Show your testing pride!
Start an escape sequence
End the escape sequence
The IO we're going to pipe through.
Activate the pride plugin. Called from both -p option and minitest/pride
# File minitest-5.15.0/lib/minitest/pride_plugin.rb, line 28 def self.pride! @pride = true end
Are we showing our testing pride?
# File minitest-5.15.0/lib/minitest/pride_plugin.rb, line 35 def self.pride? @pride ||= false end
Color a string.
# File minitest-5.15.0/lib/minitest/pride_plugin.rb, line 89 def pride string string = "*" if string == "." c = @colors[@index % @size] @index += 1 "#{ESC}#{c}m#{string}#{NND}" end
Wrap print to colorize the output.
# File minitest-5.15.0/lib/minitest/pride_plugin.rb, line 60 def print o case o when "." then io.print pride o when "E", "F" then io.print "#{ESC}41m#{ESC}37m#{o}#{NND}" when "S" then io.print pride o else io.print o end end
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