class Symbol

A Symbol object represents a named identifier inside the Ruby interpreter.

You can create a Symbol object explicitly with:

The same Symbol object will be created for a given name or string for the duration of a program’s execution, regardless of the context or meaning of that name. Thus if Fred is a constant in one context, a method in another, and a class in a third, the Symbol :Fred will be the same object in all three contexts.

module One
  class Fred
  $f1 = :Fred
module Two
  Fred = 1
  $f2 = :Fred
def Fred()
$f3 = :Fred
$f1.object_id   #=> 2514190
$f2.object_id   #=> 2514190
$f3.object_id   #=> 2514190

Constant, method, and variable names are returned as symbols:

module One
  Two = 2
  def three; 3 end
  @four = 4
  @@five = 5
  $six = 6
seven = 7

# => [:Two]
# => [:three]
# => [:@four]
# => [:@@five]
# => [:$six]
# => [:seven]

A Symbol object differs from a String object in that a Symbol object represents an identifier, while a String object represents text or data.

What’s Here

First, what’s elsewhere. Class Symbol:

Here, class Symbol provides methods that are useful for:

Methods for Querying

  • ::all_symbols: Returns an array of the symbols currently in Ruby’s symbol table.

  • #=~: Returns the index of the first substring in symbol that matches a given Regexp or other object; returns nil if no match is found.

  • [], slice : Returns a substring of symbol determined by a given index, start/length, or range, or string.

  • empty?: Returns true if self.length is zero; false otherwise.

  • encoding: Returns the Encoding object that represents the encoding of symbol.

  • end_with?: Returns true if symbol ends with any of the given strings.

  • match: Returns a MatchData object if symbol matches a given Regexp; nil otherwise.

  • match?: Returns true if symbol matches a given Regexp; false otherwise.

  • length, size: Returns the number of characters in symbol.

  • start_with?: Returns true if symbol starts with any of the given strings.

Methods for Comparing

  • #<=>: Returns -1, 0, or 1 as a given symbol is smaller than, equal to, or larger than symbol.

  • ==, ===: Returns true if a given symbol has the same content and encoding.

  • casecmp: Ignoring case, returns -1, 0, or 1 as a given symbol is smaller than, equal to, or larger than symbol.

  • casecmp?: Returns true if symbol is equal to a given symbol after Unicode case folding; false otherwise.

Methods for Converting

  • capitalize: Returns symbol with the first character upcased and all other characters downcased.

  • downcase: Returns symbol with all characters downcased.

  • inspect: Returns the string representation of self as a symbol literal.

  • name: Returns the frozen string corresponding to symbol.

  • succ, next: Returns the symbol that is the successor to symbol.

  • swapcase: Returns symbol with all upcase characters downcased and all downcase characters upcased.

  • to_proc: Returns a Proc object which responds to the method named by symbol.

  • to_s, id2name: Returns the string corresponding to self.

  • to_sym, intern: Returns self.

  • upcase: Returns symbol with all characters upcased.

Public Class Methods

all_symbols → array_of_symbols click to toggle source

Returns an array of all symbols currently in Ruby’s symbol table:

Symbol.all_symbols.size    # => 9334
Symbol.all_symbols.take(3) # => [:!, :"\"", :"#"]
static VALUE
sym_all_symbols(VALUE _)
    return rb_sym_all_symbols();

Public Instance Methods

symbol <=> object → -1, 0, +1, or nil click to toggle source

If object is a symbol, returns the equivalent of symbol.to_s <=> object.to_s:

:bar <=> :foo # => -1
:foo <=> :foo # => 0
:foo <=> :bar # => 1

Otherwise, returns nil:

:foo <=> 'bar' # => nil

Related: String#<=>.

static VALUE
sym_cmp(VALUE sym, VALUE other)
    if (!SYMBOL_P(other)) {
        return Qnil;
    return rb_str_cmp_m(rb_sym2str(sym), rb_sym2str(other));
symbol == object → true or false click to toggle source

Returns true if object is the same object as self, false otherwise.

#define sym_equal rb_obj_equal
Also aliased as: ===

Returns true if object is the same object as self, false otherwise.

Alias for: ==
symbol =~ object → integer or nil click to toggle source

Equivalent to symbol.to_s =~ object, including possible updates to global variables; see String#=~.

static VALUE
sym_match(VALUE sym, VALUE other)
    return rb_str_match(rb_sym2str(sym), other);
symbol[index] → string or nil click to toggle source
symbol[start, length] → string or nil
symbol[range] → string or nil
symbol[regexp, capture = 0] → string or nil
symbol[substring] → string or nil

Equivalent to symbol.to_s[]; see String#[].

static VALUE
sym_aref(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE sym)
    return rb_str_aref_m(argc, argv, rb_sym2str(sym));
Also aliased as: slice
capitalize(*options) → symbol click to toggle source

Equivalent to sym.to_s.capitalize.to_sym.

