module Open3

Module Open3 supports creating child processes with access to their $stdin, $stdout, and $stderr streams.

What’s Here

Each of these methods executes a given command in a new process or subshell, or multiple commands in new processes and/or subshells:

  • Each of these methods executes a single command in a process or subshell, accepts a string for input to $stdin, and returns string output from $stdout, $stderr, or both:

    • Open3.capture2: Executes the command; returns the string from $stdout.

    • Open3.capture2e: Executes the command; returns the string from merged $stdout and $stderr.

    • Open3.capture3: Executes the command; returns strings from $stdout and $stderr.

  • Each of these methods executes a single command in a process or subshell, and returns pipes for $stdin, $stdout, and/or $stderr:

    • Open3.popen2: Executes the command; returns pipes for $stdin and $stdout.

    • Open3.popen2e: Executes the command; returns pipes for $stdin and merged $stdout and $stderr.

    • Open3.popen3: Executes the command; returns pipes for $stdin, $stdout, and $stderr.

  • Each of these methods executes one or more commands in processes and/or subshells, returns pipes for the first $stdin, the last $stdout, or both:

Each of the methods above accepts:

  • An optional hash of environment variable names and values; see Execution Environment.

  • A required string argument that is a command_line or exe_path; see Argument command_line or exe_path.

  • An optional hash of execution options; see Execution Options.



Public Class Methods

capture2([env, ] command_line, options = {}) → [stdout_s, status] click to toggle source
capture2([env, ] exe_path, *args, options = {}) → [stdout_s, status]

Basically a wrapper for Open3.popen3 that:

  • Creates a child process, by calling Open3.popen3 with the given arguments (except for certain entries in hash options; see below).

  • Returns as string stdout_s the standard output of the child process.

  • Returns as status a Process::Status object that represents the exit status of the child process.

Returns the array [stdout_s, status]:

stdout_s, status = Open3.capture2('echo "Foo"')
# => ["Foo\n", #<Process::Status: pid 2326047 exit 0>]

Like Process.spawn, this method has potential security vulnerabilities if called with untrusted input; see Command Injection.

Unlike Process.spawn, this method waits for the child process to exit before returning, so the caller need not do so.

Argument options is a hash of options for the new process; see Execution Options.

The hash options is passed to method Open3.popen3; two options have local effect in method Open3.capture2:

  • If entry options[:stdin_data] exists, the entry is removed and its string value is sent to the command’s standard input:

    Open3.capture2('tee', stdin_data: 'Foo')
    # => ["Foo", #<Process::Status: pid 2326087 exit 0>]

    the internal streams are set to binary mode.

The single required argument is one of the following:

  • command_line if it is a string, and if it begins with a shell reserved word or special built-in, or if it contains one or more metacharacters.

  • exe_path otherwise.

Argument command_line

String argument command_line is a command line to be passed to a shell; it must begin with a shell reserved word, begin with a special built-in, or contain meta characters:

Open3.capture2('if true; then echo "Foo"; fi') # Shell reserved word.
# => ["Foo\n", #<Process::Status: pid 2326131 exit 0>]
Open3.capture2('echo')                         # Built-in.
# => ["\n", #<Process::Status: pid 2326139 exit 0>]
Open3.capture2('date > date.tmp')              # Contains meta character.
# => ["", #<Process::Status: pid 2326174 exit 0>]

The command line may also contain arguments and options for the command:

Open3.capture2('echo "Foo"')
# => ["Foo\n", #<Process::Status: pid 2326183 exit 0>]

Argument exe_path

Argument exe_path is one of the following:

  • The string path to an executable to be called.

  • A 2-element array containing the path to an executable and the string to be used as the name of the executing process.


# => ["Fri Sep 29 01:00:39 PM CDT 2023\n", #<Process::Status: pid 2326222 exit 0>]

Ruby invokes the executable directly, with no shell and no shell expansion:

Open3.capture2('doesnt_exist') # Raises Errno::ENOENT

If one or more args is given, each is an argument or option to be passed to the executable:

Open3.capture2('echo', 'C #')
# => ["C #\n", #<Process::Status: pid 2326267 exit 0>]
Open3.capture2('echo', 'hello', 'world')
# => ["hello world\n", #<Process::Status: pid 2326299 exit 0>]
# File open3.rb, line 743
def capture2(*cmd)
  if Hash === cmd.last
    opts = cmd.pop.dup
    opts = {}

  stdin_data = opts.delete(:stdin_data)
  binmode = opts.delete(:binmode)

  popen2(*cmd, opts) {|i, o, t|
    if binmode
    out_reader = { }
    if stdin_data
        if stdin_data.respond_to? :readpartial
          IO.copy_stream(stdin_data, i)
          i.write stdin_data
      rescue Errno::EPIPE
    [out_reader.value, t.value]
capture2e([env, ] command_line, options = {}) → [stdout_and_stderr_s, status] click to toggle source
capture2e([env, ] exe_path, *args, options = {}) → [stdout_and_stderr_s, status]

Basically a wrapper for Open3.popen3 that:

  • Creates a child process, by calling Open3.popen3 with the given arguments (except for certain entries in hash options; see below).

  • Returns as string stdout_and_stderr_s the merged standard output and standard error of the child process.

  • Returns as status a Process::Status object that represents the exit status of the child process.

Returns the array [stdout_and_stderr_s, status]:

stdout_and_stderr_s, status = Open3.capture2e('echo "Foo"')
# => ["Foo\n", #<Process::Status: pid 2371692 exit 0>]

Like Process.spawn, this method has potential security vulnerabilities if called with untrusted input; see Command Injection.

Unlike Process.spawn, this method waits for the child process to exit before returning, so the caller need not do so.

Argument options is a hash of options for the new process; see Execution Options.

The hash options is passed to method Open3.popen3; two options have local effect in method Open3.capture2e:

  • If entry options[:stdin_data] exists, the entry is removed and its string value is sent to the command’s standard input:

    Open3.capture2e('tee', stdin_data: 'Foo')
    # => ["Foo", #<Process::Status: pid 2371732 exit 0>]

    the internal streams are set to binary mode.

The single required argument is one of the following:

  • command_line if it is a string, and if it begins with a shell reserved word or special built-in, or if it contains one or more metacharacters.

  • exe_path otherwise.

Argument command_line

String argument command_line is a command line to be passed to a shell; it must begin with a shell reserved word, begin with a special built-in, or contain meta characters:

Open3.capture2e('if true; then echo "Foo"; fi') # Shell reserved word.
# => ["Foo\n", #<Process::Status: pid 2371740 exit 0>]
Open3.capture2e('echo')                         # Built-in.
# => ["\n", #<Process::Status: pid 2371774 exit 0>]
Open3.capture2e('date > date.tmp')              # Contains meta character.
# => ["", #<Process::Status: pid 2371812 exit 0>]

The command line may also contain arguments and options for the command:

Open3.capture2e('echo "Foo"')
# => ["Foo\n", #<Process::Status: pid 2326183 exit 0>]

Argument exe_path

Argument exe_path is one of the following:

  • The string path to an executable to be called.

  • A 2-element array containing the path to an executable and the string to be used as the name of the executing process.


