module Bundler::RubyDsl
Public Instance Methods
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Support the various file formats found in .ruby-version files.
3.2.2 ruby-3.2.2
Also supports .tool-versions files for asdf. Lines not starting with “ruby” are ignored.
ruby 2.5.1 # comment is ignored ruby 2.5.1# close comment and extra spaces doesn't confuse
Intentionally does not support ‘3.2.1@gemset` since rvm recommends using .ruby-gemset instead
# File bundler/ruby_dsl.rb, line 35 def normalize_ruby_file(filename) file_content = Bundler.read_file(Bundler.root.join(filename)) # match "ruby-3.2.2" or "ruby 3.2.2" capturing version string up to the first space or comment if /^ruby(-|\s+)([^\s#]+)/.match(file_content) $2 else file_content.strip end end
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# File bundler/ruby_dsl.rb, line 5 def ruby(*ruby_version) options = ruby_version.last.is_a?(Hash) ? ruby_version.pop : {} ruby_version.flatten! raise GemfileError, "Please define :engine_version" if options[:engine] && options[:engine_version].nil? raise GemfileError, "Please define :engine" if options[:engine_version] && options[:engine].nil? if options[:file] raise GemfileError, "Do not pass version argument when using :file option" unless ruby_version.empty? ruby_version << normalize_ruby_file(options[:file]) end if options[:engine] == "ruby" && options[:engine_version] && ruby_version != Array(options[:engine_version]) raise GemfileEvalError, "ruby_version must match the :engine_version for MRI" end @ruby_version =, options[:patchlevel], options[:engine], options[:engine_version]) end