Persistent connections for Net::HTTP
Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent maintains persistent connections across all the servers you wish to talk to. For each host:port you communicate with a single persistent connection is created.
Multiple Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent objects will share the same set of connections.
For each thread you start a new connection will be created. A Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent connection will not be shared across threads.
You can shut down the HTTP connections when done by calling shutdown. You should name your Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent object if you intend to call this method.
require 'bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent' uri = Bundler::URI '' http = name: 'my_app_name' # perform a GET response = http.request uri # or get = uri.request_uri response = http.request get # create a POST post_uri = uri + 'create' post = post_uri.path post.set_form_data 'some' => 'cool data' # perform the POST, the Bundler::URI is always required response http.request post_uri, post
Note that for GET, HEAD and other requests that do not have a body you want to use Bundler::URI#request_uri not Bundler::URI#path. The request_uri contains the query params which are sent in the body for other requests.
SSL connections are automatically created depending upon the scheme of the Bundler::URI. SSL connections are automatically verified against the default certificate store for your computer. You can override this by changing #verify_mode or by specifying an alternate cert_store.
Here are the SSL settings, see the individual methods for documentation:
This client’s certificate
The certificate-authorities
Directory with certificate-authorities
An SSL certificate store
List of SSl ciphers allowed
The client’s SSL private key
Reuse a previously opened SSL session for a new connection
SSL session lifetime
Which specific SSL version to use
For server certificate verification
Depth of certificate verification
How connections should be verified
A proxy can be set through proxy= or at initialization
time by providing a second argument to ::new. The proxy may be the Bundler::URI of the proxy server or
which will consult environment variables.
See proxy= and proxy_from_env for details.
Headers may be specified for use in every request. headers are appended to any headers on the request. override_headers replace existing headers on the request.
The difference between the two can be seen in setting the User-Agent.
Using http.headers['User-Agent'] = 'MyUserAgent'
will send
“Ruby, MyUserAgent” while http.override_headers['User-Agent'] =
will send “MyUserAgent”.
By providing an application name to ::new you can separate your connections from the connections of other applications.
If a connection hasn’t been used for this number of seconds it will automatically be reset upon the next use to avoid attempting to send to a closed connection. The default value is 5 seconds. nil means no timeout. Set through idle_timeout.
Reducing this value may help avoid the “too many connection resets” error when sending non-idempotent requests while increasing this value will cause fewer round-trips.
The amount of time allowed between reading two chunks from the socket. Set through read_timeout
The number of requests that should be made before opening a new connection. Typically many keep-alive capable servers tune this to 100 or less, so the 101st request will fail with ECONNRESET. If unset (default), this value has no effect, if set, connections will be reset on the request after max_requests.
The amount of time to wait for a connection to be opened. Set through open_timeout.
Socket options may be set on newly-created connections. See socket_options for details.
By default non-idempotent requests will not be retried per RFC 2616. By setting #retry_change_requests to true requests will automatically be retried once.
Only do this when you know that retrying a POST or other non-idempotent request is safe for your application and will not create duplicate resources.
The recommended way to handle non-idempotent requests is the following:
require 'bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent' uri = Bundler::URI '' post_uri = uri + 'create' http = name: 'my_app_name' post = post_uri.path # ... fill in POST request begin response = http.request post_uri, post rescue Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent::Error # POST failed, make a new request to verify the server did not process # the request exists_uri = uri + '...' response = http.get exists_uri # Retry if it failed retry if response.code == '404' end
The method of determining if the resource was created or not is unique to the particular service you are using. Of course, you will want to add protection from infinite looping.
If you are done using the Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent instance you may shut down all the connections in the current thread with shutdown. This is not recommended for normal use, it should only be used when it will be several minutes before you make another HTTP request.
If you are using multiple threads, call shutdown in each thread when the thread is done making requests. If you don’t call shutdown, that’s OK. Ruby will automatically garbage collect and shutdown your HTTP connections when the thread terminates.