# => ["Sat Sep 30 09:01:46 AM CDT 2023\n", #<Process::Status: pid 2371820 exit 0>]

Ruby invokes the executable directly, with no shell and no shell expansion:

Open3.capture2e('doesnt_exist') # Raises Errno::ENOENT

If one or more args is given, each is an argument or option to be passed to the executable:

Open3.capture2e('echo', 'C #')
# => ["C #\n", #<Process::Status: pid 2371856 exit 0>]
Open3.capture2e('echo', 'hello', 'world')
# => ["hello world\n", #<Process::Status: pid 2371894 exit 0>]
# File open3.rb, line 864
def capture2e(*cmd)
  if Hash === cmd.last
    opts = cmd.pop.dup
    opts = {}

  stdin_data = opts.delete(:stdin_data)
  binmode = opts.delete(:binmode)

  popen2e(*cmd, opts) {|i, oe, t|
    if binmode
    outerr_reader = { }
    if stdin_data
        if stdin_data.respond_to? :readpartial
          IO.copy_stream(stdin_data, i)
          i.write stdin_data
      rescue Errno::EPIPE
    [outerr_reader.value, t.value]
capture3([env, ] command_line, options = {}) → [stdout_s, stderr_s, status] click to toggle source
capture3([env, ] exe_path, *args, options = {}) → [stdout_s, stderr_s, status]

Basically a wrapper for Open3.popen3 that:

  • Creates a child process, by calling Open3.popen3 with the given arguments (except for certain entries in hash options; see below).

  • Returns as strings stdout_s and stderr_s the standard output and standard error of the child process.

  • Returns as status a Process::Status object that represents the exit status of the child process.

Returns the array [stdout_s, stderr_s, status]:

stdout_s, stderr_s, status = Open3.capture3('echo "Foo"')
# => ["Foo\n", "", #<Process::Status: pid 2281954 exit 0>]

Like Process.spawn, this method has potential security vulnerabilities if called with untrusted input; see Command Injection.

Unlike Process.spawn, this method waits for the child process to exit before returning, so the caller need not do so.

Argument options is a hash of options for the new process; see Execution Options.

The hash options is passed to method Open3.popen3; two options have local effect in method Open3.capture3:

  • If entry options[:stdin_data] exists, the entry is removed and its string value is sent to the command’s standard input:

    Open3.capture3('tee', stdin_data: 'Foo')
    # => ["Foo", "", #<Process::Status: pid 2319575 exit 0>]
  • If entry options[:binmode] exists, the entry is removed the internal streams are set to binary mode.

The single required argument is one of the following:

  • command_line if it is a string, and if it begins with a shell reserved word or special built-in, or if it contains one or more metacharacters.

  • exe_path otherwise.

Argument command_line

String argument command_line is a command line to be passed to a shell; it must begin with a shell reserved word, begin with a special built-in, or contain meta characters:

Open3.capture3('if true; then echo "Foo"; fi') # Shell reserved word.
# => ["Foo\n", "", #<Process::Status: pid 2282025 exit 0>]
Open3.capture3('echo')                         # Built-in.
# => ["\n", "", #<Process::Status: pid 2282092 exit 0>]
Open3.capture3('date > date.tmp')              # Contains meta character.
# => ["", "", #<Process::Status: pid 2282110 exit 0>]

The command line may also contain arguments and options for the command:

Open3.capture3('echo "Foo"')
# => ["Foo\n", "", #<Process::Status: pid 2282092 exit 0>]

Argument exe_path

Argument exe_path is one of the following:

  • The string path to an executable to be called.

  • A 2-element array containing the path to an executable and the string to be used as the name of the executing process.


# => ["Thu Sep 28 05:03:51 PM CDT 2023\n", "", #<Process::Status: pid 2282300 exit 0>]

Ruby invokes the executable directly, with no shell and no shell expansion:

Open3.capture3('doesnt_exist') # Raises Errno::ENOENT

If one or more args is given, each is an argument or option to be passed to the executable:

Open3.capture3('echo', 'C #')
# => ["C #\n", "", #<Process::Status: pid 2282368 exit 0>]
Open3.capture3('echo', 'hello', 'world')
# => ["hello world\n", "", #<Process::Status: pid 2282372 exit 0>]
# File open3.rb, line 622
def capture3(*cmd)
  if Hash === cmd.last
    opts = cmd.pop.dup
    opts = {}

  stdin_data = opts.delete(:stdin_data) || ''
  binmode = opts.delete(:binmode)

  popen3(*cmd, opts) {|i, o, e, t|
    if binmode
    out_reader = { }
    err_reader = { }
      if stdin_data.respond_to? :readpartial
        IO.copy_stream(stdin_data, i)
        i.write stdin_data
    rescue Errno::EPIPE
    [out_reader.value, err_reader.value, t.value]
pipeline([env, ] *cmds, options = {}) → array_of_statuses click to toggle source

Basically a wrapper for Process.spawn that:

  • Creates a child process for each of the given cmds by calling Process.spawn.

  • Pipes the stdout from each child to the stdin of the next child, or, for the last child, to the caller’s stdout.

  • Waits for all child processes to exit.

  • Returns an array of Process::Status objects (one for each child).

A simple example:

Open3.pipeline('ls', 'grep [A-Z]')
# => [#<Process::Status: pid 1343895 exit 0>, #<Process::Status: pid 1343897 exit 0>]



Like Process.spawn, this method has potential security vulnerabilities if called with untrusted input; see Command Injection.

Unlike Process.spawn, this method waits for the child process to exit before returning, so the caller need not do so.

If the first argument is a hash, it becomes leading argument env in each call to Process.spawn; see Execution Environment.

If the last argument is a hash, it becomes trailing argument options in each call to Process.spawn’ see Execution Environment.

Each remaining argument in cmds is one of:

  • A command_line: a string that begins with a shell reserved word or special built-in, or contains one or more metacharacters.

  • An exe_path: the string path to an executable to be called.

  • An array containing a command_line or an exe_path, along with zero or more string arguments for the command.

# File open3.rb, line 1160
def pipeline(*cmds)
  if Hash === cmds.last
    opts = cmds.pop.dup
    opts = {}

  pipeline_run(cmds, opts, [], []) {|ts|
pipeline_r(*cmds, &block) click to toggle source

Open3.pipeline_r starts a list of commands as a pipeline with a pipe which connects to stdout of the last command.

Open3.pipeline_r(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts]) {|last_stdout, wait_threads|

last_stdout, wait_threads = Open3.pipeline_r(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts])

Each cmd is a string or an array. If it is an array, the elements are passed to Process.spawn.

  commandline                              command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, commandline, opts]                 command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, cmdname, arg1, ..., opts]          command name and one or more arguments (no shell)
  [env, [cmdname, argv0], arg1, ..., opts] command name and arguments including argv[0] (no shell)

Note that env and opts are optional, as for Process.spawn.


Open3.pipeline_r("zcat /var/log/apache2/access.log.*.gz",
                 [{"LANG"=>"C"}, "grep", "GET /favicon.ico"],
                 "logresolve") {|o, ts|
  o.each_line {|line|

Open3.pipeline_r("yes", "head -10") {|o, ts|
  p      #=> "y\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\n"
  p ts[0].value #=> #<Process::Status: pid 24910 SIGPIPE (signal 13)>
  p ts[1].value #=> #<Process::Status: pid 24913 exit 0>
# File open3.rb, line 994
def pipeline_r(*cmds, &block)
  if Hash === cmds.last
    opts = cmds.pop.dup
    opts = {}

  out_r, out_w = IO.pipe
  opts[:out] = out_w

  pipeline_run(cmds, opts, [out_w], [out_r], &block)
pipeline_rw(*cmds, &block) click to toggle source

Open3.pipeline_rw starts a list of commands as a pipeline with pipes which connect to stdin of the first command and stdout of the last command.

Open3.pipeline_rw(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts]) {|first_stdin, last_stdout, wait_threads|

first_stdin, last_stdout, wait_threads = Open3.pipeline_rw(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts])

Each cmd is a string or an array. If it is an array, the elements are passed to Process.spawn.

  commandline                              command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, commandline, opts]                 command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, cmdname, arg1, ..., opts]          command name and one or more arguments (no shell)
  [env, [cmdname, argv0], arg1, ..., opts] command name and arguments including argv[0] (no shell)

Note that env and opts are optional, as for Process.spawn.

