class Gem::Package::Old
The format class knows the guts of the ancient .gem file format and provides the capability to read such ancient gems.
Please pretend this doesn’t exist.
Public Class Methods
new(gem, security_policy)
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Creates a new old-format package reader for gem
. Old-format packages cannot be written.
# File rubygems/package/old.rb, line 22 def initialize(gem, security_policy) require "fileutils" require "zlib" Gem.load_yaml @contents = nil @gem = gem @security_policy = security_policy @spec = nil end
Public Instance Methods
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A list of file names contained in this gem
# File rubygems/package/old.rb, line 36 def contents verify return @contents if @contents @gem.with_read_io do |io| read_until_dashes io # spec header = file_list io @contents = {|file| file["path"] } end end
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Extracts the files in this package into destination_dir
# File rubygems/package/old.rb, line 52 def extract_files(destination_dir) verify errstr = "Error reading files from gem" @gem.with_read_io do |io| read_until_dashes io # spec header = file_list io raise Gem::Exception, errstr unless header header.each do |entry| full_name = entry["path"] destination = install_location full_name, destination_dir file_data = read_until_dashes io do |line| file_data << line end file_data = file_data.strip.unpack("m")[0] file_data = Zlib::Inflate.inflate file_data raise Gem::Package::FormatError, "#{full_name} in #{@gem} is corrupt" if file_data.length != entry["size"].to_i FileUtils.rm_rf destination FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(destination), :mode => dir_mode && 0o755 destination, "wb", file_mode(entry["mode"]) do |out| out.write file_data end verbose destination end end rescue Zlib::DataError raise Gem::Exception, errstr end
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The specification for this gem
# File rubygems/package/old.rb, line 133 def spec verify return @spec if @spec yaml = @gem.with_read_io do |io| skip_ruby io read_until_dashes io do |line| yaml << line end end begin @spec = Gem::Specification.from_yaml yaml rescue Psych::SyntaxError raise Gem::Exception, "Failed to parse gem specification out of gem file" end rescue ArgumentError raise Gem::Exception, "Failed to parse gem specification out of gem file" end
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Raises an exception if a security policy that verifies data is active. Old
format gems cannot be verified as signed.
# File rubygems/package/old.rb, line 160 def verify return true unless @security_policy raise Gem::Security::Exception, "old format gems do not contain signatures and cannot be verified" if @security_policy.verify_data true end