module Test::Unit::Assertions
contains the standard Test::Unit
assertions. Assertions
is included in Test::Unit::TestCase
To include it in your own code and use its functionality, you simply need to rescue Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError
. Additionally you may override add_assertion
to get notified whenever an assertion is made.
The message to each assertion, if given, will be propagated with the failure.
It is easy to add your own assertions based on
@example Example Custom Assertion
def deny(boolean, message=nil) message = build_message(message, '<?> is not false or nil.', boolean) assert_block(message) do not boolean end end
Public Class Methods
Select whether or not to use the pretty-printer. If this option is set to false before any assertions are made, pp.rb will not be required.
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1661 def self.use_pp=(value) AssertionMessage.use_pp = value end
Public Instance Methods
Called whenever an assertion is made. Define this in classes that include Test::Unit::Assertions
to record assertion counts.
This is a public API for developers who extend test-unit.
@return [void]
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1655 def add_assertion end
@overload assert(object, message=nil)
Asserts that `object` is not false nor nil. Normally, you don't need to use this assertion. Use more specific assertions such as #assert_equal and #assert_include. @example Pass patterns assert(true) # => pass assert([1, 2].include?(1)) # => pass @example Failure patterns assert(nil) # => failure assert(false) # => failure assert([1, 2].include?(5)) # => failure @param [Object] object The check target. @param [String] message The additional user message. It is showed when the assertion is failed. @return [void]
@overload assert(message=nil) {}
Asserts that the givens block returns not false nor nil. This style uses Power Assert. It means that you can see each object values in method chains on failure. See the following example about Power Assert. @example Power Assert coins = [1, 5, 50] target_coin = 10 assert do coins.include?(target_coin) end # => # coins.include?(target_coin) # | | | # | | 10 # | false # [1, 5, 50] We recommend you to use Power Assert for predicate method checks rather than existing assertions such as #assert_include and #assert_predicate. Power Assert shows useful message for debugging. We don't recommend you use Power Assert for equality check. You should use #assert_equal for the case. Because #assert_equal shows more useful message for debugging. @example Pass patterns assert {true} # => pass assert {[1, 2].include?(1)} # => pass @example Failure patterns assert {nil} # => failure assert {false} # => failure assert {[1, 2].include?(5)} # => failure @param [String] message The additional user message. It is showed when the assertion is failed. @yield [] Given no parameters to the block. @yieldreturn [Object] The checked object. @return [void]
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 133 def assert(object=NOT_SPECIFIED, message=nil, &block) _wrap_assertion do have_object = !NOT_SPECIFIED.equal?(object) if block message = object if have_object if defined?(PowerAssert) PowerAssert.start(block, :assertion_method => __callee__) do |pa| pa_message = AssertionMessage.delayed_literal(&pa.message_proc) assertion_message = build_message(message, "?", pa_message) assert_block(assertion_message) do pa.yield end end else assert(yield, message) end else unless have_object raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments (0 for 1..2)" end assertion_message = nil case message when nil, String, Proc when AssertionMessage assertion_message = message else error_message = "assertion message must be String, Proc or " error_message += "#{AssertionMessage}: " error_message += "<#{message.inspect}>(<#{message.class}>)" raise ArgumentError, error_message, filter_backtrace(caller) end assertion_message ||= build_message(message, "<?> is not true.", object) assert_block(assertion_message) do object end end end end
Passes if ‘object`#`alias_name` is an alias method of `object`#`original_name`.
assert_alias_method([], :length, :size) # -> pass assert_alias_method([], :size, :length) # -> pass assert_alias_method([], :each, :size) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1436 def assert_alias_method(object, alias_name, original_name, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do find_method_failure_message = do |method_name| build_message(message, "<?>.? doesn't exist\n" + "(Class: <?>)", object, AssertionMessage.literal(method_name), object.class) end alias_method = original_method = nil assert_block( do begin alias_method = object.method(alias_name) true rescue NameError false end end assert_block( do begin original_method = object.method(original_name) true rescue NameError false end end full_message = build_message(message, "<?> is alias of\n" + "<?> expected", alias_method, original_method) assert_block(full_message) do alias_method == original_method end end end
The assertion upon which all other assertions are based. Passes if the block yields true.
assert_block "Couldn't do the thing" do do_the_thing end
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 52 def assert_block(message="assert_block failed.") _wrap_assertion do if (! yield) options = {} if message.respond_to?(:user_message) options[:user_message] = message.user_message end raise, options) end end end
Passes if ‘actual` is a boolean value.
