class ObjectSpace::WeakKeyMap

An ObjectSpace::WeakKeyMap is a key-value map that holds weak references to its keys, so they can be garbage collected when there is no more references.

Unlike ObjectSpace::WeakMap:

  • references to values are strong, so they aren’t garbage collected while they are in the map;

  • keys are compared by value (using Object#eql?), not by identity;

  • only garbage-collectable objects can be used as keys.

    map =
    val =, 12, 7)
    key = "name"
    map[key] = val
    # Value is fetched by equality: the instance of string "name" is
    # different here, but it is equal to the key
    map["name"] #=> 2023-12-07 00:00:00 +0200
    val = nil
    # There are no more references to `val`, yet the pair isn't
    # garbage-collected.
    map["name"] #=> 2023-12-07 00:00:00 +0200
    key = nil
    # There are no more references to `key`, key and value are
    # garbage-collected.
    map["name"] #=> nil

(Note that GC.start is used here only for demonstrational purposes and might not always lead to demonstrated results.)

The collection is especially useful for implementing caches of lightweight value objects, so that only one copy of each value representation would be stored in memory, but the copies that aren’t used would be garbage-collected.

CACHE = ObjectSpace::WeakKeyMap

def make_value(**)
   val =**)
   if (existing = @cache.getkey(val))
      # if the object with this value exists, we return it
      # otherwise, put it in the cache
      @cache[val] = true

This will result in make_value returning the same object for same set of attributes always, but the values that aren’t needed anymore woudn’t be sitting in the cache forever.

Public Instance Methods

map[key] → value click to toggle source

Returns the value associated with the given key if found.

If key is not found, returns nil.

static VALUE
wkmap_aref(VALUE self, VALUE key)
    VALUE obj = wkmap_lookup(self, key);
    return !UNDEF_P(obj) ? obj : Qnil;
map[key] = value → value click to toggle source

Associates the given value with the given key

The reference to key is weak, so when there is no other reference to key it may be garbage collected.

If the given key exists, replaces its value with the given value; the ordering is not affected

static VALUE
wkmap_aset(VALUE self, VALUE key, VALUE val)
    struct weakkeymap *w;
    TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct weakkeymap, &weakkeymap_type, w);

    if (!FL_ABLE(key) || SYMBOL_P(key) || RB_BIGNUM_TYPE_P(key) || RB_TYPE_P(key, T_FLOAT)) {
        rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "WeakKeyMap must be garbage collectable");

    struct wkmap_aset_args args = {
        .new_key = key,
        .new_val = val,

    st_update(w->table, (st_data_t)&key, wkmap_aset_replace, (st_data_t)&args);

    RB_OBJ_WRITTEN(self, Qundef, key);
    RB_OBJ_WRITTEN(self, Qundef, val);

    return val;
clear → self click to toggle source

Removes all map entries; returns self.

static VALUE
wkmap_clear(VALUE self)
    struct weakkeymap *w;
    TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct weakkeymap, &weakkeymap_type, w);

    st_foreach(w->table, wkmap_clear_i, (st_data_t)self);

    return self;
delete(key) → value or nil click to toggle source
delete(key) {|key| ... } → object

Deletes the entry for the given key and returns its associated value.

If no block is given and key is found, deletes the entry and returns the associated value:

m =
key = "foo" # to hold reference to the key
m[key] = 1
m.delete("foo") # => 1
m["foo"] # => nil

If no block given and key is not found, returns nil.

If a block is given and key is found, ignores the block, deletes the entry, and returns the associated value:

m =
key = "foo" # to hold reference to the key
m[key] = 2
m.delete("foo") { |key| raise 'Will never happen'} # => 2

If a block is given and key is not found, yields the key to the block and returns the block’s return value:

m =
m.delete("nosuch") { |key| "Key #{key} not found" } # => "Key nosuch not found"
static VALUE
wkmap_delete(VALUE self, VALUE key)
    struct weakkeymap *w;
    TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct weakkeymap, &weakkeymap_type, w);

    VALUE orig_key = key;
    st_data_t orig_key_data = (st_data_t)&orig_key;
    st_data_t orig_val_data;
    if (st_delete(w->table, &orig_key_data, &orig_val_data)) {
        VALUE orig_val = (VALUE)orig_val_data;

        rb_gc_remove_weak(self, (VALUE *)orig_key_data);

        ruby_sized_xfree((VALUE *)orig_key_data, sizeof(VALUE));

        return orig_val;

    if (rb_block_given_p()) {
        return rb_yield(key);
    else {
        return Qnil;
getkey(key) → existing_key or nil click to toggle source

Returns the existing equal key if it exists, otherwise returns nil.

This might be useful for implementing caches, so that only one copy of some object would be used everywhere in the program:

value = {amount: 1, currency: 'USD'}

# Now if we put this object in a cache:
cache =
cache[value] = true

# ...we can always extract from there and use the same object:
copy = cache.getkey({amount: 1, currency: 'USD'})
copy.object_id == value.object_id #=> true
static VALUE
wkmap_getkey(VALUE self, VALUE key)
    struct weakkeymap *w;
    TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct weakkeymap, &weakkeymap_type, w);

    st_data_t orig_key;
    if (!st_get_key(w->table, (st_data_t)&key, &orig_key)) return Qnil;

    return *(VALUE *)orig_key;
inspect → new_string click to toggle source

Returns a new String containing informations about the map:

m =
m[key] = value
m.inspect # => "#<ObjectSpace::WeakKeyMap:0x00000001028dcba8 size=1>"
static VALUE
wkmap_inspect(VALUE self)
    struct weakkeymap *w;
    TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct weakkeymap, &weakkeymap_type, w);

    st_index_t n = st_table_size(w->table);

    const char * format = "#<%"PRIsVALUE":%p size=%lu>";
    const char * format = "#<%"PRIsVALUE":%p size=%llu>";

    VALUE str = rb_sprintf(format, rb_class_name(CLASS_OF(self)), (void *)self, n);
    return str;
key?(key) → true or false click to toggle source

Returns true if key is a key in self, otherwise false.

static VALUE
wkmap_has_key(VALUE self, VALUE key)
    return RBOOL(!UNDEF_P(wkmap_lookup(self, key)));