In Files

  • etc/etc.c



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Public Instance Methods

pathconf(p1) click to toggle source

Returns pathname configuration variable using fpathconf().

name should be a constant under Etc which begins with PC_.

The return value is an integer or nil. nil means indefinite limit. (fpathconf() returns -1 but errno is not set.)

require 'etc'
IO.pipe {|r, w|
  p w.pathconf(Etc::PC_PIPE_BUF) #=> 4096
               static VALUE
io_pathconf(VALUE io, VALUE arg)
    int name;
    long ret;
    rb_io_t *fptr;

    name = NUM2INT(arg);

    GetOpenFile(io, fptr);

    errno = 0;
    ret = fpathconf(fptr->fd, name);
    if (ret == -1) {
        if (errno == 0) /* no limit */
            return Qnil;
    return LONG2NUM(ret);
There is an updated format of the API docs for this version here.