assert_boolean(true) # -> pass assert_boolean(nil) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1207 def assert_boolean(actual, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do assert_block(build_message(message, "<true> or <false> expected but was\n<?>", actual)) do [true, false].include?(actual) end end end
Passes if expression “‘expected` `operator` `actual`” is true.
assert_compare(1, "<", 10) # -> pass assert_compare(1, ">=", 10) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1256 def assert_compare(expected, operator, actual, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do assert_send([["<", "<=", ">", ">="], :include?, operator.to_s]) case operator.to_s when "<" operator_description = "less than" when "<=" operator_description = "less than or equal to" when ">" operator_description = "greater than" when ">=" operator_description = "greater than or equal to" end template = <<-EOT <?> #{operator} <?> should be true <?> was expected to be #{operator_description} <?>. EOT full_message = build_message(message, template, expected, actual, expected, actual) assert_block(full_message) do expected.__send__(operator, actual) end end end
Passes if ‘object`.const_defined?(`constant_name`)
assert_const_defined(Test, :Unit) # -> pass assert_const_defined(Object, :Nonexistent) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1351 def assert_const_defined(object, constant_name, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do full_message = build_message(message, "<?>.const_defined\\?(<?>) expected.", object, constant_name) assert_block(full_message) do object.const_defined?(constant_name) end end end
Passes if ‘object` is empty.
assert_empty("") # -> pass assert_empty([]) # -> pass assert_empty({}) # -> pass assert_empty(" ") # -> fail assert_empty([nil]) # -> fail assert_empty({1 => 2}) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1581 def assert_empty(object, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do assert_respond_to(object, :empty?, "The object must respond to :empty?.") full_message = build_message(message, "<?> was expected to be empty.", object) assert_block(full_message) do object.empty? end end end
Passes if ‘expected` == `actual`.
Note that the ordering of arguments is important, since a helpful error message is generated when this one fails that tells you the values of expected and actual.
assert_equal 'MY STRING', 'my string'.upcase
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 224 def assert_equal(expected, actual, message=nil) diff = AssertionMessage.delayed_diff(expected, actual) if expected.respond_to?(:encoding) and actual.respond_to?(:encoding) and expected.encoding != actual.encoding format = <<EOT <?>(?) expected but was <?>(?).? EOT full_message = build_message(message, format, expected,, actual,, diff) else full_message = build_message(message, <<EOT, expected, actual, diff) <?> expected but was <?>.? EOT end begin assert_block(full_message) { expected == actual } rescue AssertionFailedError => failure _set_failed_information(failure, expected, actual) raise failure # For JRuby. :< end end
Passes if assertion is failed in block.
assert_fail_assertion {assert_equal("A", "B")} # -> pass assert_fail_assertion {assert_equal("A", "A")} # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1289 def assert_fail_assertion(message=nil) _wrap_assertion do full_message = build_message(message, "Failed assertion was expected.") assert_block(full_message) do begin yield false rescue AssertionFailedError true end end end end
Passes if ‘actual` is false.
assert_false(false) # -> pass assert_false(nil) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1239 def assert_false(actual, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do assert_block(build_message(message, "<false> expected but was\n<?>", actual)) do actual == false end end end
Passes if ‘expected_float` and `actual_float` are equal within `delta` tolerance.
assert_in_delta 0.05, (50000.0 / 10**6), 0.00001
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 868 def assert_in_delta(expected_float, actual_float, delta=0.001, message="") _wrap_assertion do _assert_in_delta_validate_arguments(expected_float, actual_float, delta) full_message = _assert_in_delta_message(expected_float, actual_float, delta, message) assert_block(full_message) do (expected_float.to_f - actual_float.to_f).abs <= delta.to_f end end end
Passes if ‘expected_float` and `actual_float` are equal within `epsilon` relative error of `expected_float`.
assert_in_epsilon(10000.0, 9900.0, 0.1) # -> pass assert_in_epsilon(10000.0, 9899.0, 0.1) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 990 def assert_in_epsilon(expected_float, actual_float, epsilon=0.001, message="") _wrap_assertion do _assert_in_epsilon_validate_arguments(expected_float, actual_float, epsilon) full_message = _assert_in_epsilon_message(expected_float, actual_float, epsilon, message) assert_block(full_message) do normalized_expected_float = expected_float.to_f if delta = epsilon.to_f ** 2 else delta = normalized_expected_float * epsilon.to_f end delta = delta.abs (normalized_expected_float - actual_float.to_f).abs <= delta end end end
Passes if ‘collection` includes `object`.
