# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 23 def initialize @replaced_methods = {} backport_ext_builder_monitor end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 48 def add_to_load_path(paths) return Gem.add_to_load_path(*paths) if Gem.respond_to?(:add_to_load_path) if insert_index = Gem.load_path_insert_index # Gem directories must come after -I and ENV['RUBYLIB'] $LOAD_PATH.insert(insert_index, *paths) else # We are probably testing in core, -I and RUBYLIB don't apply $LOAD_PATH.unshift(*paths) end end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 596 def all_specs require_relative "remote_specification" Gem::Specification.stubs.map do |stub| StubSpecification.from_stub(stub) end end
This backports base_dir which replaces installation path RubyGems 1.8+
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 448 def backport_base_dir redefine_method(Gem::Specification, :base_dir) do return Gem.dir unless loaded_from File.dirname File.dirname loaded_from end end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 455 def backport_cache_file redefine_method(Gem::Specification, :cache_dir) do @cache_dir ||= File.join base_dir, "cache" end redefine_method(Gem::Specification, :cache_file) do @cache_file ||= File.join cache_dir, "#{full_name}.gem" end end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 603 def backport_ext_builder_monitor # So we can avoid requiring "rubygems/ext" in its entirety Gem.module_eval <<-RB, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 module Ext end RB require "rubygems/ext/builder" Gem::Ext::Builder.class_eval do unless const_defined?(:CHDIR_MONITOR) const_set(:CHDIR_MONITOR, EXT_LOCK) end remove_const(:CHDIR_MUTEX) if const_defined?(:CHDIR_MUTEX) const_set(:CHDIR_MUTEX, const_get(:CHDIR_MONITOR)) end end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 465 def backport_spec_file redefine_method(Gem::Specification, :spec_dir) do @spec_dir ||= File.join base_dir, "specifications" end redefine_method(Gem::Specification, :spec_file) do @spec_file ||= File.join spec_dir, "#{full_name}.gemspec" end end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 222 def bin_path(gem, bin, ver) Gem.bin_path(gem, bin, ver) end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 579 def build(spec, skip_validation = false) require "rubygems/package" Gem::Package.build(spec, skip_validation) end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 36 def build_args Gem::Command.build_args end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 40 def build_args=(args) Gem::Command.build_args = args end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 282 def build_gem(gem_dir, spec) build(spec) end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 218 def clear_paths Gem.clear_paths end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 123 def configuration require_relative "psyched_yaml" Gem.configuration rescue Gem::SystemExitException, LoadError => e Bundler.ui.error "#{e.class}: #{e.message}" Bundler.ui.trace e raise rescue YamlLibrarySyntaxError => e raise YamlSyntaxError.new(e, "Your RubyGems configuration, which is " \ "usually located in ~/.gemrc, contains invalid YAML syntax.") end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 149 def correct_for_windows_path(path) require "rubygems/util" if Gem::Util.respond_to?(:correct_for_windows_path) Gem::Util.correct_for_windows_path(path) elsif path[0].chr == "/" && path[1].chr =~ /[a-z]/i && path[2].chr == ":" path[1..-1] else path end end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 627 def default_stubs Gem::Specification.default_stubs("*.gemspec") end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 556 def download_gem(spec, uri, path) uri = Bundler.settings.mirror_for(uri) fetcher = gem_remote_fetcher fetcher.headers = { "X-Gemfile-Source" => spec.remote.original_uri.to_s } if spec.remote.original_uri Bundler::Retry.new("download gem from #{uri}").attempts do fetcher.download(spec, uri, path) end end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 248 def ext_lock EXT_LOCK end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 549 def fetch_all_remote_specs(remote) specs = fetch_specs(remote, "specs") pres = fetch_specs(remote, "prerelease_specs") || [] specs.concat(pres) end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 538 def fetch_specs(remote, name) path = remote.uri.to_s + "#{name}.