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  • net/http/header.rb

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The HTTPHeader module defines methods for reading and writing HTTP headers.

It is used as a mixin by other classes, to provide hash-like access to HTTP header values. Unlike raw hash access, HTTPHeader provides access via case-insensitive keys. It also provides methods for accessing commonly-used HTTP header values in more convenient formats.

Public Instance Methods

[](key) click to toggle source

Returns the header field corresponding to the case-insensitive key. For example, a key of “Content-Type” might return “text/html”

               # File net/http/header.rb, line 37
def [](key)
  a = @header[key.downcase.to_s] or return nil
  a.join(', ')
[]=(key, val) click to toggle source

Sets the header field corresponding to the case-insensitive key.

               # File net/http/header.rb, line 43
def []=(key, val)
  unless val
    @header.delete key.downcase.to_s
    return val
  set_field(key, val)
add_field(key, val) click to toggle source
Ruby 1.8.3

Adds a value to a named header field, instead of replacing its value. Second argument val must be a String. See also []=, [] and get_fields.

request.add_field 'X-My-Header', 'a'
p request['X-My-Header']              #=> "a"
p request.get_fields('X-My-Header')   #=> ["a"]
request.add_field 'X-My-Header', 'b'
p request['X-My-Header']              #=> "a, b"
p request.get_fields('X-My-Header')   #=> ["a", "b"]
request.add_field 'X-My-Header', 'c'
p request['X-My-Header']              #=> "a, b, c"
p request.get_fields('X-My-Header')   #=> ["a", "b", "c"]
               # File net/http/header.rb, line 66
def add_field(key, val)
  stringified_downcased_key = key.downcase.to_s
  if @header.key?(stringified_downcased_key)
    append_field_value(@header[stringified_downcased_key], val)
    set_field(key, val)
initialize_http_header(initheader) click to toggle source
               # File net/http/header.rb, line 12
def initialize_http_header(initheader)
  @header = {}
  return unless initheader
  initheader.each do |key, value|
    warn "net/http: duplicated HTTP header: #{key}", uplevel: 3 if key?(key) and $VERBOSE
    if value.nil?
      warn "net/http: nil HTTP header: #{key}", uplevel: 3 if $VERBOSE
      value = value.strip # raise error for invalid byte sequences
      if value.count("\r\n") > 0
        raise ArgumentError, "header #{key} has field value #{value.inspect}, this cannot include CR/LF"
      @header[key.downcase.to_s] = [value]
There is an updated format of the API docs for this version here.