assert_include([1, 10], 1) # -> pass assert_include(1..10, 5) # -> pass assert_include([1, 10], 5) # -> fail assert_include(1..10, 20) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1520 def assert_include(collection, object, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do assert_respond_to(collection, :include?, "The collection must respond to :include?.") full_message = build_message(message, "<?> was expected to include\n<?>.", collection, object) assert_block(full_message) do collection.include?(object) end end end
Just for minitest compatibility. :<
@since 2.5.3
Passes if ‘object`.instance_of?(`klass`). When `klass` is an array of classes, it passes if any class satisfies +object.instance_of?(class).
assert_instance_of(String, 'foo') # -> pass assert_instance_of([Fixnum, NilClass], 100) # -> pass assert_instance_of([Numeric, NilClass], 100) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 325 def assert_instance_of(klass, object, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do if klass.is_a?(Array) klasses = klass else klasses = [klass] end assert_block("The first parameter to assert_instance_of should be " + "a Class or an Array of Class.") do klasses.all? {|k| k.is_a?(Class)} end klass_message = AssertionMessage.maybe_container(klass) do |value| "<#{value}>" end full_message = build_message(message, <<EOT, object, klass_message, object.class) <?> was expected to be instance_of\\? ? but was <?>. EOT assert_block(full_message) do klasses.any? {|k| object.instance_of?(k)} end end end
Passes if ‘object`.kind_of?(`klass`). When `klass` is an array of classes or modules, it passes if any class or module satisfies +object.kind_of?(class_or_module).
assert_kind_of(Object, 'foo') # -> pass assert_kind_of([Fixnum, NilClass], 100) # -> pass assert_kind_of([Fixnum, NilClass], "string") # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 412 def assert_kind_of(klass, object, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do if klass.is_a?(Array) klasses = klass else klasses = [klass] end assert_block("The first parameter to assert_kind_of should be " + "a kind_of Module or an Array of a kind_of Module.") do klasses.all? {|k| k.kind_of?(Module)} end klass_message = AssertionMessage.maybe_container(klass) do |value| "<#{value}>" end full_message = build_message(message, "<?> was expected to be kind_of\\?\n" + "? but was\n" + "<?>.", object, klass_message, object.class) assert_block(full_message) do klasses.any? {|k| object.kind_of?(k)} end end end
Passes if ‘pattern` =~ `string`.
assert_match(/\d+/, 'five, 6, seven')
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 535 def assert_match(pattern, string, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do pattern = case(pattern) when String else pattern end full_message = build_message(message, "<?> was expected to be =~\n<?>.", pattern, string) assert_block(full_message) { pattern =~ string } end end
Passes if ‘object` is nil.
assert_nil [1, 2].uniq!
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 396 def assert_nil(object, message=nil) full_message = build_message(message, <<EOT, object) <?> was expected to be nil. EOT assert_block(full_message) { object.nil? } end
Deprecated. Use assert_not_match
Passes if ‘regexp` !~ `string`
assert_no_match(/two/, 'one 2 three') # -> pass assert_no_match(/three/, 'one 2 three') # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 739 def assert_no_match(regexp, string, message="") _wrap_assertion do assert_instance_of(Regexp, regexp, "The first argument to assert_no_match " + "should be a Regexp.") assert_not_match(regexp, string, message) end end
Passes if !‘object`.const_defined?(`constant_name`)
assert_not_const_defined(Object, :Nonexistent) # -> pass assert_not_const_defined(Test, :Unit) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1368 def assert_not_const_defined(object, constant_name, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do full_message = build_message(message, "!<?>.const_defined\\?(<?>) expected.", object, constant_name) assert_block(full_message) do !object.const_defined?(constant_name) end end end
Passes if ‘object` is not empty.
assert_not_empty(" ") # -> pass assert_not_empty([nil]) # -> pass assert_not_empty({1 => 2}) # -> pass assert_not_empty("") # -> fail assert_not_empty([]) # -> fail assert_not_empty({}) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1604 def assert_not_empty(object, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do assert_respond_to(object, :empty?, "The object must respond to :empty?.") full_message = build_message(message, "<?> was expected to not be empty.", object) assert_block(full_message) do not object.empty? end end end
Passes if ‘expected` != `actual`
assert_not_equal 'some string', 5
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 679 def assert_not_equal(expected, actual, message=nil) full_message = build_message(message, "<?> was expected to be != to\n<?>.", expected, actual) assert_block(full_message) { expected != actual } end
Passes if ‘expected_float` and `actual_float` are not equal within `delta` tolerance.