The options to pass to Process.spawn are constructed by merging opts, the last hash element of the array, and specifications for the pipes between each of the commands.


Open3.pipeline_rw("tr -dc A-Za-z", "wc -c") {|i, o, ts|
  i.puts "All persons more than a mile high to leave the court."
  p o.gets #=> "42\n"

Open3.pipeline_rw("sort", "cat -n") {|stdin, stdout, wait_thrs|
  stdin.puts "foo"
  stdin.puts "bar"
  stdin.puts "baz"
  stdin.close     # send EOF to sort.
  p   #=> "     1\tbar\n     2\tbaz\n     3\tfoo\n"
# File open3.rb, line 938
def pipeline_rw(*cmds, &block)
  if Hash === cmds.last
    opts = cmds.pop.dup
    opts = {}

  in_r, in_w = IO.pipe
  opts[:in] = in_r
  in_w.sync = true

  out_r, out_w = IO.pipe
  opts[:out] = out_w

  pipeline_run(cmds, opts, [in_r, out_w], [in_w, out_r], &block)
pipeline_start(*cmds, &block) click to toggle source

Open3.pipeline_start starts a list of commands as a pipeline. No pipes are created for stdin of the first command and stdout of the last command.

Open3.pipeline_start(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts]) {|wait_threads|

wait_threads = Open3.pipeline_start(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts])

Each cmd is a string or an array. If it is an array, the elements are passed to Process.spawn.

  commandline                              command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, commandline, opts]                 command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, cmdname, arg1, ..., opts]          command name and one or more arguments (no shell)
  [env, [cmdname, argv0], arg1, ..., opts] command name and arguments including argv[0] (no shell)

Note that env and opts are optional, as for Process.spawn.


# Run xeyes in 10 seconds.
Open3.pipeline_start("xeyes") {|ts|
  sleep 10
  t = ts[0]
  p t.value #=> #<Process::Status: pid 911 SIGTERM (signal 15)>

# Convert pdf to ps and send it to a printer.
# Collect error message of pdftops and lpr.
pdf_file = "paper.pdf"
printer = "printer-name"
err_r, err_w = IO.pipe
Open3.pipeline_start(["pdftops", pdf_file, "-"],
                     ["lpr", "-P#{printer}"],
                     :err=>err_w) {|ts|
  p # error messages of pdftops and lpr.
# File open3.rb, line 1095
def pipeline_start(*cmds, &block)
  if Hash === cmds.last
    opts = cmds.pop.dup
    opts = {}

  if block
    pipeline_run(cmds, opts, [], [], &block)
    ts, = pipeline_run(cmds, opts, [], [])
pipeline_w(*cmds, &block) click to toggle source

Open3.pipeline_w starts a list of commands as a pipeline with a pipe which connects to stdin of the first command.

Open3.pipeline_w(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts]) {|first_stdin, wait_threads|

first_stdin, wait_threads = Open3.pipeline_w(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts])

Each cmd is a string or an array. If it is an array, the elements are passed to Process.spawn.

  commandline                              command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, commandline, opts]                 command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, cmdname, arg1, ..., opts]          command name and one or more arguments (no shell)
  [env, [cmdname, argv0], arg1, ..., opts] command name and arguments including argv[0] (no shell)

Note that env and opts are optional, as for Process.spawn.


Open3.pipeline_w("bzip2 -c", :out=>"/tmp/hello.bz2") {|i, ts|
  i.puts "hello"
# File open3.rb, line 1036
def pipeline_w(*cmds, &block)
  if Hash === cmds.last
    opts = cmds.pop.dup
    opts = {}

  in_r, in_w = IO.pipe
  opts[:in] = in_r
  in_w.sync = true

  pipeline_run(cmds, opts, [in_r], [in_w], &block)
popen2([env, ] command_line, options = {}) → [stdin, stdout, wait_thread] click to toggle source
popen2([env, ] exe_path, *args, options = {}) → [stdin, stdout, wait_thread]
popen2([env, ] command_line, options = {}) {|stdin, stdout, wait_thread| ... } → object
popen2([env, ] exe_path, *args, options = {}) {|stdin, stdout, wait_thread| ... } → object

Basically a wrapper for Process.spawn that:

  • Creates a child process, by calling Process.spawn with the given arguments.

  • Creates streams stdin and stdout, which are the standard input and standard output streams in the child process.

  • Creates thread wait_thread that waits for the child process to exit; the thread has method pid, which returns the process ID of the child process.

With no block given, returns the array [stdin, stdout, wait_thread]. The caller should close each of the two returned streams.

stdin, stdout, wait_thread = Open3.popen2('echo')
# => [#<IO:fd 6>, #<IO:fd 7>, #<Process::Waiter:0x00007f58d52dbe98 run>]
stdout.close   # => 2263572
wait_thread.value # => #<Process::Status: pid 2263572 exit 0>

With a block given, calls the block with the three variables (two streams and the wait thread) and returns the block’s return value. The caller need not close the streams:

Open3.popen2('echo') do |stdin, stdout, wait_thread|
  p stdin
  p stdout
  p wait_thread
  p wait_thread.value


#<IO:fd 6>
#<IO:fd 7>
#<Process::Waiter:0x00007f58d59a34b0 sleep>
#<Process::Status: pid 2263636 exit 0>

Like Process.spawn, this method has potential security vulnerabilities if called with untrusted input; see Command Injection.

Unlike Process.spawn, this method waits for the child process to exit before returning, so the caller need not do so.

Argument options is a hash of options for the new process; see Execution Options.

The single required argument is one of the following:

  • command_line if it is a string, and if it begins with a shell reserved word or special built-in, or if it contains one or more metacharacters.

  • exe_path otherwise.

Argument command_line

String argument command_line is a command line to be passed to a shell; it must begin with a shell reserved word, begin with a special built-in, or contain meta characters:

Open3.popen2('if true; then echo "Foo"; fi') {|*args| p args } # Shell reserved word.
Open3.popen2('echo') {|*args| p args }                         # Built-in.
Open3.popen2('date > date.tmp') {|*args| p args }              # Contains meta character.

Output (similar for each call above):

# => [#<IO:(closed)>, #<IO:(closed)>, #<Process::Waiter:0x00007f7577dfe410 dead>]

The command line may also contain arguments and options for the command:

Open3.popen2('echo "Foo"') { |i, o, t| o.gets }

Argument exe_path

Argument exe_path is one of the following:

  • The string path to an executable to be called.

  • A 2-element array containing the path to an executable and the string to be used as the name of the executing process.


Open3.popen2('/usr/bin/date') { |i, o, t| o.gets }
# => "Thu Sep 28 09:41:06 AM CDT 2023\n"

Ruby invokes the executable directly, with no shell and no shell expansion:

Open3.popen2('doesnt_exist') { |i, o, t| o.gets } # Raises Errno::ENOENT

If one or more args is given, each is an argument or option to be passed to the executable:

Open3.popen2('echo', 'C #') { |i, o, t| o.gets }
# => "C #\n"
Open3.popen2('echo', 'hello', 'world') { |i, o, t| o.gets }
# => "hello world\n"


  • Open3.popen2e: Makes the standard input and the merge of the standard output and standard error streams of the child process available as separate streams.

  • Open3.popen3: Makes the standard input, standard output, and standard error streams of the child process available as separate streams.

# File open3.rb, line 351
def popen2(*cmd, &block)
  if Hash === cmd.last
    opts = cmd.pop.dup
    opts = {}

  in_r, in_w = IO.pipe
  opts[:in] = in_r
  in_w.sync = true

  out_r, out_w = IO.pipe
  opts[:out] = out_w

  popen_run(cmd, opts, [in_r, out_w], [in_w, out_r], &block)
popen2e([env, ] command_line, options = {}) → [stdin, stdout_and_stderr, wait_thread] click to toggle source
popen2e([env, ] exe_path, *args, options = {}) → [stdin, stdout_and_stderr, wait_thread]
popen2e([env, ] command_line, options = {}) {|stdin, stdout_and_stderr, wait_thread| ... } → object
popen2e([env, ] exe_path, *args, options = {}) {|stdin, stdout_and_stderr, wait_thread| ... } → object

Basically a wrapper for Process.spawn that:

  • Creates a child process, by calling Process.spawn with the given arguments.

