In Files

  • xmlrpc/datetime.rb


This class is important to handle XMLRPC dateTime.iso8601 values, correctly, because normal UNIX-dates, ie: Date, only handle dates from year 1970 on, and ruby’s native Time class handles dates without the time component.

XMLRPC::DateTime is able to store a XMLRPC dateTime.iso8601 value correctly.



Return the value of the specified date/time component.


Return the value of the specified date/time component.


Return the value of the specified date/time component.


Return the value of the specified date/time component.


Return the value of the specified date/time component.


Return the value of the specified date/time component.


Return the value of the specified date/time component.

Public Class Methods

new(year, month, day, hour, min, sec) click to toggle source

Creates a new XMLRPC::DateTime instance with the parameters year, month, day as date and hour, min, sec as time.

Raises an ArgumentError if a parameter is out of range, or if year is not of the Integer type.

               # File xmlrpc/datetime.rb, line 84
def initialize(year, month, day, hour, min, sec)
  self.year, self.month, = year, month, day
  self.hour, self.min, self.sec   = hour, min, sec

Public Instance Methods

==(o) click to toggle source

Returns whether or not all date/time components are an array.

               # File xmlrpc/datetime.rb, line 117
def ==(o)
  self.to_a == Array(o) rescue false
day=(value) click to toggle source

Set value as the new date/time component.

Raises an ArgumentError if the given value isn’t between 1 and 31.

               # File xmlrpc/datetime.rb, line 43
def day= (value)
  raise ArgumentError, "date/time out of range" unless (1..31).include? value
  @day = value
hour=(value) click to toggle source

Set value as the new date/time component.

Raises an ArgumentError if the given value isn’t between 0 and 24.

               # File xmlrpc/datetime.rb, line 51
def hour= (value)
  raise ArgumentError, "date/time out of range" unless (0..24).include? value
  @hour = value
min=(value) click to toggle source

Set value as the new date/time component.

Raises an ArgumentError if the given value isn’t between 0 and 59.

               # File xmlrpc/datetime.rb, line 59
def min= (value)
  raise ArgumentError, "date/time out of range" unless (0..59).include? value
  @min = value
mon=(value) click to toggle source

Alias for #month=.

Alias for: month=
month=(value) click to toggle source

Set value as the new date/time component.

Raises an ArgumentError if the given value isn’t between 1 and 12.

               # File xmlrpc/datetime.rb, line 35
def month= (value)
  raise ArgumentError, "date/time out of range" unless (1..12).include? value
  @month = value
Also aliased as: mon=
sec=(value) click to toggle source

Set value as the new date/time component.

Raises an ArgumentError if the given value isn’t between 0 and 59.

               # File xmlrpc/datetime.rb, line 67
def sec= (value)
  raise ArgumentError, "date/time out of range" unless (0..59).include? value
  @sec = value
to_a() click to toggle source

Returns all date/time components in an array.

Returns +[year, month, day, hour, min, sec]+.

               # File xmlrpc/datetime.rb, line 112
def to_a
  [@year, @month, @day, @hour, @min, @sec]
to_date() click to toggle source

Return a Date object of the date which represents self.

The Date object do not contain the time component (only date).

               # File xmlrpc/datetime.rb, line 105
def to_date*to_a[0,3])
to_time() click to toggle source

Return a Time object of the date/time which represents self. If the @year is below 1970, this method returns nil, because Time cannot handle years below 1970.

The timezone used is GMT.

               # File xmlrpc/datetime.rb, line 94
def to_time
  if @year >= 1970*to_a)
year=(value) click to toggle source

Set value as the new date/time component.

Raises ArgumentError if the given value is out of range, or in the case of #year= if value is not of type Integer.

               # File xmlrpc/datetime.rb, line 27
def year= (value)
  raise ArgumentError, "date/time out of range" unless value.is_a? Integer
  @year = value

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