assert_not_in_delta(0.05, (50000.0 / 10**6), 0.00002) # -> pass assert_not_in_delta(0.05, (50000.0 / 10**6), 0.00001) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 890 def assert_not_in_delta(expected_float, actual_float, delta=0.001, message="") _wrap_assertion do _assert_in_delta_validate_arguments(expected_float, actual_float, delta) full_message = _assert_in_delta_message(expected_float, actual_float, delta, message, :negative_assertion => true) assert_block(full_message) do (expected_float.to_f - actual_float.to_f).abs > delta.to_f end end end
Passes if ‘expected_float` and `actual_float` are not equal within `epsilon` relative error of `expected_float`.
assert_not_in_epsilon(10000.0, 9900.0, 0.1) # -> fail assert_not_in_epsilon(10000.0, 9899.0, 0.1) # -> pass
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1021 def assert_not_in_epsilon(expected_float, actual_float, epsilon=0.001, message="") _wrap_assertion do _assert_in_epsilon_validate_arguments(expected_float, actual_float, epsilon) full_message = _assert_in_epsilon_message(expected_float, actual_float, epsilon, message, :negative_assertion => true) assert_block(full_message) do normalized_expected_float = expected_float.to_f delta = normalized_expected_float * epsilon.to_f (normalized_expected_float - actual_float.to_f).abs > delta end end end
Passes if ‘collection` doesn’t include ‘object`.
assert_not_include([1, 10], 5) # -> pass assert_not_include(1..10, 20) # -> pass assert_not_include([1, 10], 1) # -> fail assert_not_include(1..10, 5) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1547 def assert_not_include(collection, object, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do assert_respond_to(collection, :include?, "The collection must respond to :include?.") full_message = build_message(message, "<?> was expected to not include\n<?>.", collection, object) assert_block(full_message) do not collection.include?(object) end end end
Just for minitest compatibility. :<
@since 3.0.0
Passes if ‘object`.instance_of?(`klass`) does not hold. When `klass` is an array of classes, it passes if no class satisfies +object.instance_of?(class).
assert_not_instance_of(String, 100) # -> pass assert_not_instance_of([Fixnum, NilClass], '100') # -> pass assert_not_instance_of([Numeric, NilClass], 100) # -> fail
@since 3.0.0
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 361 def assert_not_instance_of(klass, object, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do if klass.is_a?(Array) klasses = klass else klasses = [klass] end assert_block("The first parameter to assert_not_instance_of should be " + "a Class or an Array of Class.") do klasses.all? {|k| k.is_a?(Class)} end klass_message = AssertionMessage.maybe_container(klass) do |value| "<#{value}>" end full_message = build_message(message, "<?> was expected to not be instance_of\\?\n" + "? but was.", object, klass_message) assert_block(full_message) do klasses.none? {|k| object.instance_of?(k)} end end end
Passes if ‘object`.kind_of?(`klass`) does not hold. When `klass` is an array of classes or modules, it passes only if all classes (and modules) do not satisfy +object.kind_of?(class_or_module).
assert_not_kind_of(Fixnum, 'foo') # -> pass assert_not_kind_of([Fixnum, NilClass], '0') # -> pass assert_not_kind_of([Fixnum, NilClass], 100) # -> fail
@since 3.0.0
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 450 def assert_not_kind_of(klass, object, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do if klass.is_a?(Array) klasses = klass else klasses = [klass] end assert_block("The first parameter to assert_not_kind_of should be " + "a kind_of Module or an Array of a kind_of Module.") do klasses.all? {|k| k.kind_of?(Module)} end klass_message = AssertionMessage.maybe_container(klass) do |value| "<#{value}>" end full_message = build_message(message, "<?> was expected to not be kind_of\\?\n" + "? but was.", object, klass_message) assert_block(full_message) do klasses.none? {|k| object.kind_of?(k)} end end end
Passes if ‘regexp` !~ `string`
assert_not_match(/two/, 'one 2 three') # -> pass assert_not_match(/three/, 'one 2 three') # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 714 def assert_not_match(regexp, string, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do assert_instance_of(Regexp, regexp, "<REGEXP> in assert_not_match(<REGEXP>, ...) " + "should be a Regexp.") full_message = build_message(message, "<?> was expected to not match\n<?>.", regexp, string) assert_block(full_message) { regexp !~ string } end end
Passes if ! ‘object` .nil?
assert_not_nil '1 two 3'.sub!(/two/, '2')
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 696 def assert_not_nil(object, message=nil) full_message = build_message(message, "<?> was expected to not be nil.", object) assert_block(full_message){!object.nil?} end
Compares the ‘object1` with `object2` using `operator`.