  • Creates streams stdin, stdout_and_stderr, which are the standard input and the merge of the standard output and standard error streams in the child process.

  • Creates thread wait_thread that waits for the child process to exit; the thread has method pid, which returns the process ID of the child process.

With no block given, returns the array [stdin, stdout_and_stderr, wait_thread]. The caller should close each of the two returned streams.

stdin, stdout_and_stderr, wait_thread = Open3.popen2e('echo')
# => [#<IO:fd 6>, #<IO:fd 7>, #<Process::Waiter:0x00007f7577da4398 run>]
stdout_and_stderr.close   # => 2274600
wait_thread.value # => #<Process::Status: pid 2274600 exit 0>

With a block given, calls the block with the three variables (two streams and the wait thread) and returns the block’s return value. The caller need not close the streams:

Open3.popen2e('echo') do |stdin, stdout_and_stderr, wait_thread|
  p stdin
  p stdout_and_stderr
  p wait_thread
  p wait_thread.value


#<IO:fd 6>
#<IO:fd 7>
#<Process::Waiter:0x00007f75777578c8 sleep>
#<Process::Status: pid 2274763 exit 0>

Like Process.spawn, this method has potential security vulnerabilities if called with untrusted input; see Command Injection.

Unlike Process.spawn, this method waits for the child process to exit before returning, so the caller need not do so.

Argument options is a hash of options for the new process; see Execution Options.

The single required argument is one of the following:

  • command_line if it is a string, and if it begins with a shell reserved word or special built-in, or if it contains one or more metacharacters.

  • exe_path otherwise.

Argument command_line

String argument command_line is a command line to be passed to a shell; it must begin with a shell reserved word, begin with a special built-in, or contain meta characters:

Open3.popen2e('if true; then echo "Foo"; fi') {|*args| p args } # Shell reserved word.
Open3.popen2e('echo') {|*args| p args }                         # Built-in.
Open3.popen2e('date > date.tmp') {|*args| p args }              # Contains meta character.

Output (similar for each call above):

# => [#<IO:(closed)>, #<IO:(closed)>, #<Process::Waiter:0x00007f7577d8a1f0 dead>]

The command line may also contain arguments and options for the command:

Open3.popen2e('echo "Foo"') { |i, o_and_e, t| o_and_e.gets }

Argument exe_path

Argument exe_path is one of the following:

  • The string path to an executable to be called.

  • A 2-element array containing the path to an executable and the string to be used as the name of the executing process.


Open3.popen2e('/usr/bin/date') { |i, o_and_e, t| o_and_e.gets }
# => "Thu Sep 28 01:58:45 PM CDT 2023\n"

Ruby invokes the executable directly, with no shell and no shell expansion:

Open3.popen2e('doesnt_exist') { |i, o_and_e, t| o_and_e.gets } # Raises Errno::ENOENT

If one or more args is given, each is an argument or option to be passed to the executable:

Open3.popen2e('echo', 'C #') { |i, o_and_e, t| o_and_e.gets }
# => "C #\n"
Open3.popen2e('echo', 'hello', 'world') { |i, o_and_e, t| o_and_e.gets }
# => "hello world\n"


  • Open3.popen2: Makes the standard input and standard output streams of the child process available as separate streams, with no access to the standard error stream.

  • Open3.popen3: Makes the standard input, standard output, and standard error streams of the child process available as separate streams.

# File open3.rb, line 487
def popen2e(*cmd, &block)
  if Hash === cmd.last
    opts = cmd.pop.dup
    opts = {}

  in_r, in_w = IO.pipe
  opts[:in] = in_r
  in_w.sync = true

  out_r, out_w = IO.pipe
  opts[[:out, :err]] = out_w

  popen_run(cmd, opts, [in_r, out_w], [in_w, out_r], &block)
  if block
popen3([env, ] command_line, options = {}) → [stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thread] click to toggle source
popen3([env, ] exe_path, *args, options = {}) → [stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thread]
popen3([env, ] command_line, options = {}) {|stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thread| ... } → object
popen3([env, ] exe_path, *args, options = {}) {|stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thread| ... } → object

Basically a wrapper for Process.spawn that:

  • Creates a child process, by calling Process.spawn with the given arguments.

  • Creates streams stdin, stdout, and stderr, which are the standard input, standard output, and standard error streams in the child process.

  • Creates thread wait_thread that waits for the child process to exit; the thread has method pid, which returns the process ID of the child process.

With no block given, returns the array [stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thread]. The caller should close each of the three returned streams.

stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thread = Open3.popen3('echo')
# => [#<IO:fd 8>, #<IO:fd 10>, #<IO:fd 12>, #<Process::Waiter:0x00007f58d5428f58 run>]
stderr.close   # => 2210481
wait_thread.value # => #<Process::Status: pid 2210481 exit 0>

With a block given, calls the block with the four variables (three streams and the wait thread) and returns the block’s return value. The caller need not close the streams:

Open3.popen3('echo') do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thread|
  p stdin
  p stdout
  p stderr
  p wait_thread
  p wait_thread.value


#<IO:fd 6>
#<IO:fd 7>
#<IO:fd 9>
#<Process::Waiter:0x00007f58d53606e8 sleep>
#<Process::Status: pid 2211047 exit 0>

Like Process.spawn, this method has potential security vulnerabilities if called with untrusted input; see Command Injection.

Unlike Process.spawn, this method waits for the child process to exit before returning, so the caller need not do so.

Argument options is a hash of options for the new process; see Execution Options.

The single required argument is one of the following:

  • command_line if it is a string, and if it begins with a shell reserved word or special built-in, or if it contains one or more metacharacters.

  • exe_path otherwise.

Argument command_line

String argument command_line is a command line to be passed to a shell; it must begin with a shell reserved word, begin with a special built-in, or contain meta characters:

Open3.popen3('if true; then echo "Foo"; fi') {|*args| p args } # Shell reserved word.
Open3.popen3('echo') {|*args| p args }                         # Built-in.
Open3.popen3('date > date.tmp') {|*args| p args }              # Contains meta character.

Output (similar for each call above):

[#<IO:(closed)>, #<IO:(closed)>, #<IO:(closed)>, #<Process::Waiter:0x00007f58d52f28c8 dead>]

The command line may also contain arguments and options for the command:

Open3.popen3('echo "Foo"') { |i, o, e, t| o.gets }

Argument exe_path

Argument exe_path is one of the following:

  • The string path to an executable to be called.

  • A 2-element array containing the path to an executable and the string to be used as the name of the executing process.


Open3.popen3('/usr/bin/date') { |i, o, e, t| o.gets }
# => "Wed Sep 27 02:56:44 PM CDT 2023\n"

Ruby invokes the executable directly, with no shell and no shell expansion:

Open3.popen3('doesnt_exist') { |i, o, e, t| o.gets } # Raises Errno::ENOENT

If one or more args is given, each is an argument or option to be passed to the executable:

Open3.popen3('echo', 'C #') { |i, o, e, t| o.gets }
# => "C #\n"
Open3.popen3('echo', 'hello', 'world') { |i, o, e, t| o.gets }
# => "hello world\n"

Take care to avoid deadlocks. Output streams stdout and stderr have fixed-size buffers, so reading extensively from one but not the other can cause a deadlock when the unread buffer fills. To avoid that, stdout and stderr should be read simultaneously (using threads or


  • Open3.popen2: Makes the standard input and standard output streams of the child process available as separate streams, with no access to the standard error stream.

