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  • forwardable.rb

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The SingleForwardable module provides delegation of specified methods to a designated object, using the methods def_delegator and def_delegators. This module is similar to Forwardable, but it works on objects themselves, instead of their defining classes.

Also see the example at forwardable.rb.

Public Instance Methods

def_delegator(accessor, method, ali = method) click to toggle source
def_delegators(accessor, *methods) click to toggle source
def_singleton_delegator(accessor, method, ali = method) click to toggle source

Defines a method method which delegates to obj (i.e. it calls the method of the same name in obj). If new_name is provided, it is used as the name for the delegate method.

See the example at forwardable.rb.

               # File forwardable.rb, line 199
  def def_singleton_delegator(accessor, method, ali = method)
    accessor = accessor.id2name if accessor.kind_of?(Integer)
    method = method.id2name if method.kind_of?(Integer)
    ali = ali.id2name if ali.kind_of?(Integer)

    instance_eval(<<-EOS, "(__FORWARDABLE__)", 1)
       def #{ali}(*args, &block)
           #{accessor}.__send__(:#{method}, *args,&block)
         rescue Exception
           $@.delete_if{|s| /^\\(__FORWARDABLE__\\):/ =~ s} unless Forwardable::debug
Also aliased as: def_delegator
def_singleton_delegators(accessor, *methods) click to toggle source

Shortcut for defining multiple delegator methods, but with no provision for using a different name. The following two code samples have the same effect:

single_forwardable.def_delegators :@records, :size, :<<, :map

single_forwardable.def_delegator :@records, :size
single_forwardable.def_delegator :@records, :<<
single_forwardable.def_delegator :@records, :map

See the example at forwardable.rb.

               # File forwardable.rb, line 186
def def_singleton_delegators(accessor, *methods)
  for method in methods
    def_singleton_delegator(accessor, method)
Also aliased as: def_delegators