Passes if object1.__send__(operator, object2) is not true.
assert_not_operator(5, :<, 4) # => pass assert_not_operator(5, :>, 4) # => fail
@since 3.0.0
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 597 def assert_not_operator(object1, operator, object2, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do full_message = build_message(nil, "<?>\ngiven as the operator for #assert_not_operator must be a Symbol or #respond_to\\?(:to_str).", operator) assert_block(full_message){operator.kind_of?(Symbol) || operator.respond_to?(:to_str)} full_message = build_message(message, <<EOT, object1, AssertionMessage.literal(operator), object2) <?> was expected to not be ? <?>. EOT assert_block(full_message) { ! object1.__send__(operator, object2) } end end
Passes if ‘object`.`predicate` is not true.
assert_not_predicate([1], :empty?) # -> pass assert_not_predicate([], :empty?) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1407 def assert_not_predicate(object, predicate, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do assert_respond_to(object, predicate, message) actual = object.__send__(predicate) full_message = build_message(message, "<?>.? is false value expected but was\n" + "<?>", object, AssertionMessage.literal(predicate), actual) assert_block(full_message) do not actual end end end
Passes if ‘object` does not .respond_to? `method`.
assert_not_respond_to('bugbear', :nonexistence) # -> pass assert_not_respond_to('bugbear', :size) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 508 def assert_not_respond_to(object, method, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do full_message = build_message(message, "<?>.kind_of\\?(Symbol) or\n" + "<?>.respond_to\\?(:to_str) expected", method, method) assert_block(full_message) do method.kind_of?(Symbol) or method.respond_to?(:to_str) end full_message = build_message(message, "!<?>.respond_to\\?(?) expected\n" + "(Class: <?>)", object, method, object.class) assert_block(full_message) {!object.respond_to?(method)} end end
Passes if ! ‘actual` .equal? `expected`
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 659 def assert_not_same(expected, actual, message=nil) full_message = build_message(message, <<EOT, expected, expected.__id__, actual, actual.__id__) <?> with id <?> was expected to not be equal\\? to <?> with id <?>. EOT assert_block(full_message) { !actual.equal?(expected) } end
Passes if the method send doesn’t return a true value.
‘send_array` is composed of:
A receiver
A method
Arguments to the method
assert_not_send([[1, 2], :member?, 1]) # -> fail assert_not_send([[1, 2], :member?, 4]) # -> pass
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1172 def assert_not_send(send_array, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do assert_instance_of(Array, send_array, "assert_not_send requires an array " + "of send information") assert_operator(send_array.size, :>=, 2, "assert_not_send requires at least a receiver " + "and a message name") format = <<EOT <?> was expected to respond to <?(*?)> with not a true value but was <?>. EOT receiver, message_name, *arguments = send_array result = nil full_message = build_message(message, format, receiver, AssertionMessage.literal(message_name.to_s), arguments, AssertionMessage.delayed_literal {result}) assert_block(full_message) do result = receiver.__send__(message_name, *arguments) not result end end end
Passes if block does not raise an exception.
assert_nothing_raised do [1, 2].uniq end
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 622 def assert_nothing_raised(*args) _wrap_assertion do if args.last.is_a?(String) message = args.pop else message = "" end assert_exception_helper =, args) begin yield rescue Exception => e if ((args.empty? && !e.instance_of?(AssertionFailedError)) || assert_exception_helper.expected?(e)) failure_message = build_message(message, "Exception raised:\n?", e) assert_block(failure_message) {false} else raise end end end end
Passes if block does not throw anything.
assert_nothing_thrown do [1, 2].uniq end
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 844 def assert_nothing_thrown(message=nil, &proc) _wrap_assertion do assert(block_given?, "Should have passed a block to assert_nothing_thrown") begin rescue => error extractor = tag = extractor.extract_tag raise if tag.nil? full_message = build_message(message, "<?> was thrown when nothing was expected", tag) flunk(full_message) end assert(true, "Expected nothing to be thrown") end end
Compares the ‘object1` with `object2` using `operator`.
