Support for the Ruby 2.4 series has ended. See here for reference.
Characters used to generate random strings
Creates TCP server sockets bound to address
and returns them.
It will create IPV4 and IPV6 sockets on all interfaces.
# File webrick/utils.rb, line 61 def create_listeners(address, port) unless port raise ArgumentError, "must specify port" end sockets = Socket.tcp_server_sockets(address, port) sockets = {|s| s.autoclose = false ts = TCPServer.for_fd(s.fileno) s.close ts } return sockets end
Creates a self-signed certificate with the given number of bits
, the issuer cn
and a comment
to be stored in the certificate.
# File webrick/ssl.rb, line 95 def create_self_signed_cert(bits, cn, comment) rsa ={|p, n| case p when 0; $stderr.putc "." # BN_generate_prime when 1; $stderr.putc "+" # BN_generate_prime when 2; $stderr.putc "*" # searching good prime, # n = #of try, # but also data from BN_generate_prime when 3; $stderr.putc "\n" # found good prime, n==0 - p, n==1 - q, # but also data from BN_generate_prime else; $stderr.putc "*" # BN_generate_prime end } cert = cert.version = 2 cert.serial = 1 name = (cn.kind_of? String) ? OpenSSL::X509::Name.parse(cn) : cert.subject = name cert.issuer = name cert.not_before = cert.not_after = + (365*24*60*60) cert.public_key = rsa.public_key ef =,cert) ef.issuer_certificate = cert cert.extensions = [ ef.create_extension("basicConstraints","CA:FALSE"), ef.create_extension("keyUsage", "keyEncipherment"), ef.create_extension("subjectKeyIdentifier", "hash"), ef.create_extension("extendedKeyUsage", "serverAuth"), ef.create_extension("nsComment", comment), ] aki = ef.create_extension("authorityKeyIdentifier", "keyid:always,issuer:always") cert.add_extension(aki) cert.sign(rsa, return [ cert, rsa ] end
The server hostname
# File webrick/utils.rb, line 47 def getservername host = Socket::gethostname begin Socket::gethostbyname(host)[0] rescue host end end
Generates a random string of length len
# File webrick/utils.rb, line 84 def random_string(len) rand_max = RAND_CHARS.bytesize ret = "" len.times{ ret << RAND_CHARS[rand(rand_max)] } ret end
Sets the close on exec flag for io
# File webrick/utils.rb, line 27 def set_close_on_exec(io) io.close_on_exec = true if io.respond_to?(:close_on_exec=) end
Sets IO operations on io
to be non-blocking
# File webrick/utils.rb, line 20 def set_non_blocking(io) io.nonblock = true if io.respond_to?(:nonblock=) end
Changes the process's uid and gid to the ones of user
# File webrick/utils.rb, line 34 def su(user) if pw = Etc.getpwnam(user) Process::initgroups(user, pw.gid) Process::Sys::setgid(pw.gid) Process::Sys::setuid(pw.uid) else warn("WEBrick::Utils::su doesn't work on this platform") end end
Executes the passed block and raises exception
if execution takes more than seconds
If seconds
is zero or nil, simply executes the block
# File webrick/utils.rb, line 259 def timeout(seconds, exception=Timeout::Error) return yield if seconds.nil? or # raise ThreadError, "timeout within critical session" if Thread.critical id = TimeoutHandler.register(seconds, exception) begin yield(seconds) ensure TimeoutHandler.cancel(id) end end