In Files

  • rake-13.0.6/lib/rake/name_space.rb



The NameSpace class will lookup task names in the scope defined by a namespace command.

Public Class Methods

new(task_manager, scope_list) click to toggle source

Create a namespace lookup object using the given task manager and the list of scopes.

               # File rake-13.0.6/lib/rake/name_space.rb, line 11
def initialize(task_manager, scope_list)
  @task_manager = task_manager
  @scope = scope_list.dup

Public Instance Methods

[](name) click to toggle source

Lookup a task named name in the namespace.

               # File rake-13.0.6/lib/rake/name_space.rb, line 19
def [](name)
  @task_manager.lookup(name, @scope)
scope() click to toggle source

The scope of the namespace (a LinkedList)

               # File rake-13.0.6/lib/rake/name_space.rb, line 26
def scope
tasks() click to toggle source

Return the list of tasks defined in this and nested namespaces.

               # File rake-13.0.6/lib/rake/name_space.rb, line 33
def tasks
There is an updated format of the API docs for this version here.