  • Open3.popen2e: Makes the standard input and the merge of the standard output and standard error streams of the child process available as separate streams.

# File open3.rb, line 211
def popen3(*cmd, &block)
  if Hash === cmd.last
    opts = cmd.pop.dup
    opts = {}

  in_r, in_w = IO.pipe
  opts[:in] = in_r
  in_w.sync = true

  out_r, out_w = IO.pipe
  opts[:out] = out_w

  err_r, err_w = IO.pipe
  opts[:err] = err_w

  popen_run(cmd, opts, [in_r, out_w, err_w], [in_w, out_r, err_r], &block)

Private Instance Methods

capture2([env, ] command_line, options = {}) → [stdout_s, status] click to toggle source
capture2([env, ] exe_path, *args, options = {}) → [stdout_s, status]

Basically a wrapper for Open3.popen3 that:

  • Creates a child process, by calling Open3.popen3 with the given arguments (except for certain entries in hash options; see below).

  • Returns as string stdout_s the standard output of the child process.

  • Returns as status a Process::Status object that represents the exit status of the child process.

Returns the array [stdout_s, status]:

stdout_s, status = Open3.capture2('echo "Foo"')
# => ["Foo\n", #<Process::Status: pid 2326047 exit 0>]

Like Process.spawn, this method has potential security vulnerabilities if called with untrusted input; see Command Injection.

Unlike Process.spawn, this method waits for the child process to exit before returning, so the caller need not do so.

Argument options is a hash of options for the new process; see Execution Options.

The hash options is passed to method Open3.popen3; two options have local effect in method Open3.capture2:

  • If entry options[:stdin_data] exists, the entry is removed and its string value is sent to the command’s standard input:

    Open3.capture2('tee', stdin_data: 'Foo')
    # => ["Foo", #<Process::Status: pid 2326087 exit 0>]

    the internal streams are set to binary mode.

The single required argument is one of the following:

  • command_line if it is a string, and if it begins with a shell reserved word or special built-in, or if it contains one or more metacharacters.

  • exe_path otherwise.

Argument command_line

String argument command_line is a command line to be passed to a shell; it must begin with a shell reserved word, begin with a special built-in, or contain meta characters:

Open3.capture2('if true; then echo "Foo"; fi') # Shell reserved word.
# => ["Foo\n", #<Process::Status: pid 2326131 exit 0>]
Open3.capture2('echo')                         # Built-in.
# => ["\n", #<Process::Status: pid 2326139 exit 0>]
Open3.capture2('date > date.tmp')              # Contains meta character.
# => ["", #<Process::Status: pid 2326174 exit 0>]

The command line may also contain arguments and options for the command:

Open3.capture2('echo "Foo"')
# => ["Foo\n", #<Process::Status: pid 2326183 exit 0>]

Argument exe_path

Argument exe_path is one of the following:

  • The string path to an executable to be called.

  • A 2-element array containing the path to an executable and the string to be used as the name of the executing process.


# => ["Fri Sep 29 01:00:39 PM CDT 2023\n", #<Process::Status: pid 2326222 exit 0>]

Ruby invokes the executable directly, with no shell and no shell expansion:

Open3.capture2('doesnt_exist') # Raises Errno::ENOENT

If one or more args is given, each is an argument or option to be passed to the executable:

Open3.capture2('echo', 'C #')
# => ["C #\n", #<Process::Status: pid 2326267 exit 0>]
Open3.capture2('echo', 'hello', 'world')
# => ["hello world\n", #<Process::Status: pid 2326299 exit 0>]
# File open3.rb, line 743
def capture2(*cmd)
  if Hash === cmd.last
    opts = cmd.pop.dup
    opts = {}

  stdin_data = opts.delete(:stdin_data)
  binmode = opts.delete(:binmode)

  popen2(*cmd, opts) {|i, o, t|
    if binmode
    out_reader = { }
    if stdin_data
        if stdin_data.respond_to? :readpartial
          IO.copy_stream(stdin_data, i)
          i.write stdin_data
      rescue Errno::EPIPE
    [out_reader.value, t.value]
capture2e([env, ] command_line, options = {}) → [stdout_and_stderr_s, status] click to toggle source
capture2e([env, ] exe_path, *args, options = {}) → [stdout_and_stderr_s, status]

Basically a wrapper for Open3.popen3 that:

  • Creates a child process, by calling Open3.popen3 with the given arguments (except for certain entries in hash options; see below).

  • Returns as string stdout_and_stderr_s the merged standard output and standard error of the child process.

  • Returns as status a Process::Status object that represents the exit status of the child process.

Returns the array [stdout_and_stderr_s, status]:

stdout_and_stderr_s, status = Open3.capture2e('echo "Foo"')
# => ["Foo\n", #<Process::Status: pid 2371692 exit 0>]

Like Process.spawn, this method has potential security vulnerabilities if called with untrusted input; see Command Injection.

Unlike Process.spawn, this method waits for the child process to exit before returning, so the caller need not do so.

Argument options is a hash of options for the new process; see Execution Options.

The hash options is passed to method Open3.popen3; two options have local effect in method Open3.capture2e:

  • If entry options[:stdin_data] exists, the entry is removed and its string value is sent to the command’s standard input:

    Open3.capture2e('tee', stdin_data: 'Foo')
    # => ["Foo", #<Process::Status: pid 2371732 exit 0>]

    the internal streams are set to binary mode.

The single required argument is one of the following:

  • command_line if it is a string, and if it begins with a shell reserved word or special built-in, or if it contains one or more metacharacters.

  • exe_path otherwise.

Argument command_line

String argument command_line is a command line to be passed to a shell; it must begin with a shell reserved word, begin with a special built-in, or contain meta characters:

Open3.capture2e('if true; then echo "Foo"; fi') # Shell reserved word.
# => ["Foo\n", #<Process::Status: pid 2371740 exit 0>]
Open3.capture2e('echo')                         # Built-in.
# => ["\n", #<Process::Status: pid 2371774 exit 0>]
Open3.capture2e('date > date.tmp')              # Contains meta character.
# => ["", #<Process::Status: pid 2371812 exit 0>]

The command line may also contain arguments and options for the command:

Open3.capture2e('echo "Foo"')
# => ["Foo\n", #<Process::Status: pid 2326183 exit 0>]

Argument exe_path

Argument exe_path is one of the following:

  • The string path to an executable to be called.

  • A 2-element array containing the path to an executable and the string to be used as the name of the executing process.


# => ["Sat Sep 30 09:01:46 AM CDT 2023\n", #<Process::Status: pid 2371820 exit 0>]

Ruby invokes the executable directly, with no shell and no shell expansion:

Open3.capture2e('doesnt_exist') # Raises Errno::ENOENT

If one or more args is given, each is an argument or option to be passed to the executable:

Open3.capture2e('echo', 'C #')
# => ["C #\n", #<Process::Status: pid 2371856 exit 0>]
Open3.capture2e('echo', 'hello', 'world')
# => ["hello world\n", #<Process::Status: pid 2371894 exit 0>]
# File open3.rb, line 864
def capture2e(*cmd)
  if Hash === cmd.last
    opts = cmd.pop.dup
    opts = {}

  stdin_data = opts.delete(:stdin_data)
  binmode = opts.delete(:binmode)

  popen2e(*cmd, opts) {|i, oe, t|
    if binmode
    outerr_reader = { }
    if stdin_data
        if stdin_data.respond_to? :readpartial
          IO.copy_stream(stdin_data, i)
          i.write stdin_data
      rescue Errno::EPIPE
    [outerr_reader.value, t.value]
capture3([env, ] command_line, options = {}) → [stdout_s, stderr_s, status] click to toggle source
capture3([env, ] exe_path, *args, options = {}) → [stdout_s, stderr_s, status]

Basically a wrapper for Open3.popen3 that:

  • Creates a child process, by calling Open3.popen3 with the given arguments (except for certain entries in hash options; see below).