See String#capitalize.

static VALUE
sym_capitalize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE sym)
    return rb_str_intern(rb_str_capitalize(argc, argv, rb_sym2str(sym)));
casecmp(object) → -1, 0, 1, or nil click to toggle source

Like Symbol#<=>, but case-insensitive; equivalent to self.to_s.casecmp(object.to_s):

lower = :abc
upper = :ABC
upper.casecmp(lower) # => 0
lower.casecmp(lower) # => 0
lower.casecmp(upper) # => 0

Returns nil if self and object have incompatible encodings, or if object is not a symbol:

sym = 'äöü'.encode("ISO-8859-1").to_sym
other_sym = 'ÄÖÜ'
sym.casecmp(other_sym) # => nil
:foo.casecmp(2)        # => nil

Unlike Symbol#casecmp?, case-insensitivity does not work for characters outside of ‘A’..‘Z’ and ‘a’..‘z’:

lower = :äöü
upper = :ÄÖÜ
upper.casecmp(lower) # => -1
lower.casecmp(lower) # => 0
lower.casecmp(upper) # => 1

Related: Symbol#casecmp?, String#casecmp.

static VALUE
sym_casecmp(VALUE sym, VALUE other)
    if (!SYMBOL_P(other)) {
        return Qnil;
    return str_casecmp(rb_sym2str(sym), rb_sym2str(other));
casecmp?(object) → true, false, or nil click to toggle source

Returns true if self and object are equal after Unicode case folding, otherwise false:

lower = :abc
upper = :ABC
upper.casecmp?(lower) # => true
lower.casecmp?(lower) # => true
lower.casecmp?(upper) # => true

Returns nil if self and object have incompatible encodings, or if object is not a symbol:

sym = 'äöü'.encode("ISO-8859-1").to_sym
other_sym = 'ÄÖÜ'
sym.casecmp?(other_sym) # => nil
:foo.casecmp?(2)        # => nil

Unlike Symbol#casecmp, works for characters outside of ‘A’..‘Z’ and ‘a’..‘z’:

lower = :äöü
upper = :ÄÖÜ
upper.casecmp?(lower) # => true
lower.casecmp?(lower) # => true
lower.casecmp?(upper) # => true

Related: Symbol#casecmp, String#casecmp?.

static VALUE
sym_casecmp_p(VALUE sym, VALUE other)
    if (!SYMBOL_P(other)) {
        return Qnil;
    return str_casecmp_p(rb_sym2str(sym), rb_sym2str(other));
downcase(*options) → symbol click to toggle source

Equivalent to sym.to_s.downcase.to_sym.

See String#downcase.

Related: Symbol#upcase.

static VALUE
sym_downcase(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE sym)
    return rb_str_intern(rb_str_downcase(argc, argv, rb_sym2str(sym)));
empty? → true or false click to toggle source

Returns true if self is :'', false otherwise.

static VALUE
sym_empty(VALUE sym)
    return rb_str_empty(rb_sym2str(sym));
encoding → encoding click to toggle source

Equivalent to self.to_s.encoding; see String#encoding.

static VALUE
sym_encoding(VALUE sym)
    return rb_obj_encoding(rb_sym2str(sym));
end_with?(*strings) → true or false click to toggle source

Equivalent to self.to_s.end_with?; see String#end_with?.

static VALUE
sym_end_with(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE sym)
    return rb_str_end_with(argc, argv, rb_sym2str(sym));
Alias for: to_s
inspect → string click to toggle source

Returns a string representation of self (including the leading colon):

:foo.inspect # => ":foo"

Related: Symbol#to_s, Symbol#name.

static VALUE
sym_inspect(VALUE sym)
    VALUE str = rb_sym2str(sym);
    const char *ptr;
    long len;
    char *dest;

    if (!rb_str_symname_p(str)) {
        str = rb_str_inspect(str);
        len = RSTRING_LEN(str);
        rb_str_resize(str, len + 1);
        dest = RSTRING_PTR(str);
        memmove(dest + 1, dest, len);
    else {
        rb_encoding *enc = STR_ENC_GET(str);
        VALUE orig_str = str;

        len = RSTRING_LEN(orig_str);
        str = rb_enc_str_new(0, len + 1, enc);