The version of Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent you are using
A directory of SSL certificates to be used as certificate authorities. Setting this will set #verify_mode to VERIFY_PEER.
An SSL certificate store. Setting this will override the default certificate store. See #verify_mode for more information.
Sends #debug_output to this IO via Net::HTTP#set_debug_output.
Never use this method in production code, it causes a serious security hole.
Maps host:port to an HTTP version. This allows us to enable version specific features.
Maximum time an unused connection can remain idle before being automatically closed.
The value sent in the Keep-Alive header. Defaults to 30. Not needed for HTTP/1.1 servers.
This may not work correctly for HTTP/1.0 servers
This method may be removed in a future version as RFC 2616 does not require this header.
Maximum number of requests on a connection before it is considered expired and automatically closed.
Maximum SSL version to use, e.g. :TLS1_2
By default, the version will be negotiated automatically between client and server. Ruby 2.5 and newer only.
Minimum SSL version to use, e.g. :TLS1_1
By default, the version will be negotiated automatically between client and server. Ruby 2.5 and newer only.
A name for this connection. Allows you to keep your connections apart from everybody else’s.
Enable retries of non-idempotent requests that change data (e.g. POST requests) when the server has disconnected.
This will in the worst case lead to multiple requests with the same data, but it may be useful for some applications. Take care when enabling this option to ensure it is safe to POST or perform other non-idempotent requests to the server.
By default SSL sessions are reused to avoid extra SSL handshakes. Set this to false if you have problems communicating with an HTTPS server like:
SSL_connect [...] read finished A: unexpected message (OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError)
An array of options for Socket#setsockopt.
By default the TCP_NODELAY option is set on sockets.
To set additional options append them to this array:
http.socket_options << [Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_KEEPALIVE, 1]
SSL version to use.
By default, the version will be negotiated automatically between client and server. Ruby 1.9 and newer only. Deprecated since Ruby 2.5.
HTTPS verify mode. Defaults to OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER which verifies the server certificate.
If no #ca_file, #ca_path or #cert_store is set the default system certificate store is used.
You can use verify_mode
to override any default values.
Use this method to detect the idle timeout of the host at uri
The value returned can be used to configure idle_timeout.
controls the maximum idle timeout to detect.
Idle timeout detection is performed by creating a connection then performing a HEAD request in a loop until the connection terminates waiting one additional second per loop.
NOTE: This may not work on ruby > 1.9.
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 246 def self.detect_idle_timeout uri, max = 10 uri = Bundler::URI uri unless Bundler::URI::Generic === uri uri += '/' req = uri.request_uri http = new 'net-http-persistent detect_idle_timeout' http.connection_for uri do |connection| sleep_time = 0 http = connection.http loop do response = http.request req $stderr.puts "HEAD #{uri} => #{response.code}" if $DEBUG unless Net::HTTPOK === response then raise Error, "bad response code #{response.code} detecting idle timeout" end break if sleep_time >= max sleep_time += 1 $stderr.puts "sleeping #{sleep_time}" if $DEBUG sleep sleep_time end end rescue # ignore StandardErrors, we've probably found the idle timeout. ensure return sleep_time unless $! end
Creates a new Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent.
Set name
to keep your connections apart from everybody else’s.
Not required currently, but highly recommended. Your library name should
be good enough. This parameter will be required in a future version.
may be set to a Bundler::URI::HTTP or :ENV to pick up
proxy options from the environment. See #proxy_from_env for
In order to use a Bundler::URI for the proxy you may need to do some extra work beyond Bundler::URI parsing if the proxy requires a password:
proxy = Bundler::URI 'http://proxy.example' proxy.user = 'AzureDiamond' proxy.password = 'hunter2'
Set pool_size
to limit the maximum number of connections
allowed. Defaults to 1/4 the number of allowed file handles. You can have
no more than this many threads with active HTTP transactions.
