Last Modified
2015-10-03 10:22:32 -0500



mrb_value mrb_range_new(mrb_state*, mrb_value, mrb_value, mrb_bool);

Initializes a Range. The first mrb_value being the beginning value and second being the ending value. The third parameter is an mrb_bool value that represents the inclusion or exclusion of the last value. If the third parameter is 0 then it includes the last value in the range. If the third parameter is 1 then it excludes the last value in the range. C code “`C include <stdio.h> include <mruby.h> include “mruby/range.h” // Needs the range header. include “mruby/compile.h”

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { mrb_int beg = 0; mrb_int end = 2; mrb_bool exclude = 1; mrb_value range_obj; mrb_state *mrb = mrb_open(); if (!mrb) { handle error } FILE *fp = fopen(“test.rb”,“r”); range_obj = mrb_range_new(mrb, mrb_fixnum_value(beg), mrb_fixnum_value(end), exclude); mrb_value obj = mrb_load_file(mrb,fp); mrb_funcall(mrb, obj, “method_name”, 1, range_obj); fclose(fp); mrb_close(mrb); return 0; } Ruby code Ruby class Example_Class def method_name(a) puts a puts a.class end end This returns the following: Ruby 0…2 Range “`

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