# File webrick/utils.rb, line 59 def create_listeners(address, port, logger=nil) unless port raise ArgumentError, "must specify port" end res = Socket::getaddrinfo(address, port, Socket::AF_UNSPEC, # address family Socket::SOCK_STREAM, # socket type 0, # protocol Socket::AI_PASSIVE) # flag last_error = nil sockets = [] res.each{|ai| begin logger.debug("TCPServer.new(#{ai[3]}, #{port})") if logger sock = TCPServer.new(ai[3], port) port = sock.addr[1] if port == 0 Utils::set_close_on_exec(sock) sockets << sock rescue => ex logger.warn("TCPServer Error: #{ex}") if logger last_error = ex end } raise last_error if sockets.empty? return sockets end
# File webrick/ssl.rb, line 39 def create_self_signed_cert(bits, cn, comment) rsa = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(bits){|p, n| case p when 0; $stderr.putc "." # BN_generate_prime when 1; $stderr.putc "+" # BN_generate_prime when 2; $stderr.putc "*" # searching good prime, # n = #of try, # but also data from BN_generate_prime when 3; $stderr.putc "\n" # found good prime, n==0 - p, n==1 - q, # but also data from BN_generate_prime else; $stderr.putc "*" # BN_generate_prime end } cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new cert.version = 3 cert.serial = 0 name = OpenSSL::X509::Name.new(cn) cert.subject = name cert.issuer = name cert.not_before = Time.now cert.not_after = Time.now + (365*24*60*60) cert.public_key = rsa.public_key ef = OpenSSL::X509::ExtensionFactory.new(nil,cert) ef.issuer_certificate = cert cert.extensions = [ ef.create_extension("basicConstraints","CA:FALSE"), ef.create_extension("keyUsage", "keyEncipherment"), ef.create_extension("subjectKeyIdentifier", "hash"), ef.create_extension("extendedKeyUsage", "serverAuth"), ef.create_extension("nsComment", comment), ] aki = ef.create_extension("authorityKeyIdentifier", "keyid:always,issuer:always") cert.add_extension(aki) cert.sign(rsa, OpenSSL::Digest::SHA1.new) return [ cert, rsa ] end
# File webrick/utils.rb, line 49 def getservername host = Socket::gethostname begin Socket::gethostbyname(host)[0] rescue host end end
# File webrick/utils.rb, line 91 def random_string(len) rand_max = RAND_CHARS.bytesize ret = "" len.times{ ret << RAND_CHARS[rand(rand_max)] } ret end
# File webrick/utils.rb, line 30 def set_close_on_exec(io) if defined?(Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC) io.fcntl(Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC, 1) end end
# File webrick/utils.rb, line 21 def set_non_blocking(io) flag = File::NONBLOCK if defined?(Fcntl::F_GETFL) flag |= io.fcntl(Fcntl::F_GETFL) end io.fcntl(Fcntl::F_SETFL, flag) end
# File webrick/utils.rb, line 37 def su(user) if defined?(Etc) pw = Etc.getpwnam(user) Process::initgroups(user, pw.gid) Process::Sys::setgid(pw.gid) Process::Sys::setuid(pw.uid) else warn("WEBrick::Utils::su doesn't work on this platform") end end
# File webrick/utils.rb, line 163 def timeout(seconds, exception=Timeout::Error) return yield if seconds.nil? or seconds.zero? # raise ThreadError, "timeout within critical session" if Thread.critical id = TimeoutHandler.register(seconds, exception) begin yield(seconds) ensure TimeoutHandler.cancel(id) end end
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