class Exception

Class Exception and its subclasses are used to indicate that an error or other problem has occurred, and may need to be handled. See Exceptions.

An Exception object carries certain information:

Built-In Exception Class Hierarchy

The hierarchy of built-in subclasses of class Exception:

Public Class Methods

exception(message = nil) → self or new_exception

Returns an exception object of the same class as self; useful for creating a similar exception, but with a different message.

With message nil, returns self:

x0 ='Boom') # => #<StandardError: Boom>
x1 = x0.exception              # => #<StandardError: Boom>
x0.__id__ == x1.__id__         # => true

With string-convertible object message (even the same as the original message), returns a new exception object whose class is the same as self, and whose message is the given message:

x1 = x0.exception('Boom') # => #<StandardError: Boom>
x0..equal?(x1)            # => false
new(message = nil) → exception click to toggle source

Returns a new exception object.

The given message should be a string-convertible object; see method message; if not given, the message is the class name of the new instance (which may be the name of a subclass):

Examples:         # => #<Exception: Exception>         # => #<LoadError: LoadError> # Subclass of Exception.'Boom') # => #<Exception: Boom>
static VALUE
exc_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE exc)
    VALUE arg;

    arg = (!rb_check_arity(argc, 0, 1) ? Qnil : argv[0]);
    return exc_init(exc, arg);
to_tty? → true or false click to toggle source

Returns true if exception messages will be sent to a terminal device.

static VALUE
exc_s_to_tty_p(VALUE self)
    return RBOOL(rb_stderr_tty_p());

Public Instance Methods

self == object → true or false click to toggle source

Returns whether object is the same class as self and its message and backtrace are equal to those of self.

static VALUE
exc_equal(VALUE exc, VALUE obj)
    VALUE mesg, backtrace;

    if (exc == obj) return Qtrue;

    if (rb_obj_class(exc) != rb_obj_class(obj)) {
        int state;

        obj = rb_protect(try_convert_to_exception, obj, &state);
        if (state || UNDEF_P(obj)) {
            return Qfalse;
        if (rb_obj_class(exc) != rb_obj_class(obj)) return Qfalse;
        mesg = rb_check_funcall(obj, id_message, 0, 0);
        if (UNDEF_P(mesg)) return Qfalse;
        backtrace = rb_check_funcall(obj, id_backtrace, 0, 0);
        if (UNDEF_P(backtrace)) return Qfalse;
    else {
        mesg = rb_attr_get(obj, id_mesg);
        backtrace = exc_backtrace(obj);

    if (!rb_equal(rb_attr_get(exc, id_mesg), mesg))
        return Qfalse;
    return rb_equal(exc_backtrace(exc), backtrace);
backtrace → array or nil click to toggle source

Returns the backtrace (the list of code locations that led to the exception), as an array of strings.

Example (assuming the code is stored in the file named t.rb):

def division(numerator, denominator)
  numerator / denominator

  division(1, 0)
rescue => ex
  p ex.backtrace
  # ["t.rb:2:in 'Integer#/'", "t.rb:2:in 'Object#division'", "t.rb:6:in '<main>'"]
  loc = ex.backtrace.first
  p loc.class
  # String

The value returned by this method migth be adjusted when raising (see Kernel#raise), or during intermediate handling by set_backtrace.

See also backtrace_locations that provide the same value, as structured objects. (Note though that two values might not be consistent with each other when backtraces are manually adjusted.)

see Backtraces.

static VALUE
exc_backtrace(VALUE exc)
    VALUE obj;

    obj = rb_attr_get(exc, id_bt);

    if (rb_backtrace_p(obj)) {
        obj = rb_backtrace_to_str_ary(obj);
        /* rb_ivar_set(exc, id_bt, obj); */

    return obj;
backtrace_locations → array or nil click to toggle source

Returns the backtrace (the list of code locations that led to the exception), as an array of Thread::Backtrace::Location instances.

Example (assuming the code is stored in the file named t.rb):

def division(numerator, denominator)
  numerator / denominator

  division(1, 0)
rescue => ex
  p ex.backtrace_locations
  # ["t.rb:2:in 'Integer#/'", "t.rb:2:in 'Object#division'", "t.rb:6:in '<main>'"]
  loc = ex.backtrace_locations.first
  p loc.class
  # Thread::Backtrace::Location
  p loc.path
  # "t.rb"
  p loc.lineno
  # 2
  p loc.label
  # "Integer#/"

The value returned by this method might be adjusted when raising (see Kernel#raise), or during intermediate handling by set_backtrace.

See also backtrace that provide the same value as an array of strings. (Note though that two values might not be consistent with each other when backtraces are manually adjusted.)