Passes if object1.__send__(operator, object2) is true.
assert_operator 5, :>=, 4
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 574 def assert_operator(object1, operator, object2, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do full_message = build_message(nil, "<?>\ngiven as the operator for #assert_operator must be a Symbol or #respond_to\\?(:to_str).", operator) assert_block(full_message){operator.kind_of?(Symbol) || operator.respond_to?(:to_str)} full_message = build_message(message, <<EOT, object1, AssertionMessage.literal(operator), object2) <?> was expected to be ? <?>. EOT assert_block(full_message) { object1.__send__(operator, object2) } end end
Passes if ‘path` exists.
assert_path_exist("/tmp") # -> pass assert_path_exist("/bin/sh") # -> pass assert_path_exist("/nonexistent") # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1483 def assert_path_exist(path, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do failure_message = build_message(message, "<?> was expected to exist", path) assert_block(failure_message) do File.exist?(path) end end end
Passes if ‘path` doesn’t exist.
assert_path_not_exist("/nonexistent") # -> pass assert_path_not_exist("/tmp") # -> fail assert_path_not_exist("/bin/sh") # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1501 def assert_path_not_exist(path, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do failure_message = build_message(message, "<?> was expected to not exist", path) assert_block(failure_message) do not File.exist?(path) end end end
Passes if ‘object`.`predicate` is true.
assert_predicate([], :empty?) # -> pass assert_predicate([1], :empty?) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1385 def assert_predicate(object, predicate, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do assert_respond_to(object, predicate, message) actual = object.__send__(predicate) full_message = build_message(message, "<?>.? is true value expected but was\n" + "<?>", object, AssertionMessage.literal(predicate), actual) assert_block(full_message) do actual end end end
Passes if the block raises one of the expected exceptions. When an expected exception is an Exception object, passes if expected_exception == actual_exception.
assert_raise(RuntimeError, LoadError) do raise 'Boom!!!' end # -> pass assert_raise do raise Exception, 'Any exception should be raised!!!' end # -> pass assert_raise("XXX")) {raise "XXX"} # -> pass assert_raise("XXX")) {raise "XXX"} # -> fail assert_raise("ZZZ")) {raise "XXX"} # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 268 def assert_raise(*args, &block) assert_expected_exception = do |*_args| message, assert_exception_helper, actual_exception = _args expected = assert_exception_helper.expected_exceptions diff = AssertionMessage.delayed_diff(expected, actual_exception) full_message = build_message(message, "<?> exception expected but was\n<?>.?", expected, actual_exception, diff) begin assert_block(full_message) do expected == [] or assert_exception_helper.expected?(actual_exception) end rescue AssertionFailedError => failure _set_failed_information(failure, expected, actual_exception) raise failure # For JRuby. :< end end _assert_raise(assert_expected_exception, *args, &block) end
Passes if the block raises one of the given exceptions or sub exceptions of the given exceptions.
assert_raise_kind_of(SystemCallError) do raise Errno::EACCES end
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 300 def assert_raise_kind_of(*args, &block) assert_expected_exception = do |*_args| message, assert_exception_helper, actual_exception = _args expected = assert_exception_helper.expected_exceptions full_message = build_message(message, "<?> family exception expected " + "but was\n<?>.", expected, actual_exception) assert_block(full_message) do assert_exception_helper.expected?(actual_exception, :kind_of?) end end _assert_raise(assert_expected_exception, *args, &block) end
Passes if an exception is raised in block and its message is ‘expected`.
assert_raise_message("exception") {raise "exception"} # -> pass assert_raise_message(/exc/i) {raise "exception"} # -> pass assert_raise_message("exception") {raise "EXCEPTION"} # -> fail assert_raise_message("exception") {} # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1313 def assert_raise_message(expected, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do full_message = build_message(message, "<?> exception message was expected " + "but none was thrown.", expected) exception = nil assert_block(full_message) do begin yield false rescue Exception => exception true end end actual = exception.message diff = AssertionMessage.delayed_diff(expected, actual) full_message = build_message(message, "<?> exception message expected but was\n" + "<?>.?", expected, actual, diff) assert_block(full_message) do if expected.is_a?(Regexp) expected =~ actual else expected == actual end end end end
Passes if ‘object` .respond_to? `method`
assert_respond_to 'bugbear', :slice
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 485 def assert_respond_to(object, method, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do full_message = build_message(message, "<?>.kind_of\\?(Symbol) or\n" + "<?>.respond_to\\?(:to_str) expected", method, method) assert_block(full_message) do method.kind_of?(Symbol) or method.respond_to?(:to_str) end full_message = build_message(message, "<?>.respond_to\\?(?) expected\n" + "(Class: <?>)", object, method, object.class) assert_block(full_message) {object.respond_to?(method)} end end
Passes if ‘actual` .equal? `expected` (i.e. they are the same instance).
o = assert_same o, o
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 557 def assert_same(expected, actual, message=nil) full_message = build_message(message, <<EOT, expected, expected.__id__, actual, actual.__id__) <?> with id <?> was expected to be equal\\? to <?> with id <?>. EOT assert_block(full_message) { actual.equal?(expected) } end
Passes if the method send returns a true value.