#{Gem.marshal_version}.gz" fetcher = gem_remote_fetcher fetcher.headers = { "X-Gemfile-Source" => remote.original_uri.to_s } if remote.original_uri string = fetcher.fetch_path(path) Bundler.load_marshal(string) rescue Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError => e # it's okay for prerelease to fail raise e unless name == "prerelease_specs" end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 622 def find_name(name) Gem::Specification.stubs_for(name).map(&:to_spec) end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 178 def gem_bindir Gem.bindir end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 202 def gem_cache gem_path.map {|p| File.expand_path("cache", p) } end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 174 def gem_dir Gem.dir end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 572 def gem_from_path(path, policy = nil) require "rubygems/package" p = Gem::Package.new(path) p.security_policy = policy if policy p end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 186 def gem_path Gem.path end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 565 def gem_remote_fetcher require "resolv" proxy = configuration[:http_proxy] dns = Resolv::DNS.new Gem::RemoteFetcher.new(proxy, dns) end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 143 def inflate(obj) require "rubygems/util" Gem::Util.inflate(obj) end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 588 def install_with_build_args(args) yield end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 240 def load_plugin_files(files) Gem.load_plugin_files(files) if Gem.respond_to?(:load_plugin_files) end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 236 def load_plugins Gem.load_plugins if Gem.respond_to?(:load_plugins) end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 231 def loaded_gem_paths loaded_gem_paths = Gem.loaded_specs.map {|_, s| s.full_require_paths } loaded_gem_paths.flatten end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 44 def loaded_specs(name) Gem.loaded_specs[name] end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 60 def mark_loaded(spec) if spec.respond_to?(:activated=) current = Gem.loaded_specs[spec.name] current.activated = false if current spec.activated = true end Gem.loaded_specs[spec.name] = spec end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 214 def marshal_spec_dir Gem::MARSHAL_SPEC_DIR end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 508 def method_visibility(klass, method) if klass.private_method_defined?(method) :private elsif klass.protected_method_defined?(method) :protected else :public end end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 114 def path(obj) obj.to_s end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 592 def path_separator Gem.path_separator end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 530 def plain_specs Gem::Specification._all end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 534 def plain_specs=(specs) Gem::Specification.all = specs end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 118 def platforms return [Gem::Platform::RUBY] if Bundler.settings[:force_ruby_platform] Gem.platforms end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 194 def post_reset_hooks Gem.post_reset_hooks end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 226 def preserve_paths # this is a no-op outside of RubyGems 1.8 yield end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 32 def provides?(req_str) self.class.provides?(req_str) end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 139 def read_binary(path) Gem.read_binary(path) end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 487 def redefine_method(klass, method, unbound_method = nil, &block) visibility = method_visibility(klass, method) begin if (instance_method = klass.instance_method(method)) && method != :initialize # doing this to ensure we also get private methods klass.send(:remove_method, method) end rescue NameError # method isn't defined nil end @replaced_methods[[method, klass]] = instance_method if unbound_method klass.send(:define_method, method, unbound_method) klass.send(visibility, method) elsif block klass.send(:define_method, method, &block) klass.send(visibility, method) end end
Used to make bin stubs that are not created by bundler work under bundler. The new Gem.bin_path only considers gems in specs