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 525 def initialize name: nil, proxy: nil, pool_size: DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE @name = name @debug_output = nil @proxy_uri = nil @no_proxy = [] @headers = {} @override_headers = {} @http_versions = {} @keep_alive = 30 @open_timeout = nil @read_timeout = nil @write_timeout = nil @idle_timeout = 5 @max_requests = nil @socket_options = [] @ssl_generation = 0 # incremented when SSL session variables change @socket_options << [Socket::IPPROTO_TCP, Socket::TCP_NODELAY, 1] if Socket.const_defined? :TCP_NODELAY @pool = size: pool_size do |http_args| Net::HTTP, http_args, @ssl_generation end @certificate = nil @ca_file = nil @ca_path = nil @ciphers = nil @private_key = nil @ssl_timeout = nil @ssl_version = nil @min_version = nil @max_version = nil @verify_callback = nil @verify_depth = nil @verify_mode = nil @cert_store = nil @generation = 0 # incremented when proxy Bundler::URI changes if HAVE_OPENSSL then @verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER @reuse_ssl_sessions = OpenSSL::SSL.const_defined? :Session end @retry_change_requests = false self.proxy = proxy if proxy end
Sets the SSL certificate authority file.
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 591 def ca_file= file @ca_file = file reconnect_ssl end
Sets the SSL certificate authority path.
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 600 def ca_path= path @ca_path = path reconnect_ssl end
Is the request req
idempotent or is #retry_change_requests
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 760 def can_retry? req @retry_change_requests && !idempotent?(req) end
Overrides the default SSL certificate store used for verifying connections.
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 610 def cert_store= store @cert_store = store reconnect_ssl end
Sets this client’s OpenSSL::X509::Certificate
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 579 def certificate= certificate @certificate = certificate reconnect_ssl end
The ciphers allowed for SSL connections
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 619 def ciphers= ciphers @ciphers = ciphers reconnect_ssl end
Creates a new connection for uri
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 628 def connection_for uri use_ssl = uri.scheme.downcase == 'https' net_http_args = [uri.hostname, uri.port] if @proxy_uri and not proxy_bypass? uri.hostname, uri.port then net_http_args.concat @proxy_args else net_http_args.concat [nil, nil, nil, nil] end connection = @pool.checkout net_http_args http = connection.http connection.ressl @ssl_generation if connection.ssl_generation != @ssl_generation if not http.started? then ssl http if use_ssl start http elsif expired? connection then reset connection end http.read_timeout = @read_timeout if @read_timeout http.write_timeout = @write_timeout if @write_timeout && http.respond_to?(:write_timeout=) http.keep_alive_timeout = @idle_timeout if @idle_timeout return yield connection rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED address = http.proxy_address || http.address port = http.proxy_port || http.port raise Error, "connection refused: #{address}:#{port}" rescue Errno::EHOSTDOWN address = http.proxy_address || http.address port = http.proxy_port || http.port raise Error, "host down: #{address}:#{port}" ensure @pool.checkin net_http_args end
Returns an error message containing the number of requests performed on this connection
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 676 def error_message connection connection.requests -= 1 # fixup age = - connection.last_use "after #{connection.requests} requests on #{connection.http.object_id}, " "last used #{age} seconds ago" end
Bundler::URI::escape wrapper
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 688 def escape str CGI.escape str if str end
Returns true if the connection should be reset due to an idle timeout, or maximum request count, false otherwise.
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 704 def expired? connection return true if @max_requests && connection.requests >= @max_requests return false unless @idle_timeout return true if - connection.last_use > @idle_timeout end
Finishes the Net::HTTP connection
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 733 def finish connection connection.finish connection.http.instance_variable_set :@ssl_session, nil unless @reuse_ssl_sessions end
Returns the HTTP protocol version for uri
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 743 def http_version uri @http_versions["#{}:#{uri.port}"] end
Is req
idempotent according to RFC 2616?
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 750 def idempotent? req case req.method when 'DELETE', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'PUT', 'TRACE' then true end end
maximum SSL version to use
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 1139 def max_version= max_version @max_version = max_version reconnect_ssl end
Minimum SSL version to use
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 1130 def min_version= min_version @min_version = min_version reconnect_ssl end
Adds “http://” to the String uri
if it is missing.