‘send_array` is composed of:
A receiver
A method
Arguments to the method
assert_send([[1, 2], :member?, 1]) # -> pass assert_send([[1, 2], :member?, 4]) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1132 def assert_send(send_array, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do assert_instance_of(Array, send_array, "assert_send requires an array " + "of send information") assert_operator(send_array.size, :>=, 2, "assert_send requires at least a receiver " + "and a message name") format = <<EOT <?> was expected to respond to <?(*?)> with a true value but was <?>. EOT receiver, message_name, *arguments = send_array result = nil full_message = build_message(message, format, receiver, AssertionMessage.literal(message_name.to_s), arguments, AssertionMessage.delayed_literal {result}) assert_block(full_message) do result = receiver.__send__(message_name, *arguments) result end end end
Passes if the block throws ‘expected_object`
assert_throw(:done) do throw(:done) end
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 798 def assert_throw(expected_object, message=nil, &proc) _wrap_assertion do begin catch([]) {} rescue TypeError assert_instance_of(Symbol, expected_object, "assert_throws expects the symbol that should be thrown for its first argument") end assert_block("Should have passed a block to assert_throw.") do block_given? end caught = true begin catch(expected_object) do caught = false end full_message = build_message(message, "<?> should have been thrown.", expected_object) assert_block(full_message) {caught} rescue => error extractor = tag = extractor.extract_tag raise if tag.nil? full_message = build_message(message, "<?> was expected to be thrown but\n" + "<?> was thrown.", expected_object, tag) flunk(full_message) end end end
Just for minitest compatibility. :<
@since 2.5.3
Passes if ‘actual` is true.
assert_true(true) # -> pass assert_true(:true) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1223 def assert_true(actual, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do assert_block(build_message(message, "<true> expected but was\n<?>", actual)) do actual == true end end end
Builds a failure message. ‘user_message` is added before the `template` and `arguments` replaces the ’?‘s positionally in the template.
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1626 def build_message(user_message, template=nil, *arguments) template &&= template.chomp return, template, arguments) end
Flunk always fails.
flunk 'Not done testing yet.'
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 650 def flunk(message="Flunked") assert_block(build_message(message)){false} end
Asserts that ‘object` is false or nil.
@note Just for minitest compatibility. :<
@param [Object] object The object to be asserted. @return [void]
@example Pass patterns
refute(false) # => pass refute(nil) # => pass
@example Failure
refute(true) # => failure refute("string") # => failure
@since 2.5.3
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 190 def refute(object, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do assertion_message = nil case message when nil, String, Proc when AssertionMessage assertion_message = message else error_message = "assertion message must be String, Proc or " error_message += "#{AssertionMessage}: " error_message += "<#{message.inspect}>(<#{message.class}>)" raise ArgumentError, error_message, filter_backtrace(caller) end assert_block("refute should not be called with a block.") do !block_given? end assertion_message ||= build_message(message, "<?> is neither nil or false.", object) assert_block(assertion_message) do not object end end end
Just for minitest compatibility. :<
@since 3.0.0
Just for minitest compatibility. :<
@since 2.5.3
Just for minitest compatibility. :<
@since 2.5.3
Just for minitest compatibility. :<
@since 3.0.0
Just for minitest compatibility. :<
@since 3.0.0
Just for minitest compatibility. :<
@since 3.0.0
Just for minitest compatibility. :<
@since 3.0.0
Just for minitest compatibility. :<
@since 2.5.3
Just for minitest compatibility. :<
@since 2.5.3
Just for minitest compatibility. :<
@since 3.0.0
Just for minitest compatibility. :<
@since 3.0.0
Just for minitest compatibility. :<
@since 2.5.3
Just for minitest compatibility. :<
@since 2.5.3
Private Instance Methods