See Backtraces.

static VALUE
exc_backtrace_locations(VALUE exc)
    VALUE obj;

    obj = rb_attr_get(exc, id_bt_locations);
    if (!NIL_P(obj)) {
        obj = rb_backtrace_to_location_ary(obj);
    return obj;
cause → exception or nil click to toggle source

Returns the previous value of global variable $!, which may be nil (see Global Variables):

  raise('Boom 0')
rescue => x0
  puts "Exception: #{x0};  $!: #{$!};  cause: #{x0.cause.inspect}."
    raise('Boom 1')
  rescue => x1
    puts "Exception: #{x1};  $!: #{$!};  cause: #{x1.cause}."
      raise('Boom 2')
    rescue => x2
      puts "Exception: #{x2};  $!: #{$!};  cause: #{x2.cause}."


Exception: Boom 0;  $!: Boom 0;  cause: nil.
Exception: Boom 1;  $!: Boom 1;  cause: Boom 0.
Exception: Boom 2;  $!: Boom 2;  cause: Boom 1.
static VALUE
exc_cause(VALUE exc)
    return rb_attr_get(exc, id_cause);
detailed_message(highlight: false, **kwargs) → string click to toggle source

Returns the message string with enhancements:

  • Includes the exception class name in the first line.

  • If the value of keyword highlight is true, includes bolding and underlining ANSI codes (see below) to enhance the appearance of the message.


  1 / 0
rescue => x
  p x.message
  p x.detailed_message                  # Class name added.
  p x.detailed_message(highlight: true) # Class name, bolding, and underlining added.


"divided by 0"
"divided by 0 (ZeroDivisionError)"
"\e[1mdivided by 0 (\e[1;4mZeroDivisionError\e[m\e[1m)\e[m"

This method is overridden by some gems in the Ruby standard library to add information:

  • DidYouMean::Correctable#detailed_message.

  • ErrorHighlight::CoreExt#detailed_message.

  • SyntaxSuggest#detailed_message.

An overriding method must be tolerant of passed keyword arguments, which may include (but may not be limited to):

  • :highlight.

  • :did_you_mean.

  • :error_highlight.

  • :syntax_suggest.

An overriding method should also be careful with ANSI code enhancements; see Messages.

static VALUE
exc_detailed_message(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE exc)
    VALUE opt;

    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "0:", &opt);

    VALUE highlight = check_highlight_keyword(opt, 0);

    extern VALUE rb_decorate_message(const VALUE eclass, VALUE emesg, int highlight);

    return rb_decorate_message(CLASS_OF(exc), rb_get_message(exc), RTEST(highlight));
exception(message = nil) → self or new_exception click to toggle source

Returns an exception object of the same class as self; useful for creating a similar exception, but with a different message.

With message nil, returns self:

x0 ='Boom') # => #<StandardError: Boom>
x1 = x0.exception              # => #<StandardError: Boom>
x0.__id__ == x1.__id__         # => true

With string-convertible object message (even the same as the original message), returns a new exception object whose class is the same as self, and whose message is the given message:

x1 = x0.exception('Boom') # => #<StandardError: Boom>
x0..equal?(x1)            # => false
static VALUE
exc_exception(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
    VALUE exc;

    argc = rb_check_arity(argc, 0, 1);
    if (argc == 0) return self;
    if (argc == 1 && self == argv[0]) return self;
    exc = rb_obj_clone(self);
    rb_ivar_set(exc, id_mesg, argv[0]);
    return exc;
full_message(highlight: true, order: :top) → string click to toggle source

Returns an enhanced message string:

  • Includes the exception class name.

  • If the value of keyword highlight is true (not nil or false), includes bolding ANSI codes (see below) to enhance the appearance of the message.

  • Includes the backtrace:

    • If the value of keyword order is :top (the default), lists the error message and the innermost backtrace entry first.

    • If the value of keyword order is :bottom, lists the error message the the innermost entry last.


def baz
    1 / 0
  rescue => x
    pp x.message
    pp x.full_message(highlight: false).split("\n")
    pp x.full_message.split("\n")
def bar; baz; end
def foo; bar; end


"divided by 0"
["t.rb:3:in 'Integer#/': divided by 0 (ZeroDivisionError)",
 "\tfrom t.rb:3:in 'Object#baz'",
 "\tfrom t.rb:10:in 'Object#bar'",
 "\tfrom t.rb:11:in 'Object#foo'",
 "\tfrom t.rb:12:in '<main>'"]
["t.rb:3:in 'Integer#/': \e[1mdivided by 0 (\e[1;4mZeroDivisionError\e[m\e[1m)\e[m",
 "\tfrom t.rb:3:in 'Object#baz'",
 "\tfrom t.rb:10:in 'Object#bar'",
 "\tfrom t.rb:11:in 'Object#foo'",
 "\tfrom t.rb:12:in '<main>'"]

An overriding method should be careful with ANSI code enhancements; see Messages.

static VALUE
exc_full_message(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE exc)
    VALUE opt, str, emesg, errat;
    VALUE highlight, order;