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 767 def normalize_uri uri (uri =~ /^https?:/) ? uri : "http://#{uri}" end
Sets this client’s SSL private key
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 774 def private_key= key @private_key = key reconnect_ssl end
Sets the proxy server. The proxy
may be the Bundler::URI of the proxy server, the symbol
which will read the proxy from the environment or nil to
disable use of a proxy. See proxy_from_env for
details on setting the proxy from the environment.
If the proxy Bundler::URI is set after requests have been made, the next request will shut-down and re-open all connections.
The no_proxy
query parameter can be used to specify hosts
which shouldn’t be reached via proxy; if set it should be a comma separated
list of hostname suffixes, optionally with :port
appended, for
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 797 def proxy= proxy @proxy_uri = case proxy when :ENV then proxy_from_env when Bundler::URI::HTTP then proxy when nil then # ignore else raise ArgumentError, 'proxy must be :ENV or a Bundler::URI::HTTP' end @no_proxy.clear if @proxy_uri then @proxy_args = [, @proxy_uri.port, unescape(@proxy_uri.user), unescape(@proxy_uri.password), ] @proxy_connection_id = [nil, *@proxy_args].join ':' if @proxy_uri.query then @no_proxy = CGI.parse(@proxy_uri.query)['no_proxy'].join(',').downcase.split(',').map { |x| x.strip }.reject { |x| x.empty? } end end reconnect reconnect_ssl end
Returns true when proxy should by bypassed for host.
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 871 def proxy_bypass? host, port host = host.downcase host_port = [host, port].join ':' @no_proxy.each do |name| return true if host[-name.length, name.length] == name or host_port[-name.length, name.length] == name end false end
Creates a Bundler::URI for an HTTP proxy server from ENV variables.
is set a proxy will be returned.
are set the
Bundler::URI is given the indicated user
and password unless HTTP_PROXY contains either of these in the Bundler::URI.
ENV variable can be used to specify hosts which
shouldn’t be reached via proxy; if set it should be a comma separated list
of hostname suffixes, optionally with :port
appended, for
. When set to *
no proxy will be returned.
For Windows users, lowercase ENV variables are preferred over uppercase ENV variables.
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 844 def proxy_from_env env_proxy = ENV['http_proxy'] || ENV['HTTP_PROXY'] return nil if env_proxy.nil? or env_proxy.empty? uri = Bundler::URI normalize_uri env_proxy env_no_proxy = ENV['no_proxy'] || ENV['NO_PROXY'] # '*' is special case for always bypass return nil if env_no_proxy == '*' if env_no_proxy then uri.query = "no_proxy=#{escape(env_no_proxy)}" end unless uri.user or uri.password then uri.user = escape ENV['http_proxy_user'] || ENV['HTTP_PROXY_USER'] uri.password = escape ENV['http_proxy_pass'] || ENV['HTTP_PROXY_PASS'] end uri end
Forces reconnection of HTTP connections.
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 886 def reconnect @generation += 1 end
Forces reconnection of SSL connections.
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 893 def reconnect_ssl @ssl_generation += 1 end
Makes a request on uri
. If req
is nil a
Net::HTTP::Get is performed against uri
If a block is passed request behaves like Net::HTTP#request (the body of the response will not have been read).
must be a Net::HTTPGenericRequest subclass (see Net::HTTP
for a list).
If there is an error and the request is idempotent according to RFC 2616 it will be retried automatically.