  • Returns as strings stdout_s and stderr_s the standard output and standard error of the child process.

  • Returns as status a Process::Status object that represents the exit status of the child process.

Returns the array [stdout_s, stderr_s, status]:

stdout_s, stderr_s, status = Open3.capture3('echo "Foo"')
# => ["Foo\n", "", #<Process::Status: pid 2281954 exit 0>]

Like Process.spawn, this method has potential security vulnerabilities if called with untrusted input; see Command Injection.

Unlike Process.spawn, this method waits for the child process to exit before returning, so the caller need not do so.

Argument options is a hash of options for the new process; see Execution Options.

The hash options is passed to method Open3.popen3; two options have local effect in method Open3.capture3:

  • If entry options[:stdin_data] exists, the entry is removed and its string value is sent to the command’s standard input:

    Open3.capture3('tee', stdin_data: 'Foo')
    # => ["Foo", "", #<Process::Status: pid 2319575 exit 0>]
  • If entry options[:binmode] exists, the entry is removed the internal streams are set to binary mode.

The single required argument is one of the following:

  • command_line if it is a string, and if it begins with a shell reserved word or special built-in, or if it contains one or more metacharacters.

  • exe_path otherwise.

Argument command_line

String argument command_line is a command line to be passed to a shell; it must begin with a shell reserved word, begin with a special built-in, or contain meta characters:

Open3.capture3('if true; then echo "Foo"; fi') # Shell reserved word.
# => ["Foo\n", "", #<Process::Status: pid 2282025 exit 0>]
Open3.capture3('echo')                         # Built-in.
# => ["\n", "", #<Process::Status: pid 2282092 exit 0>]
Open3.capture3('date > date.tmp')              # Contains meta character.
# => ["", "", #<Process::Status: pid 2282110 exit 0>]

The command line may also contain arguments and options for the command:

Open3.capture3('echo "Foo"')
# => ["Foo\n", "", #<Process::Status: pid 2282092 exit 0>]

Argument exe_path

Argument exe_path is one of the following:

  • The string path to an executable to be called.

  • A 2-element array containing the path to an executable and the string to be used as the name of the executing process.


# => ["Thu Sep 28 05:03:51 PM CDT 2023\n", "", #<Process::Status: pid 2282300 exit 0>]

Ruby invokes the executable directly, with no shell and no shell expansion:

Open3.capture3('doesnt_exist') # Raises Errno::ENOENT

If one or more args is given, each is an argument or option to be passed to the executable:

Open3.capture3('echo', 'C #')
# => ["C #\n", "", #<Process::Status: pid 2282368 exit 0>]
Open3.capture3('echo', 'hello', 'world')
# => ["hello world\n", "", #<Process::Status: pid 2282372 exit 0>]
# File open3.rb, line 622
def capture3(*cmd)
  if Hash === cmd.last
    opts = cmd.pop.dup
    opts = {}

  stdin_data = opts.delete(:stdin_data) || ''
  binmode = opts.delete(:binmode)

  popen3(*cmd, opts) {|i, o, e, t|
    if binmode
    out_reader = { }
    err_reader = { }
      if stdin_data.respond_to? :readpartial
        IO.copy_stream(stdin_data, i)
        i.write stdin_data
    rescue Errno::EPIPE
    [out_reader.value, err_reader.value, t.value]
pipeline([env, ] *cmds, options = {}) → array_of_statuses click to toggle source

Basically a wrapper for Process.spawn that:

  • Creates a child process for each of the given cmds by calling Process.spawn.

  • Pipes the stdout from each child to the stdin of the next child, or, for the last child, to the caller’s stdout.

  • Waits for all child processes to exit.

  • Returns an array of Process::Status objects (one for each child).

A simple example:

Open3.pipeline('ls', 'grep [A-Z]')
# => [#<Process::Status: pid 1343895 exit 0>, #<Process::Status: pid 1343897 exit 0>]



Like Process.spawn, this method has potential security vulnerabilities if called with untrusted input; see Command Injection.

Unlike Process.spawn, this method waits for the child process to exit before returning, so the caller need not do so.

If the first argument is a hash, it becomes leading argument env in each call to Process.spawn; see Execution Environment.

If the last argument is a hash, it becomes trailing argument options in each call to Process.spawn’ see Execution Environment.

Each remaining argument in cmds is one of:

  • A command_line: a string that begins with a shell reserved word or special built-in, or contains one or more metacharacters.

  • An exe_path: the string path to an executable to be called.

  • An array containing a command_line or an exe_path, along with zero or more string arguments for the command.

# File open3.rb, line 1160
def pipeline(*cmds)
  if Hash === cmds.last
    opts = cmds.pop.dup
    opts = {}

  pipeline_run(cmds, opts, [], []) {|ts|
pipeline_r(*cmds, &block) click to toggle source

Open3.pipeline_r starts a list of commands as a pipeline with a pipe which connects to stdout of the last command.

Open3.pipeline_r(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts]) {|last_stdout, wait_threads|

last_stdout, wait_threads = Open3.pipeline_r(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts])

Each cmd is a string or an array. If it is an array, the elements are passed to Process.spawn.

  commandline                              command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, commandline, opts]                 command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, cmdname, arg1, ..., opts]          command name and one or more arguments (no shell)
  [env, [cmdname, argv0], arg1, ..., opts] command name and arguments including argv[0] (no shell)

Note that env and opts are optional, as for Process.spawn.


Open3.pipeline_r("zcat /var/log/apache2/access.log.*.gz",
                 [{"LANG"=>"C"}, "grep", "GET /favicon.ico"],
                 "logresolve") {|o, ts|
  o.each_line {|line|

Open3.pipeline_r("yes", "head -10") {|o, ts|
  p      #=> "y\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\n"
  p ts[0].value #=> #<Process::Status: pid 24910 SIGPIPE (signal 13)>
  p ts[1].value #=> #<Process::Status: pid 24913 exit 0>
# File open3.rb, line 994
def pipeline_r(*cmds, &block)
  if Hash === cmds.last
    opts = cmds.pop.dup
    opts = {}

  out_r, out_w = IO.pipe
  opts[:out] = out_w

  pipeline_run(cmds, opts, [out_w], [out_r], &block)
pipeline_rw(*cmds, &block) click to toggle source

Open3.pipeline_rw starts a list of commands as a pipeline with pipes which connect to stdin of the first command and stdout of the last command.

Open3.pipeline_rw(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts]) {|first_stdin, last_stdout, wait_threads|

first_stdin, last_stdout, wait_threads = Open3.pipeline_rw(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts])

Each cmd is a string or an array. If it is an array, the elements are passed to Process.spawn.

  commandline                              command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, commandline, opts]                 command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, cmdname, arg1, ..., opts]          command name and one or more arguments (no shell)
  [env, [cmdname, argv0], arg1, ..., opts] command name and arguments including argv[0] (no shell)

Note that env and opts are optional, as for Process.spawn.

The options to pass to Process.spawn are constructed by merging opts, the last hash element of the array, and specifications for the pipes between each of the commands.


Open3.pipeline_rw("tr -dc A-Za-z", "wc -c") {|i, o, ts|
  i.puts "All persons more than a mile high to leave the court."
  p o.gets #=> "42\n"

Open3.pipeline_rw("sort", "cat -n") {|stdin, stdout, wait_thrs|
  stdin.puts "foo"
  stdin.puts "bar"
  stdin.puts "baz"
  stdin.close     # send EOF to sort.
  p   #=> "     1\tbar\n     2\tbaz\n     3\tfoo\n"
# File open3.rb, line 938
def pipeline_rw(*cmds, &block)
  if Hash === cmds.last
    opts = cmds.pop.dup
    opts = {}

  in_r, in_w = IO.pipe
  opts[:in] = in_r
  in_w.sync = true

  out_r, out_w = IO.pipe
  opts[:out] = out_w

  pipeline_run(cmds, opts, [in_r, out_w], [in_w, out_r], &block)
pipeline_start(*cmds, &block) click to toggle source

Open3.pipeline_start starts a list of commands as a pipeline. No pipes are created for stdin of the first command and stdout of the last command.

