The Version class processes string versions into comparable values. A version string should normally be a series of numbers separated by periods. Each part (digits separated by periods) is considered its own number, and these are used for sorting. So for instance, 3.10 sorts higher than 3.2 because ten is greater than two.
If any part contains letters (currently only a-z are supported) then that version is considered prerelease. Versions with a prerelease part in the Nth part sort less than versions with N-1 parts. Prerelease parts are sorted alphabetically using the normal Ruby string sorting rules. If a prerelease part contains both letters and numbers, it will be broken into multiple parts to provide expected sort behavior (1.0.a10 becomes 1.0.a.10, and is greater than 1.0.a9).
Prereleases sort between real releases (newest to oldest):
If you want to specify a version restriction that includes both prereleases and regular releases of the 1.x series this is the best way:
s.add_dependency 'example', '>= 1.0.0.a', '< 2.0.0'
Users expect to be able to specify a version constraint that gives them some reasonable expectation that new versions of a library will work with their software if the version constraint is true, and not work with their software if the version constraint is false. In other words, the perfect system will accept all compatible versions of the library and reject all incompatible versions.
Libraries change in 3 ways (well, more than 3, but stay focused here!).
The change may be an implementation detail only and have no effect on the client software.
The change may add new features, but do so in a way that client software written to an earlier version is still compatible.
The change may change the public interface of the library in such a way that old software is no longer compatible.
Some examples are appropriate at this point. Suppose I have a Stack class
that supports a push
and a pop
Switch from an array based implementation to a linked-list based implementation.
Provide an automatic (and transparent) backing store for large stacks.
Add a depth
method to return the current depth of the stack.
Add a top
method that returns the current top of stack
(without changing the stack).
Change push
so that it returns the item pushed (previously it
had no usable return value).
Changes pop
so that it no longer returns a value (you must use
to get the top of the stack).
Rename the methods to push_item
and pop_item
Versions shall be represented by three non-negative integers, separated by periods (e.g. 3.1.4). The first integers is the “major” version number, the second integer is the “minor” version number, and the third integer is the “build” number.
A category 1 change (implementation detail) will increment the build number.
A category 2 change (backwards compatible) will increment the minor version number and reset the build number.
A category 3 change (incompatible) will increment the major build number and reset the minor and build numbers.
Any “public” release of a gem should have a different version. Normally that means incrementing the build number. This means a developer can generate builds all day long, but as soon as they make a public release, the version must be updated.
Let's work through a project lifecycle using our Stack example from above.
The initial Stack class is release.
Switched to a linked=list implementation because it is cooler.
Added a depth
Added top
and made pop
return nil
used to return the old top item).
now returns the value pushed (it used it return nil).
Fixed a bug in the linked list implementation.
Fixed a bug introduced in the last fix.
Client A needs a stack with basic push/pop capability. They write to the
original interface (no top
), so their version constraint looks
gem 'stack', '>= 0.0'
Essentially, any version is OK with Client A. An incompatible change to the library will cause them grief, but they are willing to take the chance (we call Client A optimistic).
Client B is just like Client A except for two things: (1) They use the
method and (2) they are worried about future
incompatibilities, so they write their version constraint like this:
gem 'stack', '~> 0.1'
The depth
method was introduced in version 0.1.0, so that
version or anything later is fine, as long as the version stays below
version 1.0 where incompatibilities are introduced. We call Client B
pessimistic because they are worried about incompatible future changes (it
is OK to be pessimistic!).
From: blog.zenspider.com/2008/10/rubygems-howto-preventing-cata.html
Let's say you're depending on the fnord gem version 2.y.z. If you specify your dependency as “>= 2.0.0” then, you're good, right? What happens if fnord 3.0 comes out and it isn't backwards compatible with 2.y.z? Your stuff will break as a result of using “>=”. The better route is to specify your dependency with an “approximate” version specifier (“~>”). They're a tad confusing, so here is how the dependency specifiers work:
Specification From ... To (exclusive) ">= 3.0" 3.0 ... ∞ "~> 3.0" 3.0 ... 4.0 "~> 3.0.0" 3.0.0 ... 3.1 "~> 3.5" 3.5 ... 4.0 "~> 3.5.0" 3.5.0 ... 3.6 "~> 3" 3.0 ... 4.0
For the last example, single-digit versions are automatically extended with a zero to give a sensible result.
True if the version
string matches RubyGems' requirements.
