class TypeProf::Core::MethodDeclBox
Public Class Methods
new(node, genv, cpath, singleton, mid, method_types, overloading)
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Calls superclass method
# File typeprof-0.30.1/lib/typeprof/core/graph/box.rb, line 96 def initialize(node, genv, cpath, singleton, mid, method_types, overloading) super(node) @cpath = cpath @singleton = singleton @mid = mid @method_types = method_types @overloading = overloading @ret = me = genv.resolve_method(@cpath, @singleton, @mid) me.add_decl(self) me.add_run_all_method_call_boxes(genv) me.add_run_all_mdefs(genv) end
Public Instance Methods
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# File typeprof-0.30.1/lib/typeprof/core/graph/box.rb, line 115 def destroy(genv) me = genv.resolve_method(@cpath, @singleton, @mid) me.remove_decl(self) me.add_run_all_method_call_boxes(genv) end
match_arguments?(genv, changes, param_map, a_args, method_type)
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# File typeprof-0.30.1/lib/typeprof/core/graph/box.rb, line 121 def match_arguments?(genv, changes, param_map, a_args, method_type) # TODO: handle a tuple as a splat argument? if a_args.splat_flags.any? return false unless method_type.rest_positionals method_type.req_positionals.size.times do |i| return false if a_args.splat_flags[i] end method_type.post_positionals.size.times do |i| return false if a_args.splat_flags[-i - 1] end else actual = a_args.positionals.size required_formal = method_type.req_positionals.size + method_type.post_positionals.size if actual < required_formal # too few actual arguments return false end if !method_type.rest_positionals && actual > required_formal + method_type.opt_positionals.size # too many actual arguments return false end end method_type.req_positionals.each_with_index do |ty, i| f_arg = ty.contravariant_vertex(genv, changes, param_map) return false unless a_args.positionals[i].check_match(genv, changes, f_arg) end method_type.post_positionals.each_with_index do |ty, i| f_arg = ty.contravariant_vertex(genv, changes, param_map) i -= method_type.post_positionals.size return false unless a_args.positionals[i].check_match(genv, changes, f_arg) end start_rest = method_type.req_positionals.size end_rest = a_args.positionals.size - method_type.post_positionals.size i = 0 while i < method_type.opt_positionals.size && start_rest < end_rest break if a_args.splat_flags[start_rest] f_arg = method_type.opt_positionals[i].contravariant_vertex(genv, changes, param_map) return false unless a_args.positionals[start_rest].check_match(genv, changes, f_arg) i += 1 start_rest += 1 end if start_rest < end_rest vtxs = a_args.get_rest_args(genv, start_rest, end_rest) while i < method_type.opt_positionals.size f_arg = method_type.opt_positionals[i].contravariant_vertex(genv, changes, param_map) return false if vtxs.any? {|vtx| !vtx.check_match(genv, changes, f_arg) } i += 1 end if method_type.rest_positionals f_arg = method_type.rest_positionals.contravariant_vertex(genv, changes, param_map) return false if vtxs.any? {|vtx| !vtx.check_match(genv, changes, f_arg) } end end return true end
resolve_overloads(changes, genv, node, param_map, a_args, ret) { |method_type| ... }
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# File typeprof-0.30.1/lib/typeprof/core/graph/box.rb, line 182 def resolve_overloads(changes, genv, node, param_map, a_args, ret) match_any_overload = false @method_types.each do |method_type| param_map0 = param_map.dup if method_type.type_params do |var, vtx| param_map0[var] = vtx end end next unless match_arguments?(genv, changes, param_map0, a_args, method_type) rbs_blk = method_type.block next if method_type.block_required && !a_args.block next if !rbs_blk && a_args.block if rbs_blk && a_args.block # rbs_blk_func.optional_keywords, ... a_args.block.each_type do |ty| case ty when Type::Proc blk_f_ret = rbs_blk.return_type.contravariant_vertex(genv, changes, param_map0) blk_a_args = do |blk_a_arg| blk_a_arg.covariant_vertex(genv, changes, param_map0) end ty.block.accept_args(genv, changes, blk_a_args, blk_f_ret, true) end end end ret_vtx = method_type.return_type.covariant_vertex(genv, changes, param_map0) changes.add_edge(genv, ret_vtx, ret) match_any_overload = true end unless match_any_overload meth = node.mid_code_range ? :mid_code_range : :code_range changes.add_diagnostic(meth, "failed to resolve overloads") end end
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# File typeprof-0.30.1/lib/typeprof/core/graph/box.rb, line 222 def show do |method_type| args = [] method_type.req_positionals.each do |arg| args << end method_type.opt_positionals.each do |arg| args << "?#{}" end if method_type.rest_positionals args << "*#{}" end method_type.post_positionals.each do |arg| args << end method_type.req_keywords.each do |key, arg| args << "#{ key }: #{}" end method_type.opt_keywords.each do |key, arg| args << "?#{ key }: #{}" end if method_type.rest_keywords args << "**#{}" end s = args.empty? ? "-> " : "(#{ args.join(", ") }) -> " s += end.join(" | ") end