyze.rb, line 57 def analyze dir, &block collect_all_files dir, &block end
# File doc/language/mrbdoc/lib/mrbdoc_analyze.rb, line 61 def collect_all_files dir, &block l = lambda {|f| block.call " - #{f.name}"} collect_files(src_code_dir(dir), /\.c$/, &l) collect_files(mrb_code_dir(dir), /\.rb$/, &l) end
# File doc/language/mrbdoc/lib/mrbdoc_analyze.rb, line 67 def collect_files dir, rxp, &block Dir.foreach(dir) do |file| next unless file =~ rxp file_path = "#{dir}/#{file}" mrb_file = MRBFile.new "#{file_path}" @mrb_files["#{file_path}"] = mrb_file block.call mrb_file end end
# File doc/language/mrbdoc/lib/mrbdoc_docu.rb, line 19 def get_core_list id core_list = {} each_file do |file_path, mrb_file| mrb_file.send(id) do |name, cls_hsh| core_list[name] = {:data => cls_hsh, :methods => {}, :class_methods => {}} mrb_file.each_method name do |met_name, met_hsh| core_list[name][:methods][met_name] = met_hsh end mrb_file.each_class_method name do |met_name, met_hsh| core_list[name][:class_methods][met_name] = met_hsh end end end core_list end
# File doc/language/mrbdoc/lib/mrbdoc_analyze.rb, line 80 def mrb_code_dir dir; File.expand_path MRBLIB_DIR, dir; end
# File doc/language/mrbdoc/lib/mrbdoc_docu.rb, line 89 def print_class_methods(io, hsh, cfg) return unless hsh[:class_methods].size > 0 io.puts "### Class Methods\n\n" hsh[:class_methods].sort.each do |met_name, met_hsh| print_method(io, met_name, met_hsh, cfg) end end
# File doc/language/mrbdoc/lib/mrbdoc_docu.rb, line 35 def print_core_classes(io, cfg) core_list = get_core_list :each_class io.puts "# Core Classes\n\n" core_list.sort.each do |name, hsh| file = find_c_file_by_class(name) file = file.split("#{@dir}/")[1] iso = hsh[:data][:iso] iso = 'n/a' if iso.nil? or iso == '' mixins = hsh[:data][:include].join(', ') unless hsh[:data][:include].nil? mixins = 'n/a' if mixins.nil? or mixins == '' io.puts <<CLASS ## #{name} ISO Code | Mixins | Source File --- | --- | --- #{iso} | #{mixins} | #{file} CLASS print_class_methods(io, hsh, cfg) print_methods(io, hsh, cfg) end end
# File doc/language/mrbdoc/lib/mrbdoc_docu.rb, line 59 def print_core_modules(io, cfg) core_list = get_core_list :each_module io.puts "# Core Modules\n\n" core_list.sort.each do |name, hsh| file = find_c_file_by_module(name) file = file.split("#{@dir}/")[1] iso = hsh[:data][:iso] iso = 'n/a' if iso.nil? or iso == '' io.puts <<CLASS ## #{name} ISO Code | Source File --- | --- #{iso} | #{file} CLASS print_class_methods(io, hsh, cfg) print_methods(io, hsh, cfg) end end
# File doc/language/mrbdoc/lib/mrbdoc_docu.rb, line 97 def print_method(io, met_name, met_hsh, cfg) if cfg[:print_line_no] line_no_head = ' | Line' line_no = " | #{find_c_func(met_hsh[:c_func])[:line_no]}" else line_no, line_no_head = '', '' end file = find_c_file(met_hsh[:rb_class], met_hsh[:c_func]) file = file.split("#{@dir}/")[1] iso = met_hsh[:iso] iso = 'n/a' if iso.nil? or iso == '' io.puts <<METHOD #### #{met_name} ISO Code | Source File | C Function#{line_no_head} --- | --- | --- #{iso} | #{file} | #{met_hsh[:c_func]}#{line_no} METHOD end
# File doc/language/mrbdoc/lib/mrbdoc_docu.rb, line 81 def print_methods(io, hsh, cfg) return unless hsh[:methods].size > 0 io.puts "### Methods\n\n" hsh[:methods].sort.each do |met_name, met_hsh| print_method(io, met_name, met_hsh, cfg) end end
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