    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "0:", &opt);

    highlight = check_highlight_keyword(opt, 1);
    order = check_order_keyword(opt);

        if (NIL_P(opt)) opt = rb_hash_new();
        rb_hash_aset(opt, sym_highlight, highlight);

    str = rb_str_new2("");
    errat = rb_get_backtrace(exc);
    emesg = rb_get_detailed_message(exc, opt);

    rb_error_write(exc, emesg, errat, str, opt, highlight, order);
    return str;
inspect → string click to toggle source

Returns a string representation of self:

x ='Boom')
x.inspect # => "#<RuntimeError: Boom>"
x =
x.inspect # => "#<RuntimeError: RuntimeError>"
static VALUE
exc_inspect(VALUE exc)
    VALUE str, klass;

    klass = CLASS_OF(exc);
    exc = rb_obj_as_string(exc);
    if (RSTRING_LEN(exc) == 0) {
        return rb_class_name(klass);

    str = rb_str_buf_new2("#<");
    klass = rb_class_name(klass);
    rb_str_buf_append(str, klass);

    if (RTEST(rb_str_include(exc, rb_str_new2("\n")))) {
        rb_str_catf(str, ":%+"PRIsVALUE, exc);
    else {
        rb_str_buf_cat(str, ": ", 2);
        rb_str_buf_append(str, exc);

    rb_str_buf_cat(str, ">", 1);

    return str;
message → string click to toggle source

Returns to_s.

See Messages.

static VALUE
exc_message(VALUE exc)
    return rb_funcallv(exc, idTo_s, 0, 0);
set_backtrace(value) → value click to toggle source

Sets the backtrace value for self; returns the given value.

The value might be:

Using array of Thread::Backtrace::Location is the most consistent option: it sets both backtrace and backtrace_locations. It should be preferred when possible. The suitable array of locations can be obtained from Kernel#caller_locations, copied from another error, or just set to the adjusted result of the current error’s backtrace_locations:

require 'json'

def parse_payload(text)
  JSON.parse(text)  # test.rb, line 4
rescue JSON::ParserError => ex

parse_payload('{"wrong: "json"')
# test.rb:4:in 'Object#parse_payload': unexpected token at '{"wrong: "json"' (JSON::ParserError)
# An error points to the body of parse_payload method,
# hiding the parts of the backtrace related to the internals
# of the "json" library

# The error has both #backtace and #backtrace_locations set
# consistently:
  parse_payload('{"wrong: "json"')
rescue => ex
  p ex.backtrace
  # ["test.rb:4:in 'Object#parse_payload'", "test.rb:20:in '<main>'"]
  p ex.backtrace_locations
  # ["test.rb:4:in 'Object#parse_payload'", "test.rb:20:in '<main>'"]

When the desired stack of locations is not available and should be constructed from scratch, an array of strings or a singular string can be used. In this case, only backtrace is affected:

def parse_payload(text)
rescue JSON::ParserError => ex
  ex.set_backtrace(["dsl.rb:34", "framework.rb:1"])
  # The error have the new value in #backtrace:
  p ex.backtrace
  # ["dsl.rb:34", "framework.rb:1"]

  # but the original one in #backtrace_locations
  p ex.backtrace_locations
  # [".../json/common.rb:221:in 'JSON::Ext::Parser.parse'", ...]

parse_payload('{"wrong: "json"')

Calling set_backtrace with nil clears up backtrace but doesn’t affect backtrace_locations:

def parse_payload(text)
rescue JSON::ParserError => ex
  p ex.backtrace
  # nil
  p ex.backtrace_locations
  # [".../json/common.rb:221:in 'JSON::Ext::Parser.parse'", ...]

parse_payload('{"wrong: "json"')

On reraising of such an exception, both backtrace and backtrace_locations is set to the place of reraising:

def parse_payload(text)
rescue JSON::ParserError => ex
  raise # test.rb, line 7

  parse_payload('{"wrong: "json"')
rescue => ex
  p ex.backtrace
  # ["test.rb:7:in 'Object#parse_payload'", "test.rb:11:in '<main>'"]
  p ex.backtrace_locations
  # ["test.rb:7:in 'Object#parse_payload'", "test.rb:11:in '<main>'"]

See Backtraces.

static VALUE
exc_set_backtrace(VALUE exc, VALUE bt)
    VALUE btobj = rb_location_ary_to_backtrace(bt);
    if (RTEST(btobj)) {
        rb_ivar_set(exc, id_bt, btobj);
        rb_ivar_set(exc, id_bt_locations, btobj);
        return bt;
    else {
        return rb_ivar_set(exc, id_bt, rb_check_backtrace(bt));
to_s → string click to toggle source

Returns a string representation of self:

x ='Boom')
x.to_s # => "Boom"
x =
x.to_s # => "RuntimeError"
static VALUE
exc_to_s(VALUE exc)
    VALUE mesg = rb_attr_get(exc, idMesg);

    if (NIL_P(mesg)) return rb_class_name(CLASS_OF(exc));
    return rb_String(mesg);