Open3.pipeline_start(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts]) {|wait_threads|

wait_threads = Open3.pipeline_start(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts])

Each cmd is a string or an array. If it is an array, the elements are passed to Process.spawn.

  commandline                              command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, commandline, opts]                 command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, cmdname, arg1, ..., opts]          command name and one or more arguments (no shell)
  [env, [cmdname, argv0], arg1, ..., opts] command name and arguments including argv[0] (no shell)

Note that env and opts are optional, as for Process.spawn.


# Run xeyes in 10 seconds.
Open3.pipeline_start("xeyes") {|ts|
  sleep 10
  t = ts[0]
  p t.value #=> #<Process::Status: pid 911 SIGTERM (signal 15)>

# Convert pdf to ps and send it to a printer.
# Collect error message of pdftops and lpr.
pdf_file = "paper.pdf"
printer = "printer-name"
err_r, err_w = IO.pipe
Open3.pipeline_start(["pdftops", pdf_file, "-"],
                     ["lpr", "-P#{printer}"],
                     :err=>err_w) {|ts|
  p # error messages of pdftops and lpr.
# File open3.rb, line 1095
def pipeline_start(*cmds, &block)
  if Hash === cmds.last
    opts = cmds.pop.dup
    opts = {}

  if block
    pipeline_run(cmds, opts, [], [], &block)
    ts, = pipeline_run(cmds, opts, [], [])
pipeline_w(*cmds, &block) click to toggle source

Open3.pipeline_w starts a list of commands as a pipeline with a pipe which connects to stdin of the first command.

Open3.pipeline_w(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts]) {|first_stdin, wait_threads|

first_stdin, wait_threads = Open3.pipeline_w(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts])

Each cmd is a string or an array. If it is an array, the elements are passed to Process.spawn.

  commandline                              command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, commandline, opts]                 command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, cmdname, arg1, ..., opts]          command name and one or more arguments (no shell)
  [env, [cmdname, argv0], arg1, ..., opts] command name and arguments including argv[0] (no shell)

Note that env and opts are optional, as for Process.spawn.


Open3.pipeline_w("bzip2 -c", :out=>"/tmp/hello.bz2") {|i, ts|
  i.puts "hello"
# File open3.rb, line 1036
def pipeline_w(*cmds, &block)
  if Hash === cmds.last
    opts = cmds.pop.dup
    opts = {}

  in_r, in_w = IO.pipe
  opts[:in] = in_r
  in_w.sync = true

  pipeline_run(cmds, opts, [in_r], [in_w], &block)
popen2([env, ] command_line, options = {}) → [stdin, stdout, wait_thread] click to toggle source
popen2([env, ] exe_path, *args, options = {}) → [stdin, stdout, wait_thread]
popen2([env, ] command_line, options = {}) {|stdin, stdout, wait_thread| ... } → object
popen2([env, ] exe_path, *args, options = {}) {|stdin, stdout, wait_thread| ... } → object

Basically a wrapper for Process.spawn that:

  • Creates a child process, by calling Process.spawn with the given arguments.

  • Creates streams stdin and stdout, which are the standard input and standard output streams in the child process.

  • Creates thread wait_thread that waits for the child process to exit; the thread has method pid, which returns the process ID of the child process.

With no block given, returns the array [stdin, stdout, wait_thread]. The caller should close each of the two returned streams.

stdin, stdout, wait_thread = Open3.popen2('echo')
# => [#<IO:fd 6>, #<IO:fd 7>, #<Process::Waiter:0x00007f58d52dbe98 run>]
stdout.close   # => 2263572
wait_thread.value # => #<Process::Status: pid 2263572 exit 0>

With a block given, calls the block with the three variables (two streams and the wait thread) and returns the block’s return value. The caller need not close the streams:

Open3.popen2('echo') do |stdin, stdout, wait_thread|
  p stdin
  p stdout
  p wait_thread
  p wait_thread.value


#<IO:fd 6>
#<IO:fd 7>
#<Process::Waiter:0x00007f58d59a34b0 sleep>
#<Process::Status: pid 2263636 exit 0>

Like Process.spawn, this method has potential security vulnerabilities if called with untrusted input; see Command Injection.

Unlike Process.spawn, this method waits for the child process to exit before returning, so the caller need not do so.

Argument options is a hash of options for the new process; see Execution Options.

The single required argument is one of the following:

  • command_line if it is a string, and if it begins with a shell reserved word or special built-in, or if it contains one or more metacharacters.

  • exe_path otherwise.

Argument command_line

String argument command_line is a command line to be passed to a shell; it must begin with a shell reserved word, begin with a special built-in, or contain meta characters:

Open3.popen2('if true; then echo "Foo"; fi') {|*args| p args } # Shell reserved word.
Open3.popen2('echo') {|*args| p args }                         # Built-in.
Open3.popen2('date > date.tmp') {|*args| p args }              # Contains meta character.

Output (similar for each call above):

# => [#<IO:(closed)>, #<IO:(closed)>, #<Process::Waiter:0x00007f7577dfe410 dead>]

The command line may also contain arguments and options for the command:

Open3.popen2('echo "Foo"') { |i, o, t| o.gets }

Argument exe_path

Argument exe_path is one of the following:

  • The string path to an executable to be called.

  • A 2-element array containing the path to an executable and the string to be used as the name of the executing process.


Open3.popen2('/usr/bin/date') { |i, o, t| o.gets }
# => "Thu Sep 28 09:41:06 AM CDT 2023\n"

Ruby invokes the executable directly, with no shell and no shell expansion:

Open3.popen2('doesnt_exist') { |i, o, t| o.gets } # Raises Errno::ENOENT

If one or more args is given, each is an argument or option to be passed to the executable:

Open3.popen2('echo', 'C #') { |i, o, t| o.gets }
# => "C #\n"
Open3.popen2('echo', 'hello', 'world') { |i, o, t| o.gets }
# => "hello world\n"


  • Open3.popen2e: Makes the standard input and the merge of the standard output and standard error streams of the child process available as separate streams.

  • Open3.popen3: Makes the standard input, standard output, and standard error streams of the child process available as separate streams.

# File open3.rb, line 351
def popen2(*cmd, &block)
  if Hash === cmd.last
    opts = cmd.pop.dup
    opts = {}

  in_r, in_w = IO.pipe
  opts[:in] = in_r
  in_w.sync = true

  out_r, out_w = IO.pipe
  opts[:out] = out_w

  popen_run(cmd, opts, [in_r, out_w], [in_w, out_r], &block)
popen2e([env, ] command_line, options = {}) → [stdin, stdout_and_stderr, wait_thread] click to toggle source
popen2e([env, ] exe_path, *args, options = {}) → [stdin, stdout_and_stderr, wait_thread]
popen2e([env, ] command_line, options = {}) {|stdin, stdout_and_stderr, wait_thread| ... } → object
popen2e([env, ] exe_path, *args, options = {}) {|stdin, stdout_and_stderr, wait_thread| ... } → object

Basically a wrapper for Process.spawn that:

  • Creates a child process, by calling Process.spawn with the given arguments.

  • Creates streams stdin, stdout_and_stderr, which are the standard input and the merge of the standard output and standard error streams in the child process.

  • Creates thread wait_thread that waits for the child process to exit; the thread has method pid, which returns the process ID of the child process.