        // Get data pointer after allocation
        ptr = RSTRING_PTR(orig_str);
        dest = RSTRING_PTR(str);
        memcpy(dest + 1, ptr, len);

    dest[0] = ':';


    return str;
Alias for: to_sym
length → integer click to toggle source

Equivalent to self.to_s.length; see String#length.

static VALUE
sym_length(VALUE sym)
    return rb_str_length(rb_sym2str(sym));
Also aliased as: size
match(pattern, offset = 0) → matchdata or nil click to toggle source
match(pattern, offset = 0) {|matchdata| } → object

Equivalent to self.to_s.match, including possible updates to global variables; see String#match.

static VALUE
sym_match_m(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE sym)
    return rb_str_match_m(argc, argv, rb_sym2str(sym));
match?(pattern, offset) → true or false click to toggle source

Equivalent to sym.to_s.match?; see String#match.

static VALUE
sym_match_m_p(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE sym)
    return rb_str_match_m_p(argc, argv, sym);
name → string click to toggle source

Returns a frozen string representation of self (not including the leading colon):         # => "foo" # => true

Related: Symbol#to_s, Symbol#inspect.

rb_sym2str(VALUE sym)
    VALUE str;
    if (DYNAMIC_SYM_P(sym)) {
        str = RSYMBOL(sym)->fstr;
    else {
        str = rb_id2str(STATIC_SYM2ID(sym));
        if (str) RUBY_ASSERT_BUILTIN_TYPE(str, T_STRING);

    return str;

Equivalent to self.to_s.succ.to_sym:

:foo.succ # => :fop

Related: String#succ.

Alias for: succ

Equivalent to self.to_s.length; see String#length.

Alias for: length

Equivalent to symbol.to_s[]; see String#[].

Alias for: []
start_with?(*string_or_regexp) → true or false click to toggle source

Equivalent to self.to_s.start_with?; see String#start_with?.

static VALUE
sym_start_with(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE sym)
    return rb_str_start_with(argc, argv, rb_sym2str(sym));
succ click to toggle source

Equivalent to self.to_s.succ.to_sym:

:foo.succ # => :fop

Related: String#succ.

static VALUE
sym_succ(VALUE sym)
    return rb_str_intern(rb_str_succ(rb_sym2str(sym)));
Also aliased as: next
swapcase(*options) → symbol click to toggle source

Equivalent to sym.to_s.swapcase.to_sym.

See String#swapcase.

static VALUE
sym_swapcase(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE sym)
    return rb_str_intern(rb_str_swapcase(argc, argv, rb_sym2str(sym)));
to_proc click to toggle source

Returns a Proc object which calls the method with name of self on the first parameter and passes the remaining parameters to the method.

proc = :to_s.to_proc   # => #<Proc:0x000001afe0e48680(&:to_s) (lambda)>        # => "1000", 16)    # => "3e8"
(1..3).collect(&:to_s) # => ["1", "2", "3"]
rb_sym_to_proc(VALUE sym)
    static VALUE sym_proc_cache = Qfalse;
    enum {SYM_PROC_CACHE_SIZE = 67};
    VALUE proc;
    long index;
    ID id;

    if (!sym_proc_cache) {
        sym_proc_cache = rb_ary_hidden_new(SYM_PROC_CACHE_SIZE * 2);
        rb_ary_store(sym_proc_cache, SYM_PROC_CACHE_SIZE*2 - 1, Qnil);

    id = SYM2ID(sym);
    index = (id % SYM_PROC_CACHE_SIZE) << 1;

    if (RARRAY_AREF(sym_proc_cache, index) == sym) {
        return RARRAY_AREF(sym_proc_cache, index + 1);
    else {
        proc = sym_proc_new(rb_cProc, ID2SYM(id));
        RARRAY_ASET(sym_proc_cache, index, sym);
        RARRAY_ASET(sym_proc_cache, index + 1, proc);
        return proc;
to_s → string click to toggle source

Returns a string representation of self (not including the leading colon):

:foo.to_s # => "foo"

Related: Symbol#inspect, Symbol#name.

# File ruby_3_4_0_preview2/symbol.rb, line 10
def to_s
  Primitive.attr! :leaf
  Primitive.cexpr! 'rb_sym_to_s(self)'
Also aliased as: id2name
to_sym → self click to toggle source

Returns self.

Related: String#to_sym.

# File ruby_3_4_0_preview2/symbol.rb, line 23
def to_sym
Also aliased as: intern
upcase(*options) → symbol click to toggle source

Equivalent to sym.to_s.upcase.to_sym.

See String#upcase.

static VALUE
sym_upcase(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE sym)
    return rb_str_intern(rb_str_upcase(argc, argv, rb_sym2str(sym)));