Constructs a new ERB object with the template specified in str.
An ERB object works by building a chunk of Ruby code that will output the completed template when run.
If trim_mode is passed a String containing one or more of the following modifiers, ERB will adjust its code generation as listed:
% enables Ruby code processing for lines beginning with % <> omit newline for lines starting with <% and ending in %> > omit newline for lines ending in %> - omit blank lines ending in -%>
eoutvar can be used to set the name of the variable ERB will build up its output in. This is useful when you need to run multiple ERB templates through the same binding and/or when you want to control where output ends up. Pass the name of the variable to be used inside a String.
require "erb" # build data class class Listings PRODUCT = { :name => "Chicken Fried Steak", :desc => "A well messages pattie, breaded and fried.", :cost => 9.95 } attr_reader :product, :price def initialize( product = "", price = "" ) @product = product @price = price end def build b = binding # create and run templates, filling member data variables ERB.new(" <%= PRODUCT[:name] %> <%= PRODUCT[:desc] %> ".gsub(/^\s+/, ""), trim_mode: "", eoutvar: "@product").result b ERB.new(" <%= PRODUCT[:name] %> -- <%= PRODUCT[:cost] %> <%= PRODUCT[:desc] %> ".gsub(/^\s+/, ""), trim_mode: "", eoutvar: "@price").result b end end # setup template data listings = Listings.new listings.build puts listings.product + "\n" + listings.price
Chicken Fried Steak A well messages pattie, breaded and fried. Chicken Fried Steak -- 9.95 A well messages pattie, breaded and fried.
# File erb.rb, line 809 def initialize(str, safe_level=NOT_GIVEN, legacy_trim_mode=NOT_GIVEN, legacy_eoutvar=NOT_GIVEN, trim_mode: nil, eoutvar: '_erbout') # Complex initializer for $SAFE deprecation at [Feature #14256]. Use keyword arguments to pass trim_mode or eoutvar. if safe_level != NOT_GIVEN warn 'Passing safe_level with the 2nd argument of ERB.new is deprecated. Do not use it, and specify other arguments as keyword arguments.', uplevel: 1 end if legacy_trim_mode != NOT_GIVEN warn 'Passing trim_mode with the 3rd argument of ERB.new is deprecated. Use keyword argument like ERB.new(str, trim_mode: ...) instead.', uplevel: 1 trim_mode = legacy_trim_mode end if legacy_eoutvar != NOT_GIVEN warn 'Passing eoutvar with the 4th argument of ERB.new is deprecated. Use keyword argument like ERB.new(str, eoutvar: ...) instead.', uplevel: 1 eoutvar = legacy_eoutvar end compiler = make_compiler(trim_mode) set_eoutvar(compiler, eoutvar) @src, @encoding, @frozen_string = *compiler.compile(str) @filename = nil @lineno = 0 @_init = self.class.singleton_class end
Define unnamed class which has methodname as instance method, and return it.
class MyClass_ def initialize(arg1, arg2) @arg1 = arg1; @arg2 = arg2 end end filename = 'example.rhtml' # @arg1 and @arg2 are used in example.rhtml erb = ERB.new(File.read(filename)) erb.filename = filename MyClass = erb.def_class(MyClass_, 'render()') print MyClass.new('foo', 123).render()
# File erb.rb, line 975 def def_class(superklass=Object, methodname='result') cls = Class.new(superklass) def_method(cls, methodname, @filename || '(ERB)') cls end
Define methodname as instance method of mod from compiled Ruby source.
filename = 'example.rhtml' # 'arg1' and 'arg2' are used in example.rhtml erb = ERB.new(File.read(filename)) erb.def_method(MyClass, 'render(arg1, arg2)', filename) print MyClass.new.render('foo', 123)
# File erb.rb, line 939 def def_method(mod, methodname, fname='(ERB)') src = self.src.sub(/^(?!#|$)/) {"def #{methodname}\n"} << "\nend\n" mod.module_eval do eval(src, binding, fname, -1) end end
Create unnamed module, define methodname as instance method of it, and return it.
filename = 'example.rhtml' # 'arg1' and 'arg2' are used in example.rhtml erb = ERB.new(File.read(filename)) erb.filename = filename MyModule = erb.def_module('render(arg1, arg2)') class MyClass include MyModule end
# File erb.rb, line 956 def def_module(methodname='erb') mod = Module.new def_method(mod, methodname, @filename || '(ERB)') mod end
Sets optional filename and line number that will be used in ERB code evaluation and error reporting. See also filename= and lineno=
erb = ERB.new('<%= some_x %>') erb.render # undefined local variable or method `some_x' # from (erb):1 erb.location = ['file.erb', 3] # All subsequent error reporting would use new location erb.render # undefined local variable or method `some_x' # from file.erb:4
# File erb.rb, line 869 def location=((filename, lineno)) @filename = filename @lineno = lineno if lineno end
Creates a new compiler for ERB. See ERB::Compiler.new for details
# File erb.rb, line 836 def make_compiler(trim_mode) ERB::Compiler.new(trim_mode) end
Executes the generated ERB code to produce a completed template, returning the results of that code. (See ::new for details on how this process can be affected by safe_level.)
b accepts a Binding object which is used to set the context of code evaluation.
# File erb.rb, line 899 def result(b=new_toplevel) unless @_init.equal?(self.class.singleton_class) raise ArgumentError, "not initialized" end eval(@src, b, (@filename || '(erb)'), @lineno) end
Render a template on a new toplevel binding with local variables specified by a Hash object.
# File erb.rb, line 908 def result_with_hash(hash) b = new_toplevel(hash.keys) hash.each_pair do |key, value| b.local_variable_set(key, value) end result(b) end
Generate results and print them. (see #result)
# File erb.rb, line 887 def run(b=new_toplevel) print self.result(b) end
Can be used to set eoutvar as described in ::new. It's probably easier to just use the constructor though, since calling this method requires the setup of an ERB compiler object.
# File erb.rb, line 879 def set_eoutvar(compiler, eoutvar = '_erbout') compiler.put_cmd = "#{eoutvar}.<<" compiler.insert_cmd = "#{eoutvar}.<<" compiler.pre_cmd = ["#{eoutvar} = +''"] compiler.post_cmd = [eoutvar] end