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 928 def _assert_in_delta_message(expected_float, actual_float, delta, message, options={}) if options[:negative_assertion] format = <<-EOT <?> -/+ <?> was expected to not include <?>. EOT else format = <<-EOT <?> -/+ <?> was expected to include <?>. EOT end arguments = [expected_float, delta, actual_float] normalized_expected = expected_float.to_f normalized_actual = actual_float.to_f normalized_delta = delta.to_f relation_format = nil relation_arguments = nil if normalized_actual < normalized_expected - normalized_delta relation_format = "<<?> < <?>-<?>[?] <= <?>+<?>[?]>" relation_arguments = [actual_float, expected_float, delta, normalized_expected - normalized_delta, expected_float, delta, normalized_expected + normalized_delta] elsif normalized_actual <= normalized_expected + normalized_delta relation_format = "<<?>-<?>[?] <= <?> <= <?>+<?>[?]>" relation_arguments = [expected_float, delta, normalized_expected - normalized_delta, actual_float, expected_float, delta, normalized_expected + normalized_delta] else relation_format = "<<?>-<?>[?] <= <?>+<?>[?] < <?>>" relation_arguments = [expected_float, delta, normalized_expected - normalized_delta, expected_float, delta, normalized_expected + normalized_delta, actual_float] end if relation_format format += <<-EOT Relation: #{relation_format} EOT arguments.concat(relation_arguments) end build_message(message, format, *arguments) end
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 912 def _assert_in_delta_validate_arguments(expected_float, actual_float, delta) { expected_float => "first float", actual_float => "second float", delta => "delta" }.each do |float, name| assert_respond_to(float, :to_f, "The arguments must respond to to_f; " + "the #{name} did not") end delta = delta.to_f assert_operator(delta, :>=, 0.0, "The delta should not be negative") end
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1062 def _assert_in_epsilon_message(expected_float, actual_float, epsilon, message, options={}) normalized_expected = expected_float.to_f normalized_actual = actual_float.to_f normalized_epsilon = epsilon.to_f delta = normalized_expected * normalized_epsilon if options[:negative_assertion] format = <<-EOT <?> -/+ (<?> * <?>)[?] was expected to not include <?>. EOT else format = <<-EOT <?> -/+ (<?> * <?>)[?] was expected to include <?>. EOT end arguments = [expected_float, expected_float, epsilon, delta, actual_float] relation_format = nil relation_arguments = nil if normalized_actual < normalized_expected - delta relation_format = "<<?> < <?>-(<?>*<?>)[?] <= <?>+(<?>*<?>)[?]>" relation_arguments = [actual_float, expected_float, expected_float, epsilon, normalized_expected - delta, expected_float, expected_float, epsilon, normalized_expected + delta] elsif normalized_actual <= normalized_expected + delta relation_format = "<<?>-(<?>*<?>)[?] <= <?> <= <?>+(<?>*<?>)[?]>" relation_arguments = [expected_float, expected_float, epsilon, normalized_expected - delta, actual_float, expected_float, expected_float, epsilon, normalized_expected + delta] else relation_format = "<<?>-(<?>*<?>)[?] <= <?>+(<?>*<?>)[?] < <?>>" relation_arguments = [expected_float, expected_float, epsilon, normalized_expected - delta, expected_float, expected_float, epsilon, normalized_expected + delta, actual_float] end if relation_format format += <<-EOT Relation: #{relation_format} EOT arguments.concat(relation_arguments) end build_message(message, format, *arguments) end
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1046 def _assert_in_epsilon_validate_arguments(expected_float, actual_float, epsilon) { expected_float => "first float", actual_float => "second float", epsilon => "epsilon" }.each do |float, name| assert_respond_to(float, :to_f, "The arguments must respond to to_f; " + "the #{name} did not") end epsilon = epsilon.to_f assert_operator(epsilon, :>=, 0.0, "The epsilon should not be negative") end
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1666 def _assert_raise(assert_expected_exception, *args, &block) _wrap_assertion do if args.last.is_a?(String) message = args.pop else message = "" end assert_exception_helper =, args) expected = assert_exception_helper.expected_exceptions actual_exception = nil full_message = build_message(message, "<?> exception was expected " + "but none was thrown.", expected) assert_block(full_message) do begin yield false rescue Exception => actual_exception true end end, assert_exception_helper, actual_exception) actual_exception end end
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1695 def _set_failed_information(failure, expected, actual) failure.expected = expected failure.actual = actual failure.inspected_expected = AssertionMessage.convert(expected) failure.inspected_actual = AssertionMessage.convert(actual) end
# File test-unit-3.3.4/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1632 def _wrap_assertion(&block) @_assertion_wrapped ||= false if @_assertion_wrapped else @_assertion_wrapped = true begin add_assertion ensure @_assertion_wrapped = false end end end