class ReplTypeCompletor::Result
Public Class Methods
new(analyze_result, binding, source_file)
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# File repl_type_completor-0.1.9/lib/repl_type_completor/result.rb, line 35 def initialize(analyze_result, binding, source_file) @analyze_result = analyze_result @binding = binding @source_file = source_file end
Public Instance Methods
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# File repl_type_completor-0.1.9/lib/repl_type_completor/result.rb, line 41 def completion_candidates verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil candidates = case @analyze_result in [:require, name] RequirePaths.require_completions(name) in [:require_relative, name] RequirePaths.require_relative_completions(name, @source_file) in [:call_or_const, name, type, self_call] ((self_call ? type.all_methods : type.methods).map(&:to_s) - HIDDEN_METHODS) | type.constants in [:const, name, type, scope] if type scope_constants = type.types.flat_map do |t| scope.table_module_constants(t.module_or_class) if t.is_a?(Types::SingletonType) end (scope_constants.compact | else scope.constants.sort | RESERVED_WORDS end in [:ivar, name, scope] ivars = scope.instance_variables.sort name == '@' ? ivars + scope.class_variables.sort : ivars in [:cvar, name, scope] scope.class_variables in [:gvar, name, scope] scope.global_variables in [:symbol, name] filter_symbol_candidates(Symbol.all_symbols, name, limit: 100) in [:call, name, type, self_call] (self_call ? type.all_methods : type.methods).map(&:to_s) - HIDDEN_METHODS in [:lvar_or_method, name, scope] | scope.local_variables | RESERVED_WORDS else [] end { _1.start_with?(name) }.map { _1[name.size..] } rescue Exception => e ReplTypeCompletor.handle_exception(e) [] ensure $VERBOSE = verbose end
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# File repl_type_completor-0.1.9/lib/repl_type_completor/result.rb, line 83 def doc_namespace(matched) verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil case @analyze_result in [:call_or_const, prefix, type, _self_call] call_or_const_doc type, prefix + matched in [:const, prefix, type, scope] if type call_or_const_doc type, prefix + matched else value_doc scope[prefix + matched] end in [:gvar, prefix, scope] value_doc scope[prefix + matched] in [:ivar, prefix, scope] value_doc scope[prefix + matched] in [:cvar, prefix, scope] value_doc scope[prefix + matched] in [:call, prefix, type, _self_call] method_doc type, prefix + matched in [:lvar_or_method, prefix, scope] if scope.local_variables.include?(prefix + matched) value_doc scope[prefix + matched] else method_doc scope.self_type, prefix + matched end else end rescue Exception => e ReplTypeCompletor.handle_exception(e) nil ensure $VERBOSE = verbose end
Private Instance Methods
call_or_const_doc(type, name)
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# File repl_type_completor-0.1.9/lib/repl_type_completor/result.rb, line 148 def call_or_const_doc(type, name) if name =~ /\A[A-Z]/ type = type.types.grep(Types::SingletonType).find { _1.module_or_class.const_defined?(name) } type.module_or_class == Object ? name : "#{Types.class_name_of(type.module_or_class)}::#{name}" if type else method_doc(type, name) end end
filter_symbol_candidates(symbols, prefix, limit:)
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# File repl_type_completor-0.1.9/lib/repl_type_completor/result.rb, line 119 def filter_symbol_candidates(symbols, prefix, limit:) sym_prefix = ":#{prefix}" candidates = symbols.filter_map do |s| next unless s.start_with?(prefix) # Fast and inaccurate check before calling inspect inspect = s.inspect inspect[1..] if inspect.start_with?(sym_prefix) # Reject `:"a b"` when completing `:a` rescue EncodingError # ignore end if candidates.size > limit # min(n) + max(n) is faster than sort and slice candidates.min(limit - limit / 2) + candidates.max(limit / 2).reverse else candidates.sort end end
method_doc(type, name)
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# File repl_type_completor-0.1.9/lib/repl_type_completor/result.rb, line 138 def method_doc(type, name) type = type.types.find { _1.all_methods.include? name.to_sym } case type when Types::SingletonType "#{Types.class_name_of(type.module_or_class)}.#{name}" when Types::InstanceType "#{Types.class_name_of(type.klass)}##{name}" end end
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# File repl_type_completor-0.1.9/lib/repl_type_completor/result.rb, line 157 def value_doc(type) return unless type type.types.each do |t| case t when Types::SingletonType return Types.class_name_of(t.module_or_class) when Types::InstanceType return Types.class_name_of(t.klass) end end nil end