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 357 def replace_bin_path(specs_by_name) gem_class = (class << Gem; self; end) redefine_method(gem_class, :find_spec_for_exe) do |gem_name, *args| exec_name = args.first raise ArgumentError, "you must supply exec_name" unless exec_name spec_with_name = specs_by_name[gem_name] matching_specs_by_exec_name = specs_by_name.values.select {|s| s.executables.include?(exec_name) } spec = matching_specs_by_exec_name.delete(spec_with_name) unless spec || !matching_specs_by_exec_name.empty? message = "can't find executable #{exec_name} for gem #{gem_name}" if spec_with_name.nil? message += ". #{gem_name} is not currently included in the bundle, " \ "perhaps you meant to add it to your #{Bundler.default_gemfile.basename}?" end raise Gem::Exception, message end unless spec spec = matching_specs_by_exec_name.shift warn \ "Bundler is using a binstub that was created for a different gem (#{spec.name}).\n" \ "You should run `bundle binstub #{gem_name}` " \ "to work around a system/bundle conflict." end unless matching_specs_by_exec_name.empty? conflicting_names = matching_specs_by_exec_name.map(&:name).join(", ") warn \ "The `#{exec_name}` executable in the `#{spec.name}` gem is being loaded, but it's also present in other gems (#{conflicting_names}).\n" \ "If you meant to run the executable for another gem, make sure you use a project specific binstub (`bundle binstub <gem_name>`).\n" \ "If you plan to use multiple conflicting executables, generate binstubs for them and disambiguate their names." end spec end redefine_method(gem_class, :activate_bin_path) do |name, *args| exec_name = args.first return ENV["BUNDLE_BIN_PATH"] if exec_name == "bundle" # Copy of Rubygems activate_bin_path impl requirement = args.last spec = find_spec_for_exe name, exec_name, [requirement] gem_bin = File.join(spec.full_gem_path, spec.bindir, exec_name) gem_from_path_bin = File.join(File.dirname(spec.loaded_from), spec.bindir, exec_name) File.exist?(gem_bin) ? gem_bin : gem_from_path_bin end redefine_method(gem_class, :bin_path) do |name, *args| exec_name = args.first return ENV["BUNDLE_BIN_PATH"] if exec_name == "bundle" spec = find_spec_for_exe(name, *args) exec_name ||= spec.default_executable gem_bin = File.join(spec.full_gem_path, spec.bindir, exec_name) gem_from_path_bin = File.join(File.dirname(spec.loaded_from), spec.bindir, exec_name) File.exist?(gem_bin) ? gem_bin : gem_from_path_bin end end
Replace or hook into RubyGems to provide a bundlerized view of the world.
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 424 def replace_entrypoints(specs) specs_by_name = specs.reduce({}) do |h, s| h[s.name] = s h end Bundler.rubygems.default_stubs.each do |stub| default_spec = stub.to_spec default_spec_name = default_spec.name next if specs_by_name.key?(default_spec_name) specs << default_spec specs_by_name[default_spec_name] = default_spec end replace_gem(specs, specs_by_name) stub_rubygems(specs) replace_bin_path(specs_by_name) Gem.clear_paths end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 309 def replace_gem(specs, specs_by_name) reverse_rubygems_kernel_mixin executables = nil kernel = (class << ::Kernel; self; end) [kernel, ::Kernel].each do |kernel_class| redefine_method(kernel_class, :gem) do |dep, *reqs| if executables && executables.include?(File.basename(caller.first.split(":").first)) break end reqs.pop if reqs.last.is_a?(Hash) unless dep.respond_to?(:name) && dep.respond_to?(:requirement) dep = Gem::Dependency.new(dep, reqs) end if spec = specs_by_name[dep.name] return true if dep.matches_spec?(spec) end message = if spec.nil? "#{dep.name} is not part of the bundle." \ " Add it to your #{Bundler.default_gemfile.basename}." else "can't activate #{dep}, already activated #{spec.full_name}. " \ "Make sure all dependencies are added to Gemfile." end e = Gem::LoadError.new(message) e.name = dep.name if e.respond_to?(:requirement=) e.requirement = dep.requirement elsif e.respond_to?(:version_requirement=) e.version_requirement = dep.requirement end raise e end # backwards compatibility shim, see https://github.com/bundler/bundler/issues/5102 kernel_class.send(:public, :gem) if Bundler.feature_flag.setup_makes_kernel_gem_public? end end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 584 def repository_subdirectories Gem::REPOSITORY_SUBDIRECTORIES end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 190 def reset Gem::Specification.reset end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 299 def reverse_rubygems_kernel_mixin # Disable rubygems' gem activation system kernel = (class << ::Kernel; self; end) [kernel, ::Kernel].each do |k| if k.private_method_defined?(:gem_original_require) redefine_method(k, :require, k.instance_method(:gem_original_require)) end end end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 135 def ruby_engine Gem.ruby_engine end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 290 def security_policies @security_policies ||= begin require "rubygems/security" Gem::Security::Policies rescue LoadError, NameError {} end end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 286 def security_policy_keys %w[High Medium Low AlmostNo No].map {|level| "#{level}Security" } end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 79 def set_installed_by_version(spec, installed_by_version = Gem::VERSION) return unless spec.respond_to?