class Net::FTP::MLSxEntry

MLSxEntry represents an entry in responses of MLST/MLSD. Each entry has the facts (e.g., size, last modification time, etc.) and the pathname.



Public Class Methods

new(facts, pathname) click to toggle source
# File net-ftp-0.3.8/lib/net/ftp.rb, line 974
def initialize(facts, pathname)
  @facts = facts
  @pathname = pathname

Public Instance Methods

appendable?() click to toggle source

Returns true if the APPE command may be applied to the file.

# File net-ftp-0.3.8/lib/net/ftp.rb, line 1010
def appendable?
  return facts["perm"].include?(?a)
creatable?() click to toggle source

Returns true if files may be created in the directory by STOU, STOR, APPE, and RNTO.

# File net-ftp-0.3.8/lib/net/ftp.rb, line 1018
def creatable?
  return facts["perm"].include?(?c)
deletable?() click to toggle source

Returns true if the file or directory may be deleted by DELE/RMD.

# File net-ftp-0.3.8/lib/net/ftp.rb, line 1025
def deletable?
  return facts["perm"].include?(?d)
directory?() click to toggle source

Returns true if the entry is a directory (i.e., the value of the type fact is dir, cdir, or pdir).

# File net-ftp-0.3.8/lib/net/ftp.rb, line 999
def directory?
  if /\A[cp]?dir\z/.match(facts["type"])
    return true
    return false
directory_makable?() click to toggle source

Returns true if the MKD command may be used to create a new directory within the directory.

# File net-ftp-0.3.8/lib/net/ftp.rb, line 1055
def directory_makable?
  return facts["perm"].include?(?m)
enterable?() click to toggle source

Returns true if the directory may be entered by CWD/CDUP.

# File net-ftp-0.3.8/lib/net/ftp.rb, line 1032
def enterable?
  return facts["perm"].include?(?e)
file?() click to toggle source

Returns true if the entry is a file (i.e., the value of the type fact is file).

# File net-ftp-0.3.8/lib/net/ftp.rb, line 991
def file?
  return facts["type"] == "file"
listable?() click to toggle source

Returns true if the listing commands, LIST, NLST, and MLSD are applied to the directory.

# File net-ftp-0.3.8/lib/net/ftp.rb, line 1047
def listable?
  return facts["perm"].include?(?l)
purgeable?() click to toggle source

Returns true if the objects in the directory may be deleted, or the directory may be purged.

# File net-ftp-0.3.8/lib/net/ftp.rb, line 1063
def purgeable?
  return facts["perm"].include?(?p)
readable?() click to toggle source

Returns true if the RETR command may be applied to the file.

# File net-ftp-0.3.8/lib/net/ftp.rb, line 1070
def readable?
  return facts["perm"].include?(?r)
renamable?() click to toggle source

Returns true if the file or directory may be renamed by RNFR.

# File net-ftp-0.3.8/lib/net/ftp.rb, line 1039
def renamable?
  return facts["perm"].include?(?f)
writable?() click to toggle source

Returns true if the STOR command may be applied to the file.

# File net-ftp-0.3.8/lib/net/ftp.rb, line 1077
def writable?
  return facts["perm"].include?(?w)