class DEBUGGER__::Console
- FH
Public Class Methods
click to toggle source
# File debug-1.10.0/lib/debug/console.rb, line 176 def initialize @init_history_lines = nil end
Public Instance Methods
click to toggle source
# File debug-1.10.0/lib/debug/console.rb, line 186 def deactivate if history && @init_history_lines added_records = history.to_a[@init_history_lines .. -1] path = history_file max = CONFIG[:save_history] if !added_records.empty? && !path.empty? orig_records = read_history_file open(history_file, 'w'){|f| (orig_records + added_records).last(max).each{|line| if !line.start_with?(FH) && !line.strip.empty? f.puts line.strip end } } end end end
click to toggle source
# File debug-1.10.0/lib/debug/console.rb, line 90 def get_command line case line.chomp when /\A(\s*[a-z]+)(\s.*)?\z$/ return $1.strip, $2 else line.strip end end
click to toggle source
# File debug-1.10.0/lib/debug/console.rb, line 105 def history Reline::HISTORY end
click to toggle source
# File debug-1.10.0/lib/debug/console.rb, line 155 def history_file history_file = CONFIG[:history_file] if !history_file.empty? File.expand_path(history_file) else history_file end end
click to toggle source
# File debug-1.10.0/lib/debug/console.rb, line 205 def load_history read_history_file.each{|line| line.strip! history << line unless line.empty? } if history.empty? history.count end
click to toggle source
# File debug-1.10.0/lib/debug/console.rb, line 180 def load_history_if_not_loaded return if @init_history_lines @init_history_lines = load_history end
parse_input(buff, commands)
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# File debug-1.10.0/lib/debug/console.rb, line 12 def parse_input buff, commands c, rest = get_command buff case when commands.keys.include?(c) :command when !rest && /\A\s*[a-z]*\z/ =~ c nil else :ruby end end
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# File debug-1.10.0/lib/debug/console.rb, line 167 def read_history_file if history && File.exist?(path = history_file) f = (['', 'DAI-', 'CHU-', 'SHO-'].map{|e| e+'KICHI'}+['KYO']).sample ["#{FH}#{f}".dup] + File.readlines(path) else [] end end
click to toggle source
# File debug-1.10.0/lib/debug/console.rb, line 99 def readline prompt readline_setup prompt do Reline.readmultiline(prompt, true){ true } end end
readline_setup(prompt) { || ... }
click to toggle source
# File debug-1.10.0/lib/debug/console.rb, line 24 def readline_setup prompt load_history_if_not_loaded commands = DEBUGGER__.commands prev_completion_proc = Reline.completion_proc prev_output_modifier_proc = Reline.output_modifier_proc prev_prompt_proc = Reline.prompt_proc # prompt state state = nil # :command, :ruby, nil (unknown) Reline.prompt_proc = -> args, *kw do case state = parse_input(args.first, commands) when nil, :command [prompt] when :ruby [prompt.sub('rdbg'){colorize('ruby', [:RED])}] end * args.size end Reline.completion_proc = -> given do buff = Reline.line_buffer Reline.completion_append_character= ' ' if /\s/ =~ buff # second parameters given = File.expand_path(given + 'a').sub(/a\z/, '') files = Dir.glob(given + '*') if files.size == 1 && Reline.completion_append_character= '/' end files else commands.keys.grep(/\A#{Regexp.escape(given)}/) end end Reline.output_modifier_proc = -> buff, **kw do c, rest = get_command buff case state when :command cmd = colorize(c, [:CYAN, :UNDERLINE]) if commands[c] == c rprompt = colorize(" # command", [:DIM]) else rprompt = colorize(" # #{commands[c]} command", [:DIM]) end rest = rest ? colorize_code(rest) : '' cmd + rest + rprompt when nil buff when :ruby colorize_code(buff) end end unless CONFIG[:no_hint] yield ensure Reline.completion_proc = prev_completion_proc Reline.output_modifier_proc = prev_output_modifier_proc Reline.prompt_proc = prev_prompt_proc end