(:installed_by_version=) spec.installed_by_version = Gem::Version.create(installed_by_version) end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 170 def sources Gem.sources end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 161 def sources=(val) # Gem.configuration creates a new Gem::ConfigFile, which by default will read ~/.gemrc # If that file exists, its settings (including sources) will overwrite the values we # are about to set here. In order to avoid that, we force memoizing the config file now. configuration Gem.sources = val end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 206 def spec_cache_dirs @spec_cache_dirs ||= begin dirs = gem_path.map {|dir| File.join(dir, "specifications") } dirs << Gem.spec_cache_dir if Gem.respond_to?(:spec_cache_dir) # Not in RubyGems 2.0.3 or earlier dirs.uniq.select {|dir| File.directory? dir } end end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 93 def spec_default_gem?(spec) spec.respond_to?(:default_gem?) && spec.default_gem? end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 105 def spec_extension_dir(spec) return unless spec.respond_to?(:extension_dir) spec.extension_dir end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 264 def spec_from_gem(path, policy = nil) require "rubygems/security" require_relative "psyched_yaml" gem_from_path(path, security_policies[policy]).spec rescue Gem::Package::FormatError raise GemspecError, "Could not read gem at #{path}. It may be corrupted." rescue Exception, Gem::Exception, Gem::Security::Exception => e # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException if e.is_a?(Gem::Security::Exception) || e.message =~ /unknown trust policy|unsigned gem/i || e.message =~ /couldn't verify (meta)?data signature/i raise SecurityError, "The gem #{File.basename(path, ".gem")} can't be installed because " \ "the security policy didn't allow it, with the message: #{e.message}" else raise e end end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 97 def spec_matches_for_glob(spec, glob) return spec.matches_for_glob(glob) if spec.respond_to?(:matches_for_glob) spec.load_paths.map do |lp| Dir["#{lp}/#{glob}#{suffix_pattern}"] end.flatten(1) end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 84 def spec_missing_extensions?(spec, default = true) return spec.missing_extensions? if spec.respond_to?(:missing_extensions?) return false if spec_default_gem?(spec) return false if spec.extensions.empty? default end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 518 def stub_rubygems(specs) Gem::Specification.all = specs Gem.post_reset do Gem::Specification.all = specs end redefine_method((class << Gem; self; end), :finish_resolve) do |*| [] end end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 110 def stub_set_spec(stub, spec) stub.instance_variable_set(:@spec, spec) end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 198 def suffix_pattern Gem.suffix_pattern end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 244 def ui=(obj) Gem::DefaultUserInteraction.ui = obj end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 475 def undo_replacements @replaced_methods.each do |(sym, klass), method| redefine_method(klass, sym, method) end if Binding.public_method_defined?(:source_location) post_reset_hooks.reject! {|proc| proc.binding.source_location[0] == __FILE__ } else post_reset_hooks.reject! {|proc| proc.binding.eval("__FILE__") == __FILE__ } end @replaced_methods.clear end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 636 def use_gemdeps(gemfile) ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] ||= File.expand_path(gemfile) require_relative "gemdeps" runtime = Bundler.setup activated_spec_names = runtime.requested_specs.map(&:to_spec).sort_by(&:name) [Gemdeps.new(runtime), activated_spec_names] end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 182 def user_home Gem.user_home end
# File bundler/rubygems_integration.rb, line 69 def validate(spec) Bundler.ui.silence { spec.validate(false) } rescue Gem::InvalidSpecificationException => e error_message = "The gemspec at #{spec.loaded_from} is not valid. Please fix this gemspec.\n" \ "The validation error was '#{e.message}'\n" raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException.new(error_message) rescue Errno::ENOENT nil end