module Prism
The Prism
Ruby parser.
“Parsing Ruby is suddenly manageable!”
- You, hopefully
This file is generated by the templates/template.rb script and should not be modified manually. See templates/lib/prism/compiler.rb.erb if you are looking to modify the template
This file is generated by the templates/template.rb script and should not be modified manually. See templates/lib/prism/dispatcher.rb.erb if you are looking to modify the template
This file is generated by the templates/template.rb script and should not be modified manually. See templates/lib/prism/dsl.rb.erb if you are looking to modify the template
This file is generated by the templates/template.rb script and should not be modified manually. See templates/lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb.erb if you are looking to modify the template
This file is generated by the templates/template.rb script and should not be modified manually. See templates/lib/prism/node.rb.erb if you are looking to modify the template
Here we are reopening the prism module to provide methods on nodes that aren’t templated and are meant as convenience methods.
This file is generated by the templates/template.rb script and should not be modified manually. See templates/lib/prism/visitor.rb.erb if you are looking to modify the template
The version constant is set by reading the result of calling pm_version.
Public Class Methods
Mirror the Prism.dump
API by using the serialization API.
# File prism/ffi.rb, line 181 def dump(code, **options) LibRubyParser::PrismBuffer.with do |buffer| LibRubyParser.pm_serialize_parse(buffer.pointer, code, code.bytesize, dump_options(options)) end end
Mirror the Prism.dump_file
API by using the serialization API.
# File prism/ffi.rb, line 189 def dump_file(filepath, **options) LibRubyParser::PrismString.with(filepath) do |string| dump(, **options, filepath: filepath) end end
Mirror the Prism.lex
API by using the serialization API.
# File prism/ffi.rb, line 196 def lex(code, **options) LibRubyParser::PrismBuffer.with do |buffer| LibRubyParser.pm_serialize_lex(buffer.pointer, code, code.bytesize, dump_options(options)) Serialize.load_tokens(, end end
Returns an array of tokens that closely resembles that of the Ripper lexer. The only difference is that since we don’t keep track of lexer state in the same way, it’s going to always return the NONE state.
For supported options, see Prism::parse
# File prism.rb, line 46 def self.lex_compat(source, **options), **options).result end
Mirror the Prism.lex_file
API by using the serialization API.
# File prism/ffi.rb, line 204 def lex_file(filepath, **options) LibRubyParser::PrismString.with(filepath) do |string| lex(, **options, filepath: filepath) end end
This lexes with the Ripper lex. It drops any space events but otherwise returns the same tokens. Raises SyntaxError if the syntax in source is invalid.
# File prism.rb, line 56 def self.lex_ripper(source) end
Load the serialized AST using the source as a reference into a tree.
# File prism.rb, line 64 def self.load(source, serialized) Serialize.load(source, serialized) end
Mirror the Prism.parse
API by using the serialization API.
# File prism/ffi.rb, line 211 def parse(code, **options) Prism.load(code, dump(code, **options)) end
Mirror the Prism.parse_comments
API by using the serialization API.
# File prism/ffi.rb, line 225 def parse_comments(code, **options) LibRubyParser::PrismBuffer.with do |buffer| LibRubyParser.pm_serialize_parse_comments(buffer.pointer, code, code.bytesize, dump_options(options)) source = loader =, loader.load_header loader.load_force_encoding loader.load_start_line loader.load_comments end end
Mirror the Prism.parse_file
API by using the serialization API. This uses native strings instead of Ruby strings because it allows us to use mmap when it is available.
# File prism/ffi.rb, line 218 def parse_file(filepath, **options) LibRubyParser::PrismString.with(filepath) do |string| parse(, **options, filepath: filepath) end end
Mirror the Prism.parse_file_comments
API by using the serialization API. This uses native strings instead of Ruby strings because it allows us to use mmap when it is available.
# File prism/ffi.rb, line 242 def parse_file_comments(filepath, **options) LibRubyParser::PrismString.with(filepath) do |string| parse_comments(, **options, filepath: filepath) end end
Mirror the Prism.parse_lex
API by using the serialization API.
# File prism/ffi.rb, line 249 def parse_lex(code, **options) LibRubyParser::PrismBuffer.with do |buffer| LibRubyParser.pm_serialize_parse_lex(buffer.pointer, code, code.bytesize, dump_options(options)) source = loader =, tokens = loader.load_tokens node, comments, magic_comments, errors, warnings = loader.load_nodes tokens.each { |token,| token.value.force_encoding(loader.encoding) }[node, tokens], comments, magic_comments, errors, warnings, source) end end
Mirror the Prism.parse_lex_file
API by using the serialization API.
# File prism/ffi.rb, line 265 def parse_lex_file(filepath, **options) LibRubyParser::PrismString.with(filepath) do |string| parse_lex(, **options, filepath: filepath) end end
Private Class Methods
Convert the given options into a serialized options string.
# File prism/ffi.rb, line 274 def dump_options(options) template = +"" values = [] template << "L" if (filepath = options[:filepath]) values.push(filepath.bytesize, filepath.b) template << "A*" else values << 0 end template << "L" values << options.fetch(:line, 1) template << "L" if (encoding = options[:encoding]) name = values.push(name.bytesize, name.b) template << "A*" else values << 0 end template << "C" values << (options.fetch(:frozen_string_literal, false) ? 1 : 0) template << "C" values << (options[:verbose] ? 0 : 1) template << "L" if (scopes = options[:scopes]) values << scopes.length scopes.each do |scope| template << "L" values << scope.length scope.each do |local| name = template << "L" values << name.bytesize template << "A*" values << name.b end end else values << 0 end values.pack(template) end