Generic connection pool class for sharing a limited number of objects or network connections among many threads. Note: pool elements are lazily created.
Example usage with block (faster):
@pool = { } @pool.with do |redis| redis.lpop('my-list') if redis.llen('my-list') > 0 end
Using optional timeout override (for that single invocation)
@pool.with(timeout: 2.0) do |redis| redis.lpop('my-list') if redis.llen('my-list') > 0 end
Example usage replacing an existing connection (slower):
$redis = Bundler::ConnectionPool.wrap { } def do_work $redis.lpop('my-list') if $redis.llen('my-list') > 0 end
Accepts the following options:
:size - number of connections to pool, defaults to 5
:timeout - amount of time to wait for a connection if none currently available, defaults to 5 seconds
# File bundler/vendor/connection_pool/lib/connection_pool.rb, line 45 def initialize(options = {}, &block) raise ArgumentError, "Connection pool requires a block" unless block options = DEFAULTS.merge(options) @size = Integer(options.fetch(:size)) @timeout = options.fetch(:timeout) @available =, &block) @key = :"pool-#{@available.object_id}" @key_count = :"pool-#{@available.object_id}-count" end
Number of pool entries available for checkout at this instant.
# File bundler/vendor/connection_pool/lib/connection_pool.rb, line 120 def available @available.length end
# File bundler/vendor/connection_pool/lib/connection_pool.rb, line 82 def checkin if ::Thread.current[@key] if ::Thread.current[@key_count] == 1 @available.push(::Thread.current[@key]) ::Thread.current[@key] = nil ::Thread.current[@key_count] = nil else ::Thread.current[@key_count] -= 1 end else raise Bundler::ConnectionPool::Error, "no connections are checked out" end nil end
# File bundler/vendor/connection_pool/lib/connection_pool.rb, line 72 def checkout(options = {}) if ::Thread.current[@key] ::Thread.current[@key_count] += 1 ::Thread.current[@key] else ::Thread.current[@key_count] = 1 ::Thread.current[@key] = @available.pop(options[:timeout] || @timeout) end end
Reloads the Bundler::ConnectionPool
by passing each connection to block
and then removing it the pool. Subsequent checkouts will create new connections as needed.
# File bundler/vendor/connection_pool/lib/connection_pool.rb, line 112 def reload(&block) @available.shutdown(reload: true, &block) end
Shuts down the Bundler::ConnectionPool
by passing each connection to block
and then removing it from the pool. Attempting to checkout a connection after shutdown will raise Bundler::ConnectionPool::PoolShuttingDownError
# File bundler/vendor/connection_pool/lib/connection_pool.rb, line 103 def shutdown(&block) @available.shutdown(&block) end
# File bundler/vendor/connection_pool/lib/connection_pool.rb, line 58 def with(options = {}) Thread.handle_interrupt(Exception => :never) do conn = checkout(options) begin Thread.handle_interrupt(Exception => :immediate) do yield conn end ensure checkin end end end