With no block given, returns the array [stdin, stdout_and_stderr, wait_thread]. The caller should close each of the two returned streams.

stdin, stdout_and_stderr, wait_thread = Open3.popen2e('echo')
# => [#<IO:fd 6>, #<IO:fd 7>, #<Process::Waiter:0x00007f7577da4398 run>]
stdout_and_stderr.close   # => 2274600
wait_thread.value # => #<Process::Status: pid 2274600 exit 0>

With a block given, calls the block with the three variables (two streams and the wait thread) and returns the block’s return value. The caller need not close the streams:

Open3.popen2e('echo') do |stdin, stdout_and_stderr, wait_thread|
  p stdin
  p stdout_and_stderr
  p wait_thread
  p wait_thread.value


#<IO:fd 6>
#<IO:fd 7>
#<Process::Waiter:0x00007f75777578c8 sleep>
#<Process::Status: pid 2274763 exit 0>

Like Process.spawn, this method has potential security vulnerabilities if called with untrusted input; see Command Injection.

Unlike Process.spawn, this method waits for the child process to exit before returning, so the caller need not do so.

Argument options is a hash of options for the new process; see Execution Options.

The single required argument is one of the following:

  • command_line if it is a string, and if it begins with a shell reserved word or special built-in, or if it contains one or more metacharacters.

  • exe_path otherwise.

Argument command_line

String argument command_line is a command line to be passed to a shell; it must begin with a shell reserved word, begin with a special built-in, or contain meta characters:

Open3.popen2e('if true; then echo "Foo"; fi') {|*args| p args } # Shell reserved word.
Open3.popen2e('echo') {|*args| p args }                         # Built-in.
Open3.popen2e('date > date.tmp') {|*args| p args }              # Contains meta character.

Output (similar for each call above):

# => [#<IO:(closed)>, #<IO:(closed)>, #<Process::Waiter:0x00007f7577d8a1f0 dead>]

The command line may also contain arguments and options for the command:

Open3.popen2e('echo "Foo"') { |i, o_and_e, t| o_and_e.gets }

Argument exe_path

Argument exe_path is one of the following:

  • The string path to an executable to be called.

  • A 2-element array containing the path to an executable and the string to be used as the name of the executing process.


Open3.popen2e('/usr/bin/date') { |i, o_and_e, t| o_and_e.gets }
# => "Thu Sep 28 01:58:45 PM CDT 2023\n"

Ruby invokes the executable directly, with no shell and no shell expansion:

Open3.popen2e('doesnt_exist') { |i, o_and_e, t| o_and_e.gets } # Raises Errno::ENOENT

If one or more args is given, each is an argument or option to be passed to the executable:

Open3.popen2e('echo', 'C #') { |i, o_and_e, t| o_and_e.gets }
# => "C #\n"
Open3.popen2e('echo', 'hello', 'world') { |i, o_and_e, t| o_and_e.gets }
# => "hello world\n"


  • Open3.popen2: Makes the standard input and standard output streams of the child process available as separate streams, with no access to the standard error stream.

  • Open3.popen3: Makes the standard input, standard output, and standard error streams of the child process available as separate streams.

# File open3.rb, line 487
def popen2e(*cmd, &block)
  if Hash === cmd.last
    opts = cmd.pop.dup
    opts = {}

  in_r, in_w = IO.pipe
  opts[:in] = in_r
  in_w.sync = true

  out_r, out_w = IO.pipe
  opts[[:out, :err]] = out_w

  popen_run(cmd, opts, [in_r, out_w], [in_w, out_r], &block)
  if block
popen3([env, ] command_line, options = {}) → [stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thread] click to toggle source
popen3([env, ] exe_path, *args, options = {}) → [stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thread]
popen3([env, ] command_line, options = {}) {|stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thread| ... } → object
popen3([env, ] exe_path, *args, options = {}) {|stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thread| ... } → object

Basically a wrapper for Process.spawn that:

  • Creates a child process, by calling Process.spawn with the given arguments.

  • Creates streams stdin, stdout, and stderr, which are the standard input, standard output, and standard error streams in the child process.

  • Creates thread wait_thread that waits for the child process to exit; the thread has method pid, which returns the process ID of the child process.

With no block given, returns the array [stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thread]. The caller should close each of the three returned streams.

stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thread = Open3.popen3('echo')
# => [#<IO:fd 8>, #<IO:fd 10>, #<IO:fd 12>, #<Process::Waiter:0x00007f58d5428f58 run>]
stderr.close   # => 2210481
wait_thread.value # => #<Process::Status: pid 2210481 exit 0>

With a block given, calls the block with the four variables (three streams and the wait thread) and returns the block’s return value. The caller need not close the streams:

Open3.popen3('echo') do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thread|
  p stdin
  p stdout
  p stderr
  p wait_thread
  p wait_thread.value


#<IO:fd 6>
#<IO:fd 7>
#<IO:fd 9>
#<Process::Waiter:0x00007f58d53606e8 sleep>
#<Process::Status: pid 2211047 exit 0>

Like Process.spawn, this method has potential security vulnerabilities if called with untrusted input; see Command Injection.

Unlike Process.spawn, this method waits for the child process to exit before returning, so the caller need not do so.

Argument options is a hash of options for the new process; see Execution Options.

The single required argument is one of the following:

  • command_line if it is a string, and if it begins with a shell reserved word or special built-in, or if it contains one or more metacharacters.

  • exe_path otherwise.

Argument command_line

String argument command_line is a command line to be passed to a shell; it must begin with a shell reserved word, begin with a special built-in, or contain meta characters:

Open3.popen3('if true; then echo "Foo"; fi') {|*args| p args } # Shell reserved word.
Open3.popen3('echo') {|*args| p args }                         # Built-in.
Open3.popen3('date > date.tmp') {|*args| p args }              # Contains meta character.

Output (similar for each call above):

[#<IO:(closed)>, #<IO:(closed)>, #<IO:(closed)>, #<Process::Waiter:0x00007f58d52f28c8 dead>]

The command line may also contain arguments and options for the command:

Open3.popen3('echo "Foo"') { |i, o, e, t| o.gets }

Argument exe_path

Argument exe_path is one of the following:

  • The string path to an executable to be called.

  • A 2-element array containing the path to an executable and the string to be used as the name of the executing process.


Open3.popen3('/usr/bin/date') { |i, o, e, t| o.gets }
# => "Wed Sep 27 02:56:44 PM CDT 2023\n"

Ruby invokes the executable directly, with no shell and no shell expansion:

Open3.popen3('doesnt_exist') { |i, o, e, t| o.gets } # Raises Errno::ENOENT

If one or more args is given, each is an argument or option to be passed to the executable:

Open3.popen3('echo', 'C #') { |i, o, e, t| o.gets }
# => "C #\n"
Open3.popen3('echo', 'hello', 'world') { |i, o, e, t| o.gets }
# => "hello world\n"

Take care to avoid deadlocks. Output streams stdout and stderr have fixed-size buffers, so reading extensively from one but not the other can cause a deadlock when the unread buffer fills. To avoid that, stdout and stderr should be read simultaneously (using threads or


  • Open3.popen2: Makes the standard input and standard output streams of the child process available as separate streams, with no access to the standard error stream.

  • Open3.popen2e: Makes the standard input and the merge of the standard output and standard error streams of the child process available as separate streams.

# File open3.rb, line 211
def popen3(*cmd, &block)
  if Hash === cmd.last
    opts = cmd.pop.dup
    opts = {}

  in_r, in_w = IO.pipe
  opts[:in] = in_r
  in_w.sync = true

  out_r, out_w = IO.pipe
  opts[:out] = out_w

  err_r, err_w = IO.pipe
  opts[:err] = err_w

  popen_run(cmd, opts, [in_r, out_w, err_w], [in_w, out_r, err_r], &block)