# File rubygems/version.rb, line 174 def self.correct?(version) unless Gem::Deprecate.skip warn "nil versions are discouraged and will be deprecated in Rubygems 4" if version.nil? end !!(version.to_s =~ ANCHORED_VERSION_PATTERN) end
Factory method to create a Version object. Input may be a Version or a String. Intended to simplify client code.
ver1 = Version.create('1.3.17') # -> (Version object) ver2 = Version.create(ver1) # -> (ver1) ver3 = Version.create(nil) # -> nil
# File rubygems/version.rb, line 190 def self.create(input) if self === input # check yourself before you wreck yourself input elsif input.nil? nil else new input end end
Constructs a Version from the
string. A version string is a series of digits or
ASCII letters separated by dots.
# File rubygems/version.rb, line 214 def initialize(version) unless self.class.correct?(version) raise ArgumentError, "Malformed version number string #{version}" end # If version is an empty string convert it to 0 version = 0 if version.is_a?(String) && version =~ /\A\s*\Z/ @version = version.to_s.strip.gsub("-",".pre.") @segments = nil end
Compares this version with other
returning -1, 0, or 1 if the
other version is larger, the same, or smaller than this one. Attempts to
compare to something that's not a Gem::Version
or a valid
version String return nil
# File rubygems/version.rb, line 346 def <=>(other) return self <=> self.class.new(other) if (String === other) && self.class.correct?(other) return unless Gem::Version === other return 0 if @version == other._version || canonical_segments == other.canonical_segments lhsegments = canonical_segments rhsegments = other.canonical_segments lhsize = lhsegments.size rhsize = rhsegments.size limit = (lhsize > rhsize ? lhsize : rhsize) - 1 i = 0 while i <= limit lhs, rhs = lhsegments[i] || 0, rhsegments[i] || 0 i += 1 next if lhs == rhs return -1 if String === lhs && Numeric === rhs return 1 if Numeric === lhs && String === rhs return lhs <=> rhs end return 0 end
A recommended version for use with a ~> Requirement.
# File rubygems/version.rb, line 328 def approximate_recommendation segments = self.segments segments.pop while segments.any? {|s| String === s } segments.pop while segments.size > 2 segments.push 0 while segments.size < 2 recommendation = "~> #{segments.join(".")}" recommendation += ".a" if prerelease? recommendation end
Return a new version object where the next to the last revision number is one greater (e.g., 5.3.1 => 5.4).
Pre-release (alpha) parts, e.g, 5.3.1.b.2 => 5.4, are ignored.
# File rubygems/version.rb, line 232 def bump @@bump[self] ||= begin segments = self.segments segments.pop while segments.any? {|s| String === s } segments.pop if segments.size > 1 segments[-1] = segments[-1].succ self.class.new segments.join(".") end end
# File rubygems/version.rb, line 375 def canonical_segments @canonical_segments ||= _split_segments.map! do |segments| segments.reverse_each.drop_while {|s| s == 0 }.reverse end.reduce(&:concat) end
# File rubygems/version.rb, line 382 def freeze prerelease? canonical_segments super end
Dump only the raw version string, not the complete object. It's a string for backwards (RubyGems 1.3.5 and earlier) compatibility.
# File rubygems/version.rb, line 267 def marshal_dump [version] end
Load custom marshal format. It's a string for backwards (RubyGems 1.3.5 and earlier) compatibility.
# File rubygems/version.rb, line 275 def marshal_load(array) initialize array[0] end
A version is considered a prerelease if it contains a letter.
# File rubygems/version.rb, line 296 def prerelease? unless instance_variable_defined? :@prerelease @prerelease = !!(@version =~ /[a-zA-Z]/) end @prerelease end
The release for this version (e.g. 1.2.0.a -> 1.2.0). Non-prerelease versions return themselves.
# File rubygems/version.rb, line 311 def release @@release[self] ||= if prerelease? segments = self.segments segments.pop while segments.any? {|s| String === s } self.class.new segments.join('.') else self end end
# File rubygems/version.rb, line 394 def _segments # segments is lazy so it can pick up version values that come from # old marshaled versions, which don't go through marshal_load. # since this version object is cached in @@all, its @segments should be frozen @segments ||= @version.scan(/[0-9]+|[a-z]+/i).map do |s| /^\d+$/ =~ s ? s.to_i : s end.freeze end
# File rubygems/version.rb, line 404 def _split_segments string_start = _segments.index {|s| s.is_a?(String) } string_segments = segments numeric_segments = string_segments.slice!(0, string_start || string_segments.size) return numeric_segments, string_segments end