A specific resolution from a given {Resolver}
A conflict that the resolution process encountered @attr [Object] requirement the requirement that immediately led to the conflict @attr [{String,Nil=>}] requirements the requirements that caused the conflict @attr [Object, nil] existing the existing spec that was in conflict with
the {#possibility}
@attr [Object] possibility the spec that was unable to be activated due
to a conflict
@attr [Object] locked_requirement the relevant locking requirement. @attr [Array<Array<Object>>] requirement_trees the different requirement
trees that led to every requirement for the conflicting name.
@attr [{String=>Object}] activated_by_name the already-activated specs.
@return [DependencyGraph] the base dependency graph to which
dependencies should be 'locked'
@return [UI] the UI that knows how to communicate feedback about the
resolution process back to the user
Initializes a new resolution. @param [SpecificationProvider] #specification_provider
see {#specification_provider}
@param [UI] #resolver_ui see {#resolver_ui} @param [Array] requested see {#original_requested} @param [DependencyGraph] base see {#base}
# File rubygems/resolver/molinillo/lib/molinillo/resolution.rb, line 48 def initialize(specification_provider, resolver_ui, requested, base) @specification_provider = specification_provider @resolver_ui = resolver_ui @original_requested = requested @base = base @states = [] @iteration_counter = 0 @parents_of = Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = [] } end
Resolves the {#original_requested} dependencies into a full dependency
@raise [ResolverError] if successful resolution is impossible @return [DependencyGraph] the dependency graph of successfully resolved
# File rubygems/resolver/molinillo/lib/molinillo/resolution.rb, line 63 def resolve start_resolution while state break unless state.requirements.any? || state.requirement indicate_progress if state.respond_to?(:pop_possibility_state) # DependencyState debug(depth) { "Creating possibility state for #{requirement} (#{possibilities.count} remaining)" } state.pop_possibility_state.tap do |s| if s states.push(s) activated.tag(s) end end end process_topmost_state end activated.freeze ensure end_resolution end