# File webrick/httpservlet/cgihandler.rb, line 32 def do_GET(req, res) data = nil status = -1 cgi_in = IO::popen(@cgicmd, "wb") cgi_out = Tempfile.new("webrick.cgiout.", @tempdir) cgi_out.set_encoding("ASCII-8BIT") cgi_err = Tempfile.new("webrick.cgierr.", @tempdir) cgi_err.set_encoding("ASCII-8BIT") begin cgi_in.sync = true meta = req.meta_vars meta["SCRIPT_FILENAME"] = @script_filename meta["PATH"] = @config[:CGIPathEnv] if /mswin|bccwin|mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM meta["SystemRoot"] = ENV["SystemRoot"] end dump = Marshal.dump(meta) cgi_in.write("%8d" % cgi_out.path.bytesize) cgi_in.write(cgi_out.path) cgi_in.write("%8d" % cgi_err.path.bytesize) cgi_in.write(cgi_err.path) cgi_in.write("%8d" % dump.bytesize) cgi_in.write(dump) if req.body and req.body.bytesize > 0 cgi_in.write(req.body) end ensure cgi_in.close status = $?.exitstatus sleep 0.1 if /mswin|bccwin|mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM data = cgi_out.read cgi_out.close(true) if errmsg = cgi_err.read if errmsg.bytesize > 0 @logger.error("CGIHandler: #{@script_filename}:\n" + errmsg) end end cgi_err.close(true) end if status != 0 @logger.error("CGIHandler: #{@script_filename} exit with #{status}") end data = "" unless data raw_header, body = data.split(/^[\xd\xa]+/, 2) raise HTTPStatus::InternalServerError, "Premature end of script headers: #{@script_filename}" if body.nil? begin header = HTTPUtils::parse_header(raw_header) if /^(\d+)/ =~ header['status'][0] res.status = $1.to_i header.delete('status') end if header.has_key?('location') # RFC 3875 6.2.3, 6.2.4 res.status = 302 unless (300...400) === res.status end if header.has_key?('set-cookie') header['set-cookie'].each{|k| res.cookies << Cookie.parse_set_cookie(k) } header.delete('set-cookie') end header.each{|key, val| res[key] = val.join(", ") } rescue => ex raise HTTPStatus::InternalServerError, ex.message end res.body = body end
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