class Bundler::RubyGemsGemInstaller
Public Instance Methods
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Calls superclass method
# File bundler/rubygems_gem_installer.rb, line 106 def build_extensions extension_cache_path = options[:bundler_extension_cache_path] extension_dir = spec.extension_dir unless extension_cache_path && extension_dir prepare_extension_build(extension_dir) return super end build_complete = SharedHelpers.filesystem_access(extension_cache_path.join("gem.build_complete"), :read, &:file?) if build_complete && !options[:force] SharedHelpers.filesystem_access(File.dirname(extension_dir)) do |p| FileUtils.mkpath p end SharedHelpers.filesystem_access(extension_cache_path) do FileUtils.cp_r extension_cache_path, extension_dir end else prepare_extension_build(extension_dir) super SharedHelpers.filesystem_access(extension_cache_path.parent, &:mkpath) SharedHelpers.filesystem_access(extension_cache_path) do FileUtils.cp_r extension_dir, extension_cache_path end end end
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# File bundler/rubygems_gem_installer.rb, line 7 def check_executable_overwrite(filename) # Bundler needs to install gems regardless of binstub overwriting end
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Calls superclass method
# File bundler/rubygems_gem_installer.rb, line 63 def ensure_writable_dir(dir) super rescue Gem::FilePermissionError # Ignore permission checks in RubyGems. Instead, go on, and try to write # for real. We properly handle permission errors when they happen. nil end
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# File bundler/rubygems_gem_installer.rb, line 140 def gem_checksum Checksum.from_gem_package(@package) end
generate_bin_script(filename, bindir)
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# File bundler/rubygems_gem_installer.rb, line 87 def generate_bin_script(filename, bindir) bin_script_path = File.join bindir, formatted_program_filename(filename) Gem.open_file_with_lock(bin_script_path) do require "fileutils" FileUtils.rm_f bin_script_path # prior install may have been --no-wrappers, "wb", 0o755) do |file| file.write app_script_text(filename) file.chmod(options[:prog_mode] || 0o755) end end verbose bin_script_path generate_windows_script filename, bindir end
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# File bundler/rubygems_gem_installer.rb, line 71 def generate_plugins return unless Gem::Installer.instance_methods(false).include?(:generate_plugins) latest = Gem::Specification.stubs_for( return if latest && latest.version > spec.version ensure_writable_dir @plugins_dir if spec.plugins.empty? remove_plugins_for(spec, @plugins_dir) else regenerate_plugins_for(spec, @plugins_dir) end end
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# File bundler/rubygems_gem_installer.rb, line 11 def install pre_install_checks run_pre_install_hooks spec.loaded_from = spec_file # Completely remove any previous gem files strict_rm_rf gem_dir strict_rm_rf spec.extension_dir SharedHelpers.filesystem_access(gem_dir, :create) do FileUtils.mkdir_p gem_dir, mode: 0o755 end SharedHelpers.filesystem_access(gem_dir, :write) do extract_files end build_extensions if spec.extensions.any? write_build_info_file run_post_build_hooks SharedHelpers.filesystem_access(bin_dir, :write) do generate_bin end generate_plugins write_spec SharedHelpers.filesystem_access("#{gem_home}/cache", :write) do write_cache_file end say spec.post_install_message unless spec.post_install_message.nil? run_post_install_hooks spec end
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Calls superclass method
# File bundler/rubygems_gem_installer.rb, line 54 def pre_install_checks super rescue Gem::FilePermissionError # Ignore permission checks in RubyGems. Instead, go on, and try to write # for real. We properly handle permission errors when they happen. nil end
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Calls superclass method
# File bundler/rubygems_gem_installer.rb, line 132 def spec if Bundler.rubygems.provides?("< 3.3.12") # RubyGems implementation rescues and re-raises errors before 3.3.12 and we don't want that @package.spec else super end end
Private Instance Methods
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# File bundler/rubygems_gem_installer.rb, line 146 def prepare_extension_build(extension_dir) SharedHelpers.filesystem_access(extension_dir, :create) do FileUtils.mkdir_p extension_dir end end
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# File bundler/rubygems_gem_installer.rb, line 152 def strict_rm_rf(dir) return unless File.exist?(dir) return if Dir.empty?(dir) parent = File.dirname(dir) parent_st = File.stat(parent) if parent_st.world_writable? && !parent_st.sticky? raise, dir) end begin FileUtils.remove_entry_secure(dir) rescue StandardError => e raise unless File.exist?(dir) raise, "Could not delete previous installation of `#{dir}`") end end