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 928 def request uri, req = nil, &block retried = false bad_response = false uri = Bundler::URI uri req = request_setup req || uri response = nil connection_for uri do |connection| http = connection.http begin connection.requests += 1 response = http.request req, &block if req.connection_close? or (response.http_version <= '1.0' and not response.connection_keep_alive?) or response.connection_close? then finish connection end rescue Net::HTTPBadResponse => e message = error_message connection finish connection raise Error, "too many bad responses #{message}" if bad_response or not can_retry? req bad_response = true retry rescue *RETRIED_EXCEPTIONS => e request_failed e, req, connection if retried or not can_retry? req reset connection retried = true retry rescue Errno::EINVAL, Errno::ETIMEDOUT => e # not retried on ruby 2 request_failed e, req, connection if retried or not can_retry? req reset connection retried = true retry rescue Exception => e finish connection raise ensure connection.last_use = end end @http_versions["#{}:#{uri.port}"] ||= response.http_version response end
Finishes then restarts the Net::HTTP connection
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 900 def reset connection http = connection.http finish connection start http rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED e = "connection refused: #{http.address}:#{http.port}" e.set_backtrace $@ raise e rescue Errno::EHOSTDOWN e = "host down: #{http.address}:#{http.port}" e.set_backtrace $@ raise e end
Shuts down all connections
NOTE: Calling shutdown for can be dangerous!
If any thread is still using a connection it may cause an error! Call shutdown when you are completely done making requests!
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 1041 def shutdown @pool.shutdown { |http| http.finish } end
Enables SSL on connection
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 1048 def ssl connection connection.use_ssl = true connection.ciphers = @ciphers if @ciphers connection.ssl_timeout = @ssl_timeout if @ssl_timeout connection.ssl_version = @ssl_version if @ssl_version connection.min_version = @min_version if @min_version connection.max_version = @max_version if @max_version connection.verify_depth = @verify_depth connection.verify_mode = @verify_mode if OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER == OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE and not Object.const_defined?(:I_KNOW_THAT_OPENSSL_VERIFY_PEER_EQUALS_VERIFY_NONE_IS_WRONG) then warn <<-WARNING !!!SECURITY WARNING!!! The SSL HTTP connection to: #{connection.address}:#{connection.port} !!!MAY NOT BE VERIFIED!!! On your platform your OpenSSL implementation is broken. There is no difference between the values of VERIFY_NONE and VERIFY_PEER. This means that attempting to verify the security of SSL connections may not work. This exposes you to man-in-the-middle exploits, snooping on the contents of your connection and other dangers to the security of your data. To disable this warning define the following constant at top-level in your application: I_KNOW_THAT_OPENSSL_VERIFY_PEER_EQUALS_VERIFY_NONE_IS_WRONG = nil WARNING end connection.ca_file = @ca_file if @ca_file connection.ca_path = @ca_path if @ca_path if @ca_file or @ca_path then connection.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER connection.verify_callback = @verify_callback if @verify_callback end if @certificate and @private_key then connection.cert = @certificate connection.key = @private_key end connection.cert_store = if @cert_store then @cert_store else store = store.set_default_paths store end end
SSL session lifetime
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 1112 def ssl_timeout= ssl_timeout @ssl_timeout = ssl_timeout reconnect_ssl end
SSL version to use
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 1121 def ssl_version= ssl_version @ssl_version = ssl_version reconnect_ssl end
Starts the Net::HTTP connection
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 715 def start http http.set_debug_output @debug_output if @debug_output http.open_timeout = @open_timeout if @open_timeout http.start socket = http.instance_variable_get :@socket if socket then # for fakeweb @socket_options.each do |option|*option) end end end
Bundler::URI::unescape wrapper
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 695 def unescape str CGI.unescape str if str end
SSL verification callback.
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 1170 def verify_callback= callback @verify_callback = callback reconnect_ssl end
Sets the depth of SSL certificate verification
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 1148 def verify_depth= verify_depth @verify_depth = verify_depth reconnect_ssl end
Sets the HTTPS verify mode. Defaults to OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER.
Setting this to VERIFY_NONE is a VERY BAD IDEA and should NEVER be used. Securely transfer the correct certificate and update the default certificate store or set the ca file instead.
# File bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb, line 1161 def verify_mode= verify_mode @verify_mode = verify_mode reconnect_ssl end